Tea Party Express Gathers Steam Across America

As Democrats in Washington plan a cram down of their massive health care bill, America’s burgeoning Tea Party movement is gathering momentum. The call has gone out to converge on the nation’s capital Thursday and confront lawmakers face to face in their offices. The Tea Party Express bus tours November 3rd Denver stop coincided with Election Day 2009.…

• Colorado Says No To Obama’s Package of Pork

Denver Feb. 17 2009  –  by El Marco As Obama arrived at Denver International Airport, hundreds of citizens gathered on the steps of the Colorado State Capital to let their disagreement with Obama’s economic policies be known. “FDR’s Treasury secretary and close friend, Henry Morganthau, conceded this fact to Congressional Democrats in May 1939: “We…


Washington, D.C. September, 2005 Melanie Morgan, who organized the event, is Co-Chair of Move America Forward. She is also a radio talk show host on San Francisco’s KSFO AM560 Lee Rodgers Show. She initiated the recall of Gov. Gray Davis in California, pushed the ecological issue of banning MTBE in the gas there, and has…