• DNC, 2008 Denver End the Occupation March and Reclaim the Streets Party

The banner behind the speakers at the Recreate 68 End the Occupation event. Cindy Sheehan, Ward Churchill, Cynthia McKinney, and other sordid characters spoke in front of this banner on Sunday morning before the march left the Capital for the Pepsi Center at noon.
When Recreate 68 whined because they didn’t get the park they wanted in the permit lottery process, the Colorado State government let them use the front of the State Capitol for their event. This 5′ x 8′ sign was put on the right column of the central front door of the State Capitol building. It depicts the angel of death with stars and stripes and an official portrait of Sadaam as a gentleman about to become a victim of America.

Anti-imperialist solidarity with Islamist imperialists (caliphate = empire) The sun shining through the El Sadr banner reveals it to be a (presumably stolen) Coors banner. Mookie would NOT approve! Off with their hands.
More information and pictures will be added later; I’m off to take pictures of today’s goings on. My estimate is that somewhere under 1,000 demonstrators showed up on Sunday, not the 50,000 people organizers were expecting.
Recreate68 is one of the organizations behind the madness.
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="350" caption="Speaking Truth to Moonbats"][/caption] Bruce Weinstein sends along his latest column in Business Week, “The Ethics of Protesting.” A Code of Ethics for Protesting Yes, we have a responsibi…
[…] are protesting. I refuse to post pictures of those idiots (plenty of those at Pajamas Media and Looking At The Left), however I’d much prefer to post three specific pictures of counter protesters who obvious […]
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