• U.S.A.! U.S.A.!

Move America Forward and various other groups at “Support our Troops and thier Mission weekend”, Washington, D.C. September 23-25, 2005
Protest Warrior, Move America Forward, Free Republic, Defend the White House, Military Families Voice of Victory, Marine Moms, and others gathered in D.C. to counter the radical left anti-American rally.
Iraq, another country free courtesy of the United States of America.
Happiness is supporting our loved ones fighting tyranny.
WANT PEACE? Then shut up and let us do our job!
If you love freedom, try rooting for some REAL freedom fighters
This sign refers to recent successful election in Iraq; woman with purple finger says “Thank You America!” after voting in a free election.
Hey Cindy, we find you pathetic is a refutation of Cindy Sheehan, radical Marxist icon of the anti-war groups.
This Marine Mom says it all.
Zequir Berisha, from Kosovo, now a proud American patriot. He has two sons in the U.S. Army, two in the marines, and one in the ATF. On the right is Iraqi, Jesse Kaveh, interviewed here.
HE WILL NEVER FORGET…debris rained down on his car and he got out to see if he could help anyone. Three jumpers crashed into the pavement very nearby him. He addressed the crowd very emotionally.
These American women celebrate the liberation of millions of women in Afghanistan and Iraq.
BEARDED REVOLUTIONARIES: Liberals will teach about them in school, defend them, apologize for them, excuse them, idolize them, praise them, mourn them ——- EXCEPT THESE TWO — pictures of Moses and Jesus at bottom. WARNING: DANGEROUS RADICALS
I thought the sign on the left was very clever in pointing out how the liberal left elites demand that Moses and Jesus be marginalized while at the same time B.S.ing at the alter of Che, Marx, Arafat, Castro et al.
The amazing Melanie Morgan, chairman of Move America Forward, organized the event.
This young patriot talked about the importance of the mission. It was not long after Hurricane Katrina hit N.O. Richard quipped “I used to joke that liberals blamed George W. Bush for everything but the weather, but now they blame even that on him.”
Becky Davis has 3 sons serving overseas.
U.S. Navy vet Kevin Martin, of Project 21, expounds on the importance of victory.
This military mom came all the way from Oklahoma for this rally.
After the speechifying, some of the crowd created a gauntlet type alley of signs at the entrance to the Metro station. Much to the chagrin of the moonbats arriving with their signs by subway, they were welcomed with cat calls and chants of “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!” Many of the moonbats turned red, or white, or blue, right in front of our eyes.
Poster reads: Hey Liberals, I tried to see it YOUR WAY, but my head wouldn’t fit that far up my…
Every once in a while, at a protest, I run into a guy like this. He will blend in with the leftists and they’re too stupid to know that he is mocking them. Keep an eye out for him amongst the moonbats in the D.C. ANSWER rally post.
The Freedom demonstrators moved into position along the ANSWER rally parade route.
There’s this guy again. He’s mixing it in with the socially superior liberal elites. Note smirk.
These two I never had a chance to speak with but they really embody the spirit of the event.
New friends: The Lt. Col. in the center served in both Kosovo and Iraq, so there was a real mutual admiration society here. I introduced the three of them and put them together for this photo. Big lump in throat.
When I moved in to position facing the oncoming leftist horde, I encountered this character actually leading their parade. I think that’s not a peace sign he’s making with his hand, but a Victory in the war on Islamonazis sign.
Sir Winston Churchill originated the V for Victory hand-sign. Victory over Nazi fascism and Japanese militarism. The Peace movement in the ’60’s co-opted it and converted it into a sign of surrender.
How about Finland in the same poster? We were never occupied, we kept the Russians out by ourselves…
Love your site, great pictures. Wish we could do something big in California. S.F. or Sacramento. I am in the middle of these two. Keep up the good work. My son is a medic in the U.S.Army. Proud mom.
Why, one the one, of these posters are writed that the U.S.A. tka ethe liberty for Poland? You’re country never in history do something like that…
I”m sure they are referring to Americas Cold War leadership, VOA, Kennedy, Reagan as factors in crushing international communism. You Polish have much to be angry… sad about the way the west caved to Stalin after the war. The sign is incomplete and I know that Palau should be there and is not. As a Canadian I know that it was our forces that liberated the Netherlands and I’ve got the cousins to prove it. My uncle Edwin brought back an extremely beautiful “war bride” from Rotterdam, my aunt Corrie who is still living in Toronto. So I agree the sign is not perfect be the sentiments are good. El Marco
First time I’ve had the privilege of checking out the site, and this post in particular made my night. The others just show how sick some on the left are, though. Gross.