• Festival of Obama, October 26, 2008

By El Marco

Nine days before the 2008 Presidential election, the Obama campaign held a rally in Denver, a “blue” city in the important swing state of Colorado. Behind me, looking east towards the State Capitol, there were tens of thousands of people.


Civic Center Park: facing west, towards the stage.


Not only were there a lot more people than at the McCain rally two days earlier, but there were a lot more displays of veneration for the candidate.



It was a really nice late October day, so lots of families came to the large park in the center of downtown Denver.



OMG, is that a satanic ear plug? It’s the same size as his Obama button!


These fellows are T-shirt vendors from Denver, with one of the more tasteful products.



News flash: President Bush is not running for re-election, and will be out of office in January, 2009 no matter who wins this election. I did not see a single anti-McCain or anti-Palin T-shirt.


This van and trailer circled the area of the rally. I got the impression the driver would delight in the thought of Harry Ried as Robespierre, and the heads of Dick Cheney, Sarah Palin, and Joe the Plumber getting real blood instead of red tape on the guillotine.


George Bush’s severed head fantasy. 


 “THE OLDEST OPERATING PRIIVATELY (sic) HELD NON PROFIT REFERRAL SERVICE IN COLORADO”. The Democratic Party has an army of lawyers lined up, to pursue an Obama victory. Note severed bloody heads impaled on stakes. 


Preparing for a law suit in case of a close vote. The Colorado Progressive Coalition seems to be similar to ACORN. They are urging people to flood the Colorado Secretary of State with phone calls. This guy claimed that the State has lost 10,000 mail- in ballots. 


This button was on sale at Obama’s rally, and the entire event had the feel of a 1960’s dope in the park reunion. The vendor used the term Chronic Bubonic “What, man? You ain’t heard of Chronic Bubonic? You must not come from Boulder.” Turns out this is a new term of affection for pot which refers to a disease carried by rodents. Medical marijuana? Bubonic plague? Whatever.



Howard Wooldridge is a former Police Detective who lobbies in Washington, D.C. for legalization of all drugs.


FREE IRAQ? What the heck do you think we’re doing over there?

And what are you thinking getting this T-shirt for your twelve year old little girl?



“There has never been anything false about hope.” Except false hope. 


If that ain’t racist, what is? Aging hippy peddling racist T-shirt to Obama supporters. What the hell are these people thinking? This is a horrible racist slur. My black friends don’t spend their time running from the police.


Whenever the verbal abuse got over the top, these cheerful guys just moved and set up elsewhere.


I saw a total of six people holding anti-Obama signs. Calm and cheerful was the modus operandi.




Jimmy Carter – Rebranding anti-semitism. 

At the bottom of this anti-Israel sign, is written: NO COAL IS CLEAN COAL. Pro-terrorist, anti-energy independence. Much has been written about an Obama presidency being a second Jimmy Carter term


Almost all of the speakers encouraged people to vote early. Here are supporters holding signs directing the large crowd to the Webb Building, which had been specially opened for Sunday voting because of the rally.

Election officials beefed up operations at the early voting site across the street from Civic Center in anticipation of a rush of voters attending the Barack Obama rally today.

City elections officials decided to add voting booths, staff and computers when they heard about the Obama visit.


Voters could drop off mail-in ballots. There were lots of staffed drop boxes available.


The early voting location was equipped to handle a large crowd. I stepped inside twice, and amazingly, I did not see a single voter. This shot was taken about twenty minutes after Obama had finished speaking and the rally ended. The young lady approaching security just wanted to use the restroom.


To the left, the front door of the Webb building, where early voting was available, after the rally ended.




Wangster for Obama.


More BDS at the BHO Rally.