Spanish Unions Revolt Against Labor and Fiscal Reform

Madrid protests fail to intimidate retail sector. Madrid, March 31, 2012, by El Marco Thursday’s general srike in Madrid, unlike Barcelona’s, was largely a pacific affair. Two communist unions, the CCOO and the UGT, did their best to shut down the capital of Spain, and were met with solid resistance from the retail sector. The…

Zuccotti Utopia: Portraits of The New Revolutionaries

The Rise and Demise of the Zuccotti Park Commune  November 23, 2011, by El Marco I recently traveled from Colorado to New York the weekend before the demise of the revolutionary social experiment in lower Manhattan known as Occupy Wall Street’s “Camp Anonymous.” I went intending to capture for posterity photographic images of the people…

Evil Clowns and Radical Ringmasters of the Anti-Capitalist Revolution in Denver

Community  Organizers are waging Astroturf Lawfare in Colorado Denver, November 2, 2011 – by El Marco What follows is a close look at the leftist lawfare campaign of uncivil agitation as it unfolded in Denver last week. Denver, like other cities that have Occupy manifestations, is faced by a core of protesters from anarchist groups, labor…

Neo-Cannibals, Deadbeats, Dopers and Democrats Occupy Denver

Back with a Vengeance, Evicted Protesters Take the Streets Denver, October 16, 2011  –  by El Marco “Occupy Denver” returned to the streets with a vengeance Saturday after being expelled, having their camp forcibly removed from Veterans’ Park by police at 4 a.m. Friday morning. October 15 was declared International Day of Action, which saw…

Racism and Incivility Aimed at Tea Party in Denver

Union Thugs and Teachers Lash Out at Taxpayers Denver, February 22, 2011 by El Marco White House political arm, Organizing for America, teamed up with Service Employees International Union (SEIU), for their latest astroturfing effort in Denver. Teamsters and other workers were bussed in to the Colorado State Capitol in an increasing effort by the White House…

African Immigrant Leaders Support Tancredo, Angry at Obama

What NPR will never tell you about Tancredo … or Obama October 25, 2010, DENVER – by El Marco Colorado gubernatorial candidate Tom Tancredo is an extraordinary man with no shortage of friends, and detractors. Tancredo has been branded a racist by the political left for being a leading critic of illegal immigration, and yet he…

Democrats, Union Workers, and Communists Rally Together in Washington

Unmotivated, Lethargic Astroturfers Trash the Nation’s Capital Washington D.C. Oct. 3, 2010 – By El Marco The lines between the Democratic Party, labor unions, socialist and communist organizations, were blurred at the One Nation Working Together rally at the Lincoln Memorial on Saturday. Organized by One Nation Working Together, which is headed by the cream of…

President Obama’s Rwanda Moment

Sudanese refugees say Obama broke his promise to them. Sept. 24, 2010 – by El Marco A small group of Sudanese former slaves and refugees, both Christians and Muslims, are walking from New York City to Washington, D.C. The walk began on Sept. 15 in front of the United Nations, and will culminate on Capitol…

Historic 9/11 Stop the Mosque at Ground Zero Rally

Massive Media Distortion of Massive Rally in New York City New York, NY  September 16, 2010 – by El Marco This year’s anniversary of the 9/11 islamic terrorist attacks brought thousands of opponents and supporters of the controversial “ground zero mosque” to lower Manhattan in New York City. The American people yet again have been…

Geert Wilders Warns America at 9/11 Remembrance Rally

9/11 Ground Zero Mosque Protest gathers Victims’ Family Members, NYPD, FDNY, Veterans to hear courageous Dutch MP New York, N.Y. 9/11, 2010, by El Marco Dutch Member of Parliament, Geert Wilders, arrived in New York under intense security on 9/11. He leads the new Freedom Party (PVV) which is currently negotiating to form a complicated ruling…