Conservative Woodstock Rocks the Capital

Patriotic anti-big-government taxpayers blast through the million protester mark. September 12, 2009, Washington, D.C.  –  by EL MARCO Americans flooded D.C. in what people in the crowd were calling “a conservative Woodstock”. Like the liberal Woodstock of the ’60s, thousands were rumored stranded on freeways. Some walked in to DC, ditching their cars and busses.…

Doctors Against Obamacare – Rally in D.C.

September 10, 2009, Washington, D.C.  –  by EL MARCO Today doctors, nurses and other medical professionals came to Washington, D.C. from across the country to show their opposition to Obamacare. This rally exploded the government-created myth that there is unanimity amongst health care professionals for Democrat plans to take over health care. The Association of American Physicians…