Stop the Mosque at Ground Zero Rally – Part I

New York City, Sunday, June 6, 2010, – by El Marco
Pamela Geller, the co-founder of Stop Islamization of America, speaks passionately about jihad, sharia, and why the idea of a mosque in this spot is so wrong.
“We are here today in honor of D-Day, when the Allied Forces began to defeat Nazism. And the symbolism should not be lost. Not only should the symbolism not be lost, but we’re on the corner of Church and Liberty.
Ground Zero is a war memorial. Ground Zero is a burial ground…We are asking for sensitivity…
This is part of the plane that went into the Trade Center, that’s in the Burlington Coat Factory (the building that was bought with mysterious funding for the mosque). Designate it as a historic landmark, like Pearl Harbor. We are going to sue the U.S. Government to get a designation of war memorial status.”
The crowd gathers. Tower 7 is the tall building in the background.
Simon Deng, who was enslaved as a child by Arabs in his native land, Sudan, addresses rally.
Slavery, genocide, terrorism and sharia must not be tolerated. Many Americans, including Mayor Bloomberg, don’t understand enough about what Islamic countries are like. Even in the more moderate moslem countries, like Egypt, churches are burned and there is no tolerance of other religions.
Former Moslem Noni Darwish, who grew up in Gaza and Egypt, also addressed the rally. She said:
“We are threatened right here in America by mosques that are issuing fatwas against us…I understand the symbolism of a mosque…they’ve been built historically on the sites of Jewish temples, churches, Hindu temples — it’s a sign of being conquered. After they conquer a country, every church, every temple, must be converted to a mosque. You know the people who come here and ask for sensitivity training: where are the churches in Saudi Arabia? Even in Egypt, the churches have been burned…Do we need an area of pilgrimage for muslims in New York? Our 3,000 fellow Americans who were killed on 9/11 are looking down on us, and they are saying we don’t want to hear “Allah hu Akbar” any more.”
Robert Spencer of Jihadwatch. From his report:
“By the time the rally was in full swing, the crowd filled the pens, the park, and the other side of the street. Police estimated that 5,000 people were there, and other estimates ranged as high as 10,000. The crowd carried signs expressing their love for freedom, their contempt for Sharia, and their anger at Islamic supremacism and insult to the memories of those murdered on 9/11 that this mosque represents.
And we had a full spectrum of top quality speakers. There were 9/11 family members, including C. Lee Hanson, who lost his son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter on 9/11. There were people who experienced the oppression of Sharia firsthand, such as the Egyptian ex-Muslim Nonie Darwish, the Sudanese ex-slave Simon Deng, and the Hindu human rights activist Babu Suseelan. There was Dennis McKenna, who worked recovering remains from the ruins of the World Trade Center; Alan T. DeVona, the patrol sergeant on duty on September 11, 2001; and Keith LeBow, an ironworker who was one of the first responders on the scene on September 11. There was Herb London of the Hudson Institute and Beverly Carlson of the Band of Mothers — and a host of other speakers, all lovers of America and lovers of freedom.
The theme among all the speakers was common: the mosque is an insult to the Americans who were murdered there. It is a manifestation of a radically intolerant belief system that is incompatible with the freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. And even with all the political elites against us, and the mainstream media indifferent or compromised (5,000 to 10,000 people at the rally, and no mainstream media coverage!), we will prevail. All we have on our side is the truth.”
There are moslems who understand that the location for the mosque is a bad idea too. In an editorial in today’s Boston Globe, Jeff Jacoby writes:
“Stephen Suleyman Schwartz, a devout Muslim and director of the Center for Islamic Pluralism in Washington, notes that the spiritual leader of the Cordoba Initiative, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, describes himself as a Sufi — a Muslim focused onIslamic mysticism and spiritual wisdom. But “building a 15-story Islamic center at ground zero isn’t something a Sufi would do,’’ according to Schwartz, also a practitioner of Sufism. “Sufism is supposed to be based on sensitivity toward others,’’ yet Cordoba House comes across as “grossly insensitive.’’ He rejects Rauf’s stance that a highly visible Muslim presence at ground zero is the way to make a statement opposing what happened on 9/11. Better, in his view, is the approach of many Muslims “who hate terrorism and who have gone privately to the site and recited prayers for the dead silently and unperceived by others.’’
Dan Maloney of Gathering of Eagles, a veterans’ group whose motto is “fighting the insurgency at home”. Our men and women who are deployed in the middle east and elsewhere are putting their lives on the line, but so are those who are speaking out against radical Islam here at home.
The brave organizer, Pamela Geller. See her amazing blog, Atlas Shrugs. There are videos, interviews, and text about the Ground Zero mosque, about honor killings, sharia, and much more. Add it to your daily reading list if you want to understand Islam and the middle east.
Many more photos to follow later – come back soon for Part 2!
Update: videos of speeches are up at No Mosque at Ground Zero.
Commentary from the inimitable Pat Condell, who calls Cordoba House a “towering triumphalist mosque”:
…”It would be hard to imagine a more provocative gesture, short of standing on their graves and burning the American flag. Yet, how typical of Islam: with its own hair-trigger sensitivity to the slightest imagined insult, to do something so arrogant and so insensitive…
A much more appropriate place for a mosque would be the United Nations. It’s become so islamo-friendly in recent years I’m surprised it doesn’t already have a minaret…
Cordoba is the city in southern Spain where muslims built their first great mosque at the start of, and as a symbol of, their conquest of Spain. The Ground Zero mosque is intended to serve the same purpose in America. Building mosques on conquered sacred ground is standard practice. It’s what Islam has always done to assert its supremacy and that is what’s happening here…
And of course they know how offensive it is, how insulting it is…and they also know that once it’s there it’ll be there forever, as a permanent affront to all Americans, gloating in triumph, and a major bridgehead in the ongoing stealth jihad. That’s how the muslim world will see it, and that’s how they’ll be encouraged to see it. And to be fair to them, that’s exactly what it will be: confirming what they’ve always suspected – that America is a soft country, a decadent country, crippled by political correctness, confused and guilt-ridden, with no backbone and no pride…
They plan to open it on the tenth anniversary of the atrocity. Is that tasteless enough for you? I’m surprised they didn’t organize a 757 fly-past…
But you know, it doesn’t have to be this way. Here in London, we had a similar situation just recently, where they wanted to build a giant mosque to overshadow the Olympic Games. Public opinion put a stop to that, and public opinion can put an end to this as well…”
Why don’t they built a SYNAGOGUE instead!!! I like the Jews they are peaceful nation it is always the Muslim persecuting them!! why allowing the bad to enter our country? don’t let them win America wake up!! this is one religion that u don’t want to be involved with!! they have no morals they teach little kids our to kill we teach kids how to be kids and learn valuable stuff. It would be the biggest insult for America.
America need to stop saying everyone should be treated the same sometimes i hate that because that is how bad religion get tolerated, this is a fuck up nation if we let that happen they will rule and it will be to late to change that! America don’t be naive open your eyes and see what they are up to!!! don’t trust them even some might be nice to us! it’s just for a little time and later they will call upon their false god saying Allah Akbar on us and it will be to late!!! wake up wake up wake up America!!!!!
Pleas America wake don’t let it happen!! this is our land not their land! Islam is such a bad religion I wish this nation was never to be exited!! I hate them all with their fuck up mind!!!
[…] This post was Twitted by Vlad_Diaz […]
I love when peace-nik Americans defend muslims when they have no clue what it’s like in muslim nations. Go listen to Brigette Gabriel and Noni Darwish to get an idea of what islam means in a country. It is barbaric! It’s abusive to women and children. There is NO tolerance! This mosque will have far greater meaning and symbolism than some people care to admit. What about the dome of the rock?…the mosque built when muslims conquered a jewish temple? For all of you who want to believe radical muslims are the exception, take a look at this website. It’s not an exception to the thousands murdered in just the last recent years: And for those that say if we deny this mosque to be built we can expect to be denied…we ALREADY ARE! This country wouldn’t even allow a cross to remain as a memorial to war veterans! This country is becoming less and less tolerant of Christians, so what’s the difference?
Bottom line is that you all say that they should not be allowed to biuld this mosque are on a very dangerous slope. You dont seem too realize what you are doing. You are about to shred the bill of rights. once you start down that slop. What if they dont even want to biuld that mosque have any of you stop to think of that. What if what they really want is for us to divide america like we are doing bed the law, shred the constitution just a little because if you stop this mosque from being biult. You do that then everythign that we have fought and bled and die for is over. And they have won
just because 22 fanatics with no sense of reality or proper understanding of their own religion perpetrated an unthinkable act, why should that denegrate the beliefs of the other over one billion muslims in the world. we are not at war against islam. we are at war against terrorists and to say that all muslims are terrorists or all terrorists are muslims is not only untrue but is also the epitome of bigotry. why shouldnt peaceful muslims be allowed to practice their religion in the united states.
Luka, you are wrong! We are at war with Islam! The lame leadership in Washington, D.C. just does not have the balls to admit it! Everything you could possibly want to know about this “insane” religion, we witnessed on Sept. 11, 2001. We will overcome!
Would we say it’s okay for Neo Nazis to build a shrine of any kind next to the concentration camp in Auschwitz?
There are millions of other places to build a mosque.
The choice to build near the site of the worst muslim atrocity ever committed on American soil was a deliberate act by muslim leaders. It is their way to use our laws to allow them to do a victory dance on the graves of their enemies. In case you don’t get what’s plain to see – we are their enemies, and nothing we do to appease them will ever change that. They hate us, and will always hate us. They hate freedom.
i know this is stupid and its a slap in the face to all americans we need to wake up and say no
A mosque at the World Trade Center site is not right. It can be built elsewhere in the United States. The fact that this is even being considered demonstrates the freedom and openess of the United States, a country that is unique and envied by the rest of the world.
why have i never heard an apology from any muslims for the cowardly attack on 911???why have i never heard a muslim denounce the cowards who did this to our country????i’ll tell you why because they are not sorry..islam is a gutter religion created by man..there is no allah, there is only some idiot who wrote a book that promotes hatred of jews (i don’t hate jews because they don’t strap bombs on and kill innocent people and fly planes into buildings purposely killing unarmed people) and women and mankind…don’t even think this mosque will stand
Wake up America. This would be a Victory Monument to Islamic Fanaticism.
This is an atrocity and an insult to the American people and to the people who lost their lives on September 11 and who are still losing their lives in foreign countries. Our politicians need to remember that they are representing AMERICANS and they need to do the right thing for OUR country.
Might as well name one of the buildings for Osama Bin Laden too. Incredible.
It’s called the Cordoba House project which is a plan for a 15-story community center that would include a performance-art center, gym, swimming pool, and a mosque. Not JUST a mosque. AND it’s like 2 blocks away…not RIGHT on ground zero. How can we tell a group of people where they can and cannot worship? You don’t see them doing it to other religious groups. AND if you think about it, it’s a good idea. They wouldn’t bomb that area since there is a holy mosque there.
Erin … Brilliant observation except for one tiny detail. Some of us have noticed that moslems are bombing the hell out of each others mosques all the time in a number of countries. They generally wait for a big holy day when things are really packed and then they use truck bombs or suicide attacks. They have even used retarded children to carry bombs. What they call holy is atrocious to our value system. … Marco
[…] How can it be considered so politically incorrect to question the sources, funding and motives of a quasi political organization called the American Society for Muslim Advancement spear headed by Feisal Abdul Rauf (a guy who is somewhat of a critic of contemporary American Society)? Furthermore, how can someone who claims to want to build bridges of understanding and interfaith dialogue with non-Muslims, not understand that building a headquarters near Ground Zero might actually opes new wounds and otherwise be perceived as being an effort to erect a political symbol? […]
We do not want this at GROUND ZERO
[…] Stop the Mosque at Ground Zero Rally – Part I […]
If the Germans or Japanese wamted to build a restaurant in the White House
during World War 11 would we allow it. The answer is a big NO.
How can our elected officials allow this to happen. Perhaps they did not lose
a loved one in the 9/11 terrorist attack on our wonderful country.
Our forfathers fought hard to have this country be the free country it is today. Why give it away to the people who want to kill us.
Easy way to stop it: we in the construction industry will NOT supply materials or labor to this project. We will NOT submit bids when asked. We will NOT reply to architects requests. And if God Forbid they ever get a permit to build NO ONE in the industry should supply ANYTHING to the project. If any Union than refuses to comply, shut THEM off from ever working in NYC ever again. No cement, no drywall, no steel, etc. equals NO mosque.
These groups are all over Manhattan!!!! We need to stop the growth and STOP this NOW!!!!! There is no place for Islamists in our society. They have their own society STAY THERE!!!! LEAVE US ALONE!!!! Stand NOW or forever hold your peace!!!!
This site is a place of reverence and any reminder such as placing a mosque dedicated to the destruction of all non muslims, is insane. Islam is not a religion and should be banned in the United States. PERIOD!!!
As i see things america is slowly surrendoring all the principals and standards that made it the greatest country ever to exist, with all our short commings and imperfections we are still the place where every one want’s to be and live. i blame all the politicians rep. or dem, they don’t seem to give one hoot about us and our feelings, it matter’s not if it’s local.county,state, they all seem the same, no backbone just false promises over and over. thank god for the Pamela Geller’s of America.
only in 2010 America where “political correct. ” dominates intelligence and the rights of the people have no say. Build a church or temple in Saudi Arabia in equal size…. next to …..//////
I think it is a slap in the face for all those that losst their lives on that horrible day, if we keep letting these type of thing to continue the Muslems will eventually take over the America that we know. we are losing our rights a the American people ask yourself would they allow us to put a huge christian church in their country? HELL NO so they diserve the same respect that they give American people
If this administration allows this ungodly mosque to be built at ground Zero – or anywhere else for that matter – this administration forfeits its right to administer.
no,no,no mosque at Ground Zero …this is the last thing we need in N.Y city
the Mosque is just another reason and a base for them to operat from …never ever!!!
To the other Elizabeth and any others posting in support of letting Muslims build a mosque. If I had had family die there, I would feel that this would dishonor those who died, because the men who did this were doing this in the name of Islam. Just as Christians cannot build a church just anyplace, we have to follow zoning laws, so no one has a right to put a mosque or temple or any other religious or secular building just wherever they please. In this case, the grounds of the World Trade Center should qualify as a buriel site. Not all the bodies or pieces of bodies were recovered or even can be recovered. Therefore, let the decision of what, if any, religious structures can be built there rest with the families of those who died there. This does not inhibit freedom of religion, because Muslims truly are free to build many other places in New York. It merely respects the rights of the families of those who died.
[…] Obama is happy to turn a blind eye to the export of militant Islamism, many Americans are not. See here, here and here how the American public is responding to the mega-distasteful […]
I implore you. Do NOT make a mockery of those brave people who died at the hands of the Islamic jihad on September 11th! By building a mosque on ground zero would be doing just that! STOP THE CONSTRUCTION NOW!
I see the irony of your comments are lost on you. You all sound like raging facsists and racists. So much for land of the free.
Is islam a race? Is communism a race? Is nazism a race? No. They are murderous totalitarian ideologies. The totalitarian impulse in the heart of some people is the ruin of the human race and that is what the US constitution seeks to combat.
Mohammed was one of the worlds purest examples of a sexist totalitarian tyrant, and islam is his self-serving sexist creation. I oppose sharia/islam just as I oppose communist tyranny (100 million murdered up close and personal) and nazism (10-20 million murdered personally and with war) and you should too at the least (one would think) because you are a woman. I have infinite love and respect for women and islamic gender-apartheid as practiced by a growing world movement of wahabi purists is a massive ancient/modern horror, and I hate it and you condone it.
I assume you don’t understand or care because you have not bothered to look at history or keep up with current events. Please study the life of Mohammed who moslems refer to as the perfect man.
The perfect man was the perfect totalitarian mass murderer, ethnic cleanser, slaver/merchant, and woman hater and leader of mass rape campaigns.
We need more women to understand this and help to stop Islamic colonial expansion. Please learn and help to fight this Elizabeth.
Who and what are you? Are you heartless or just a “modern liberal woman” ? … El Marco
A Moslem Mosque should not be constructed at Ground Zero. It is definitely and absolutely an INSULT to those who died on 9/11/01. To those whose lives were lost, the Mosque will be a reminder that Muslim terrorists have triumphed over America.
Stop the construction.
[…] Islamic attack on America. Our first SIOA protest against the mega mosque here, here and here and here was historic, the first protest of its kind in the United […]
[…] -Looking at the Left Never Forget Never Forgive: Stop the Mosque Ground Zero Rally […]
As America’s rebirth begins in Lower Manhattan with the construction of the World Trade Center Memorial and Museum, we ought to consider also the calls from a silent majority of our citizens represented by The Twin Towers Alliance who have called on our leaders to reinstall the pre-9/11 profile to the skyline with state-of-the-art Twin Towers symbolizing Lower Manhattan’s rebirth as a center of international trade and commerce. There is a time and a place for all voices to be heard, including those of the religious and the spiritual, but the call for American values first and foremost that resonates with those who want to maintain the integrity of America’s southern shoreline following the ecological damage done by the BP oil spill, can be heard in resistance to the installation of Islamic shrines in the shadows of an American tragedy at Ground Zero. As stated by renowned Architect Robert A.M. Stern on September 23, 2001 in the New York Times, “We must rebuild the towers. They are a symbol of our achievement as New Yorkers and as Americans and to put them back says that we cannot be defeated.” Until the foot print of free enterprise in the form of a legitimate “World Trade Center” rises questioning the efforts of a Muslim Advancement Society to erect what would be a strategic political symbol (announcing victory for the forces of Political Islam) at this place and time are not the voices of bigotry or intolerance but those of reason questioning the motives of a quasi-spiritual/political movement and they ought not to be dismissed.
[…] the mosque at Ground Zero "… and God bless the kuffar!" SIOA "No Mosque at Ground Zero" Stop the Mosque at Ground Zero Rally Leaving Islam? Get help Testimonies of Those leaving Islam Book Review … Undoubtly, […]
Actually, the government cannot decide which religions can build a religious building and which can’t. If the government says the area around the WTC can have a church built, then it can’t say a mosque can’t be built, no matter the reason. To do so is a violation of free exercise. It would be like saying, no Christian church can be built next to the site the Atlanta Olympics bombing, because the bomber, Eric Rudolph, did so because of his Christian beliefs. While his beliefs are definitely fringe, just because he was motivated by certain religious beliefs would not and should not stop the building of a church. The same with banning the building of a mosque because the actions of radical Muslims on 9/11.
This is a time of war Jerome.
All sorts of restrictions and measures are prudent during wartime. There is a lot of precedent for restricting the movements of enemy groups in US history not least communists during the cold war and Nazis and their allies during WWII. Islamic countries are aggressively colonizing the west including the US as part of their war strategy. I am for immigration generally but against the islamic colonial separatist/supremacist project. It is an abuse of, and threat to, everything free people stand for.
As for comparing Rudolph and Christianity to a state-sponsored civilizational war-effort complete with suicide bombers and global reach is illogical and very sad. I doubt Rudolf was motivated by clergy to do his bombing for a reward in the afterlife. I myself am a Buddhist and I find Christians to be very pacific in word and deed. Your comparison betrays deep prejudice on your part. Rudolph represented Rudolph, not a “fringe”. He was a lone nut and was condemned for what he did by myriad christian voices of authority. Islamic bombers are celebrated in the streets and from the pulpit and given lavish praise high and low in the islamic world. Get a grip on reality Jerome!
El Marco
Enough with the moral equivalency of Christians and radical islamist terrorists, Jerome. There is absolutely no parallel between the horrific events of 9/11/01 enacted by muslims and any other incident that you choose to drag out and whose history you re-write. I do not recall any link between the incident you cite and any religion, so stop with the false choices. Get off your high horse and open your eyes to the fact that the location and opening date (9/11/11) of this mosque is nothing but an insult to all Americans who believe that 9/11 was monstrous, and that it will be seen in the muslim world as a conquering of a weak America.
[…] pictures at The Peoples Cube and Looking at the Left and Urban Infidel .More posts are adding to the pictures of the THOUSANDS (don’t let […]
It is time for the politicos to listen to the AMERICAN PEOPLE….Read our lips: NO MOSQUE. What part of this do you not understand? Maybe you will understand this…NO REELECTION FOR YOU. The madness in our country must stop NOW or our children will suffer for our indifference and silence. We are a Christian nation. GOD BLESS AMERICA. If we do not repent and obey the LORD, he will hand our behinds to those psycho muslims on a silver platter.
Dear Friends, I am writing from Germany and I am seeing, that you fight against the same problems we have here in Germany. I am glad to read, that I am not alone and people around the world feel with me. Hope you will be successful.
Islamisation must stopped.
[…] Marco has Part II of his exquisite coverage of the mega protest of the mega mosque on D day here (Part I) here: We Will Not […]
Wonder what your thinking Mr. President?
I have a strong but bleeding heart, and I’m in absolute dismay over this controversy. The attacks on September 11th were a tragedy for people around the world, Muslims included. Even if there were people cheering in the streets over such an atrocity and burning the flag of the United States of America, why deny those no matter their race or religion a place of solitude. Muslims lost friends and mothers and fathers and children in those towers too. They do not pray for terrorism. I would invite everyone who has written hateful and degrading comments about Muslims to try to be the bigger person. If they face hate then show compassion because everything here is a misunderstanding between cultures on account of the media. People are people, why must we create such divisions. Stop being afraid, and try to remember that there is always going to be an example to support hate if you want to find it. But that doesn’t make it the reality. The examples of compassion and understanding don’t fight to be heard because they simply are. And Nick, thank you.
[…] Ground Zero Mosque 06/07/2010 tags: Flotilla, Islam, MSM by Bad to the Bohn The Ground Zero Mosque led by a radical Imam linked to the “Freedom Flotilla” is apparently not as popular as the mainstream media thinks. […]
i am a hospice nurse, i have been in muslums homes, they hate us and want to kill us. why are we allowing mosque to be built in america? they are strategicly placing themselves to kill us. wake up america! they have a plan. i have never felt such hate as that in a muslum home. the children of the pt. were doctors. they had to tell the pt. to stop abusing me verbally. telling me they wanted me to die. we need to protect our young, or we will not servive!!!!
Nick, you truly are a moron. Here are two truths everyone should understand.
1. Not all Muslims are terrorists.
2. ALL terrorists are Muslims.
Chew on that for a while Nick. In fact, I hope you choke on it. No Mosque, if they want one they can build a floating one offshore – many miles offshore so NORMAL people don’t have to see it.
Friendly correction, Larry…
1. You are correct in saying that “Not all Muslims are terrorists.”
2. You are NOT correct in saying “ALL terrorists are Muslims.” Remember Oklahoma City? Um, Timothy McVey was NOT a Muslim. There have been many other acts of terrorism here and in other countries that have had ZERO to do with Muslims. Several years ago there was a subway attack in China (I think) that involved a radical cult, but it was NOT Muslim.
I don’t want to offend you, I just wanted to correct that second statement. I, like others, do not think they should build a mosque at Ground Zero, but I don’t have a problem with them building it somewhere else. The religion of Muslims is a real religion and last I checked it was one of the largest in the world behind Christianity–which also includes some radicals, too. Look at some denominations inside Christianity…there are radical Baptists, Methodists, Pentecostals, etc. that have off the wall ideas that don’t even follow their own denomination’s ideas. Radical Cults were all formed by splitting off from “normal”. Westboro Baptist Church that protests everything from soldier’s funerals to gay pride parades could easily decide to bomb one of those funerals or something else. Just think about that for a while.
Kristy ….. I can’t speak for Larry but you don’t offend me. These “ideas” you present are quite conventional liberal/left tropes and are not your fault. “Timothy McVey” is of course the darling of the liberal/left thanks to Clinton’s leadership in shamelessly exploiting that atrocity for his own partisan purposes. McVey hated the church and was in fact a Nazi. The “many other acts of terrorism” you allude to are not “many” when put beside the daily (15000 +) islamic attacks that have plagued humanity since 9/11 in New York City. I have no idea what you refer to when you say “many other acts of terrorism”, … street crime? … Drug Cartel crime in Mexico? … FARC terror in Columbia? … Moist terror attacks in India? … daily genocide against african blacks in Sudan by arab moslems? … Taliban attacks on girls schools in Afghanistan? … Moslem attacks on tourists and Balinese Hindus in Bali? … moslem attacks on trains in Europe? OOPS sorry after the leftist terrorism I mentioned islam terror. I’m sorry, but I follow the news quite carefully and I have no idea what you are talking about. The subway gas attack was in Japan and was done by a leftist cult.
Your reference to “radical Baptists, Methodists, Pentecostals, etc.” does not reflect your own thought but a simple propaganda/fallacy that you have absorbed from the liberal bubble that you exist in. I am not a Christian but I very much reject your bigotry (sorry harsh word). These Christian sects you mention, today do much good in the world and should be credited with a lot of humanitarian work worldwide. I don’t agree with their theology but I love their values and the good they do. I haven’t heard of christian suicide bombers. Have you? Do you dig islamic suicide bombers? Many liberals secretly do.
Westboro Baptist Church weirdoes are democrats and are as reflective of that party as are the Lyndon LaRouche democrats that are everywhere in America with images of Obama with a Hitler mustache and their nutty literature. Mr. LaRouche has run 8 times for president as a democrat party candidate and comes from the same SDS/left roots as Obama’s mentors. Lyndon LaRouche no more represents democrats than the Westboro Baptist Church represents the democrat party (or Christianity as you have been led to believe).
The idea/fantasy that you have that these democrat party kooks (Westboro Baptist Church) will commit terror is only is an expression of the prejudice you have learned from the liberal/left media without whom you would have never been led to these formulations. Real ideological terrorist attacks are practiced in this country on a regular basis by left types like ELF (Earth Liberation Front) and others like the uni-bomber. The Uni-bomber had a copy of Al Gores book “Earth in the Balance” on his bed when he was finally caught in his tiny cabin after his years long terror bombing spree. Do you sympathize with “eco-terror? It’s real yet you failed to mention it. ………… El Marco
What current religion is constantly committing atrocities on this level? Big difference. Off the wall ideas are quite different than beheadings.
If this doesn’t wake this country up, then it may be doomed! Thank God for Pamela Gellar & the New Yorkers who carried the torch for America & freedom during their rally @ Ground Zero recently. Our soldiers are not dying around the world for extremism to take over this country!
[…] Here are the videos of the speakers at the protest (attended by thousands) against the 911 mega mosque. […]
Thanks to Pamela Geller for leading this charge. It is a good work for Liberty. But please don’t rely on any appeal to “sensitivity.” For that is a Leftist appeal for feelings, reducing the controversy to a decision of one group’s feelings versus another group’s feelings. Don’t you see how we have slipped into using the Left’s intentional nefarious perversion of language, and thereby perversion of thought? It is part of the setup to ruin the effectiveness of righteous people’s reasoned establishment and maintenance of Liberty. Only our Judeo-Christian has been able to produce and hold on to Liberty; and Islam is a religion, an ideology that runs counter to our founding ideology in almost every way.
Thanks to Simon Deng for telling the truth about living with Islam. We must base our judgment on the facts of the reality he brings from his experience; the reality that we can easily verify from many other sources.
I have no doubt that a mosque rising at this particular location will result in brag of triumph for Muslims around the world. It will denigrate the remembrance of our losses suffered from that 9/11 act of war. This institution of an evil warlike religion must be stopped!! However, it is irrelevant that some Muslims agree that this location is a bad (insensitive) choice for a mosque location. That is evil relativism…muddled thinking. It is mostly surface dressing to prevent mosque placement in one place and not another. For any mosque built anywhere on U.S. soil is a provocative gesture, because Islam opposes Liberty…always…inherently.
Therefore, Islam must not be allowed to spread and grow in the United States of America, unless we have given up on preserving our Liberty. For Islam will certainly grow until the identity and customs of the host is weakened. (And our own growing immorality is the worst part.) Then Islam will exhibit it’s normal murderous brutality to force the job finished. This is happening in Europe now.
Every religion is inherently intolerant of every other religion. Christianity is a religion of love and life. Islam is a religion of hate and death. In war, talking about sensitivity is like spitting at a tank.
Thanks to Pat Condell for his properly angry appeal to “(my words) wake up and smell the stink of death the certainly comes from Islam.” I believe it is foolish indeed to assume that some Islam (some Muslim people) is OK and some is radical. I see no evidence indicating that we should distinguish between those as two branches or as mainstream versus radical offshoot. Judaism and Christianity are open to scrutiny, but Islam is hidden by language and walls; and lurks ill-defined in sleeper cells, training camps, political entities abroad, and the insurgence by procreation; as well as establishment of religion via buildings, and political action right here right now . Will your nice friendly Islamic American neighbor side with Judeo-Christian ideology or Islam where the conflict threatens (which is the norm)? In fact this is one of those conflicts even today…one which outcome will have far reaching effect either way.
The best sign in the above photos is “All I need to know about Islam I learned on 9/11.”
These two ideologies have clashed many times before throughout history, for good reason. But the United States was established and built on Christian ideology, for freedom, for Liberty, for Peace. Islam opposes all of these ways. We must rebuild the walls.
Mr. Condell, America IS losing it’s mind, as a result of generally becoming stupid fools, unable to discern good from evil BECAUSE America is throwing out its original source of strength; the fear of God. Turning away from the Creator makes one blind and stupid. And, “Nature abhors a vacuum,” and the strongest will move in to fill the void. Come one and all. Let’s rise up to stop this mosque from being built, and then address the rest.
Cultural Center? What is Muslim/Islamic culture? I know of their terrorism, their hatred of Israel, the Palestinian identity farce, their hatred of Liberty and the West, and their bent for bloody forceful conversions to Islam. Can anyone tell me anything good about Muslim culture? I know about spreading their religion by jihad and procreative infiltration. Have they ever designed a car, built a hospital or “affordable housing”? Have they ever improved agriculture or mining, or manufacturing anything besides weapons? Have they ever improved anyone’s standard of living without relying on Western cultures? They certainly do work hard using other people’s technologies to get and use weapons, to produce oil, to subjugate peoples, to force acceptance of Islam. Do they have any schools where they don’t teach antisemitism? Big question…based on the history of Islamic operatives; from the false prophet Mohammad to Arafat to the House of Saud to Akmadinajad; can we believe anything they put into a cultural center?
Much of what is seen in comment here is a lot of arguing about this idea and that. As in Mr. Condell’s example I raise my voice to say, Wake Up America! It is as the true prophet Isaiah wrote, “It is not within a man to direct his own steps.” LIBERTY IS UNSUSTAINABLE without honoring the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob. If you think reason and politics is all we need to win the day, think again. And pray for deliverance from these evils.
Where do the trade unions stand?! Will they participate in the building of this mosque? Are they patriotic Americans? Will they sell out for a job or stand up for the many who died? Will they stand up for our country?
[…] (photo: El Marco, […]
[…] photo of part of one of the airliners which was hijacked and crashed into the World Trade Center, stating that “Ground Zero is a war memorial. Ground Zero is a burial ground…” Photos […]
Not only does the Jihad want to destroy their own homeland and surrounding countries, they come into ours wanting what we have to offer and then want to change it to whatever they’ve left. And we are letting them do it. If they don’t like the way things are here in MY country, they can just go back to where they came from, but to build a mosque at ground zero would be the biggest insult and the most “laugh in our faces,” demeaning action that they could ever come up with. I can’t believe our government is even considering the possibility of allowing it to happen. Get a backbone New York!!! tell them NO!!!! they have earned no respect or consideration for this shrine towards the actions taken on 9/11 against the American people.
We need to understand how Serious this is! They hate us because we are not Muslim. They are the ones who are NOT TOLERANT and would kill us in a heartbeat if we were in their country.People like to say it is because we are at war with them. Even before this they hated us because we are not Muslim. They want to take over the world. Just look at what they have done in England. They teach their children at very young ages to hate jews and christians or anyone who is not Muslim. England’s people have been very effected by a large influx of muslims who have multiple (average 10 children) and go on welfare while preaching Sharia law. Our news media is not our friend, but our enemy along with our politicians who have sold us out. If this is not true then how does a Radical Muslim psychiatrist have the ability to Stay in the military, preach an antiamerican sentiment for years? No senior personnel in the military did anything about it. He was ignored because of “Political correctness”. This man slaughtered our military people on our OWN BASE! Our government now it just empowering them with our debt crisis. They feel they will just let us implode financially and then come along with their money and massive reproduction of muslim children and take over!
I’ve been trying to understand how one could mount legal challenges to some mosques in the United States.
It seems the U.S. Constitution prevents us from opposing Islam except to the extent that Muslims explicitly support violence. Apparently as individuals they are within their rights even to support that Islamic law replace the Constitution, provided they do not support violent or forceful replacement, and seek to use only democratic means.
After World War II, the U.S. outlawed the political aspect of Shinto in Japan, and required that Shinto not be taught in the schools. We did not interfere with Shinto as a religious faith. Nor under the U.S. Constitution can we legally interfere with the religious aspect of Islam. But I wonder if a legal challenge could be mounted to the political aspects of Islam. I’m not sure such legal challenges would be successful under the U.S. Constitution. The First Amendment seems to mean one can legally support any belief except the violent overthrow of the U.S. government. Insofar as Islamic law and belief advocate violent overthrow of the U.S. government, that advocacy seems to fall under the crime of sedition.
Also, it might be possible to challenge the tax-exempt status of many mosques, even if those mosques don’t support violent overthrow, and merely seek democratically achieved introduction of Islamic laws. A religious organization is legally permitted to influence politics in the United States, but may not actually seek to run the government, not without losing tax-exempt status and running up against the First Amendment. To the extent that a mosque supports a particular political candidate, or supports the introduction of government policies that are specifically Islamic, it might be possible to mount a legal challenge against the tax-exempt status of that mosque and mosques like it. It might be possible to get courts to classify such mosques as political organizations, which are not entitled to tax exempt status. And it might also be possible to mount a First Amendment challenge against the very existence of such political organizations.
But I wish experts in constitutional law would speak to these questions and help the Islam-critical movement to better understand our legal options, to the extent we have any.
[…] […]
[…] of the protest posted by various blogs: (Photo: Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs) (photo: El Marco, (photo: Urban Infidel) (Photo: Urban Infidel) (Photo: Urban Infidel) (Photo: […]
Just another way for the Islamists to spit in the eye of all the innocents who perished on 911. Who is paying for this Mega Mosque?? Would you be surprised if it turned out to be the same country who sponsored the 911 Murderers? Saudi Arabia will donate the filthy blood money to build the symbol of dominance, that you be sure of. NO MOSQUE AT GROUND XERO!!
It is a pity when these imam of New York and the local authorities neglect the sensitivity of American People. I would propose that instead of building any place of worship better we build a center of religious dialogue since those terrorist of 9/11 have used Islam to justify their action. This 100 million dollars budget should be allocated to this intent if this imam of New York wishes to portray the real face of his fate which has been poluted by radicals in 9/11 attack. But building a mosque is literally partial which for sure will be not accepted by not only Americans but I believe rational people all over the world. SO I REPEAT, INSTEAD OF A MOSQUE, CHURCH OR WHATEVER THE IMAM RAUF USES THAT 1OO MILLION DOLLARS TO BUILD A CENTER OF INTERFAITH DIALOGUE.
In my humble opinion, the muslim “faith” is Eugenics, just as the educratic elitists who pull the puppet gov’t (fed) strings that own the U$ public education (indoctrination) system to teach last four generations to separate/divide humans into classes/races via evolutionist theory (aka:eugenics)..the evidence is always the same, it’s merely the interpretation by which color glasses one wears that is different. this is a holy war..but it’s not christian/buddist/etc vs muslim – it’s good vs evil. Evil thrives when the Good DO NOTHING…
No Mosque near ground zero. Period.
[…] More, from Looking at the Left: […]
If a mosque comes in that place, people,who have lost their ones come to visit the ground Zero will bring three stones along with them, and throw at the proposed mosque as a symbolic gesture of “Stoning the devil”.
It was an honor to speak at this event yesterday in the shadow of the place where I answered the call on 911 and steps from where I was buried for nearly 2 hours. I believe that merely the proposal of such a place in the shadow of Ground Zero is a continuation of the attacks of 9/11 on all of us… We the People MUST stand up to this madness, vote out all politicians who believe that political correctness is the right choice over our best interests and our safety. As the father of a serving US Marine, this is not rocket science! This is our Nation, our city and our people. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should we ever consider allowing such a structure anywhere near the site where so many of my brothers and sisters died. I believe that anyone who supports this should not only have their heads examined but should find residence elsewhere… This is a perfect example of why I decided to answer the call to serve in the US Senate and humbly ask for your help across America to allow one of your own to respond to the emergency in our nation. It’s time to hose down Washington as they’ve been hosing us for way too long!
[…] El Marco has the photos. […]
[…] El Marco photo (go here) […]
Nick, did you see the reaction to 9/11 in the Muslim world? The reaction to the brutal murders and hanging of American contractors? They literally danced in the streets and vocally praised bin Laden and celebrated the dead bodies being dragged through the streets and set on fire. These are not the acts of tolerance or of peace. These were not terrorists, dancing and celebrating the deaths of thousands, these were everyday people, everyday Muslims (yes, some Muslims condemned the violence, preferring instead to conquer all peoples not Muslim “without using a bullet,” i.e. by steady infiltration and establishment of Sharia law–look at what is happening in Europe and is starting here). I suggest that you do a little reading and research about Islam, the “religion of peace,” and about jihad, that Brennan explained means “to purify oneself or one’s community” (hint: “purifying one’s community” means killing anyone who is not Muslim, thus the actual translation is “holy war.”).
[…] Haven’t we had enough of Political Correctness? It’s time to stop the radicalization of America. Read the full story at […]
if the muslims had (any respect) for those that were murdered on 9/11 they wouldn`t even think about building a mosque on ground zero
[…] Correctness? It’s time to stop the radicalization of America. Read the full story at Spread the […]
Nick, or whatever your Islamic names is;
If this was really about diversity why not build a center for all religions Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists… But then this really about a symbol of conquest of the America, classic Jihad. Cardoba the name is code for conquest of West/Europe.
Lay this guilt trip on somebody else. Moslems don’t get along with anybody in the world just read the news. So I don’t really care what “Moslems” think of Americans.
While there are nice Moslems but they are scared, threatened and not part of the political process. The people who run the show are the “Armani Islamist”(CAIR, ISNA) and terrorists playing the classic good cop/bad cop technique to keep marching forward in their global Islamic conquest
[…] […]
[…] “Stop the Ground Zero Mosque” Rally June 7, 2010 Posted by Jehuda in Uncategorized. Tags: News, Politics, Security trackback A photo essay by El Marco. […]
[…] mosque at Ground Zero Can you guys believe this shit? Stop the Mosque at Ground Zero Rally – Part I • Looking at the Left […]
Pat Condell “God bless the Kuffar”
Stop the Mosque at Ground Zero
“SHOW ISLAM NO RESPECT … It’s all about the Koran stupid Kafir” (Page 271)
Chapter 21 “Teaching Islam To Children Is Child Abuse” 1.3 MB PDF
By An Unknown Kafir (Son of a 9/11 victim) But Not Yet A Dhimmi of Islam
9/11 is Koran 9:111 … PASSPORT TO PARADISE
YUSUFALI: … for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain … that is the achievement supreme.
[…] Stop the Mosque at Ground Zero Rally BIG media stations refused steadfastly to report it […]
I say allow them to build their mosque! ..after they allow a Christian cathedral to be built within sight of the kaaba in Mecca.
[…] Looking at the Left has more details: Estimates as high as 10,00 have been reported for this crowd. […]
This is typical of the Obama Administration. I put them in the same class as the radical Islamists. This reminds me of the joyride Air Force One took over Ground Zero after Obama was inaugurated. Does anyone really believe that Air Force One can be used by anyone without specific directions from POTUS? Really! The placement of this mosque is symbolic, just like the Air Force One incident. It’s in your face America! What a disgrace!
Would we have allowed the Japanese to build a Buddist Temple at the site of the ARIZONA ??? Of course not!! Things didn’t happen like that in “the old days” but today we’re expected to embrace everyone’s differences and to that I say bullshit!
I think you mean a Shinto shrine, not a Buddhist Temple. Although Buddhism is huge in Asia, it would have been Shinto that represents the Imperial Army of Japan and not Buddhism.
Great job, Ms Geller, et al! The fire has been ignited, let’s keep it burning.
More than 8000 come to protest the mosque at Ground Zero…
The rally against the planned mosque near Ground Zero, whose head honcho has connections with the flotilla monstrosity, has taken place in NYC…
Nice: we can’t allow a mosque a few blocks away from Ground Zero (not at Ground Zero, by the way), because all Muslims are evil, spiteful, hateful people who’ll subvert America. After all, “All I need to learn about Islam I learned on 9/11.” Unlike non-Muslims, who are tolerant and peaceful, Muslims don’t want people to exercise religion, so we can’t allow them to build a mosque near Ground Zero. That’s some fine double-think there, right-wingers.
More seriously, a mosque and Islamic cultural center near Ground Zero is not in any way capitulating to radical Islam, but rather showing what makes America strong: we accept all peoples of all faiths as Americans, and celebrate their diversity. We are not a Christian nation, any more than we are a white nation.
I haven’t heard a single damn “argument” against this mosque that doesn’t rely on anti-Islamic rhetoric and race-baiting. ” Even in the more moderate moslem countries, like Egypt, churches are burned and there is no tolerance of other religions.” That’s just a blatant lie. There’s a huge Christian community in Egypt, and while recently tensions have become disturbing, by no means was it always this way. Besides, claiming moral authority by comparing your stance favorably with an autocracy is a rather silly strategy.
This mosque is a good thing. Muslims worldwide really do think that Americans hate them; there can be no stronger evidence to the contrary than this.
Nick: your arguments themselves are typical hyperbole. Using inflammatory language, name calling and blind emotionalism that you just accused the other side of doing. Here’s the deal, building a mosque at ground zero is an enormous insult to Americans period. Remember the threats against non Muslims who “insult” the Muslim culture. Why on earth should we bow to their wishes. This is America. The Japanese didn’t build a temple on the Arizona. There are no Nazi flags at Normandy or the site of Auschweitz. It’s not racist or anti- Islamic it simply isn’t an appropriate site. Muslims worldwide really think we hate them, come on Nick, Americans aren’t burning flags and jumping for joy at the destruction of thousands of innocent lives. They aren’t the ones teaching their seven and eight year olds to hate. Nor are they the ones that are intolerant of even the slightest deviation from their dogma. Next time you decide to offer an opinion try not to defeat your message with your own lack of knowledge. confused as to who hates whom and our tolerance has exacted a high price.
Look everyone, another bleeding heart liberal who actually believes that mainstream Islam is a peaceful religion.
Nick, I suggest you read up on Sharia law, and the impact an influx of muslims has had on other communities in the recent past. Fact is that Islam has no room in their theocracy for judaism, christianity, atheism, buddism, whatever. They want to destroy Israel and America. True, not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists in our war on terror are muslim.
Do you think it would have been a good idea to build a Nazi cultural center on American soil during WW2? Would that kind of tolerance have been a good idea? No doubt you think it would be. The rest of us will use our common sense and will fight this, because it is a very real threat to our safety, security, and our American way of life.
Nick, a mosque in NYC is like a dog peeing another’s scent. Like Al Aqsa in Jerusalem, the mosque is the dog-pee scent of Islam on the ruins of the house of worship of another religion. When Muslim countries allow free and open worship of all religions, including the construction of houses of worship, then maybe a mosque can be allowed in locations similar to locations allowed for other religions in Muslim countries. The money for this mosque comes from the Saudis, who forbid any mention of any other religion. The Saudis and their puppet imam can go pound sand! Don’t lay the intolerant crap on us–what Muslims say in Arabic is closer to the truth, and what they are saying in Arabic is that it is time to pee on America!
[…] there where so many perished at the hands of that very religion. Yes, I thought; they have a right. THEN I READ THIS ARTICLE. This is NOTHING but a sign of conquest to the zealots who praise the deeds carried out that […]
A very noble cause and expression of justifiable outrage.
Great job, Mr. Spencer! Jihad Watch is an invaluable resource.
[…] Mosque madness at Ground Zero Stop the Mosque at Ground Zero Rally – Part I Reply With Quote + Reply to […]
“In these days, the issue of the Muslim decision to build a mosque near the place where the crime of the cowardly September 11 terrorist attacks took place has come up. We must note that a hostile and provocative name [Cordoba] has been chosen for this mosque. It is well known that the first Cordoba Mosque was built by Muslims in a city in Spain, after they occupied this Christian country, killing its men and capturing its women to bring them to Arab countries as slaves and servants to serve their sexual pleasure. The Arabs and Muslims have never ceased to take pride and bask in the glory of this imperialist history, which they consider to be a symbol of their strength and power, and they are unashamed of the fact that the annals [of their history] are full of shameful crimes”.
Any ‘memorial’ built on Ground Zero is a monument to the success of the 19 subhumans and the success of 1400 years of jihad which has slaughtered millions of innocent people in the name of islam.
THE ONLY MEMORIAL to the 3000 innocent souls butchered on 9/11 needs to be built ON TOP OF THE KABAA IN MECCA..
That’s RIGHT! ROCK THE KABAA and build a Memorial to the 3000 murdered by the SOWdi SWINE!
[…] Marco sends more from yesterday’s demonstration at Ground Zero. You can read it all at Looking at the Left and at Pamela’s site Atlas […]
Where is the National Organization for Women aka NOW? and the gays and lesbian’s…..what will happen to women and gays if Muslims exhert political pressure….where are these groups now…why are they not speaking up?
How can they now be silent with all the civil rights surpression in muslim countries….hello…..anyone from these groups thinking about this? They are stoned and killed under muslim rule. Not a peep from them…one must ask why and who has been bought from these group and with what money?
Exactly! I’ve been wondering the same thing.
I will never understand why for decades the Jews of America, Gays and minorities support and vote lock step for people (Democrat Party) that support Muslims, Palestinians and Sharia Law that will lead to their slaughter if it gains a foothold in the US.
Wait a minute, Bob in Rog. Not ALL liberals support Sharia Law and Islamization. I am gay, atheist and liberal and can’t fathom our country turning into a Muslim majority with Sharia Law to hang us by our necks! I am surprised as well that N.O.W. and gay groups aren’t doing more to speak out against Islam. It must be that they are also just as politically correct as most of the left is… but it’s not just the left. Most Republican politicians are also afraid of speaking the truth. Even Bush categorized Islam as a “religion of peace” at one time! But then again, he was walking on eggshells at the time and was probably afraid of offending muslims and afraid of more terrorist bombings on behalf of those “peaceful” civilized muslims in the US and abroad.
Just as the English empire did in the 1770s, just as Mexico did in the 1840s, just as Japan did in the 1940s… so now again a terrible imperialist enemy awakens the sleeping giant of America.
[…] Wow. […]
[…] pictures at The Peoples Cube and Looking at the Left Leave a Comment Leave a Comment so far Leave a comment RSS feed for comments on this […]
Great photos and story, El Marco. If we haven’t figured out yet that we are ALL New Yorkers after 9/11, then that event is bound to repeat itself. God Bless Pam Geller and the women of America who are standing tall at a crucial time.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Andrew B. Chason, El Marco. El Marco said: new El Marco photo essay Stop the Mosque at Ground Zero R… […]
[…] El Marco has some pictures up, here. […]