Evil Clowns and Radical Ringmasters of the Anti-Capitalist Revolution in Denver

Community  Organizers are waging Astroturf Lawfare in Colorado Denver, November 2, 2011 – by El Marco What follows is a close look at the leftist lawfare campaign of uncivil agitation as it unfolded in Denver last week. Denver, like other cities that have Occupy manifestations, is faced by a core of protesters from anarchist groups, labor…

Neo-Cannibals, Deadbeats, Dopers and Democrats Occupy Denver

Back with a Vengeance, Evicted Protesters Take the Streets Denver, October 16, 2011  –  by El Marco “Occupy Denver” returned to the streets with a vengeance Saturday after being expelled, having their camp forcibly removed from Veterans’ Park by police at 4 a.m. Friday morning. October 15 was declared International Day of Action, which saw…