Conservative Woodstock Rocks the Capital
Patriotic anti-big-government taxpayers blast through the million protester mark.
September 12, 2009, Washington, D.C. – by EL MARCO
Protesters flooded Washington today in what people in the crowd are calling “a conservative Woodstock”. Like the liberal Woodstock of the ’60s, thousands were rumored stranded on freeways. Some walked in to DC, ditching their cars and busses. I walked with a 5 deep 6 block long column of protesters from Pennsylvania who told me they had walked miles from where they were forced by gridlock to leave their busses. Networks including Fox News continued through the time I’m writing this at 8 p.m. local Eastern time reporting that “tens of thousands” showed up. What is up with that? When will we get some reliable reporting out of the corporate media types? UPDATE: Two days later, there is still no conclusive count of the participants. Michelle Malkin’s site goes over the whole issue on a post linked at the end of this article.
This event had been promoted as a taxpayer “tea party” but the crowd’s concerns were wide ranging, from outrage at the corrupt ACORN activists and Obama’s socialist cadre known as Czars, to Obama’s naked untruthfulness. Protesters also displayed signs mocking Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for smearing the grassroots movement as “astroturfers” and an “angry mob”.
I think this gathering should be appreciated as the extremely important historical event that it is. This is the first great conservative anti-statist manifestation in American history. The conservative movement, which developed in the post-WWII, Cold War environment has now fully matured into the most significant political movement of the 21st century. I believe that this day could be referred to in the not too distant future as the day that changed America. This was the day the great silent conservative majority finally found its voice.
Many of the attendees were quite meek and timid and were unsure of exactly what to expect, this being the first time in their lives they’d been involved in a protest movement. Their fears evaporated early in the day and people reveled in the camaraderie , the joy and sheer civility that was exhibited at the entire event. Chants of “Freedom, freedom, freedom”, “No more czars! No more czars!” carried through the air without the slightest hint of the rancor which is the norm at the many leftist rallies I have photographed over the years.
The two photos above show a tiny fraction of the multitude that surged through the American capitol. I saw signs and heard lots of comments comparing this event to Woodstock. At the time this photo was taken, around 1:00 p.m., Pennsylvania Avenue was still jammed completely, and the mall was packed from the Capitol Building past the Washington Monument. See photo here.
Protesters came from every state in the union. This man came from San Antonio, TX. He said that he was really sorry he hadn’t brought his family. He stated that being a black conservative he was unwilling to expose his children to what he expected would be a lot of liberal abuse. He was thrilled with the overall tenor of the event and the fact that no liberals were present to harass him. He spoke about how incredibly intolerant the left is to black individuals who don’t bow to the party line.
These Ohioans took a day off their rodeo bull-riding schedule. They said they’ll be back at it tomorrow.
Mike Pence (R-Indiana) was one of the speakers who addressed the crowd: “After years of fighting runaway government on this hill, you people look like the cavalry to me..I believe we are on the verge of a great American awakening.”
San Diego radio host Mason Weaver said from the podium: “I came here because I thought you might want to hear a black man speak without a teleprompter…This government is trying to make a nation of dependent people. Americans have always been independent people…This is not a Republican thing, it’s not a Democrat thing. It’s not a black thing or a white thing. It’s an American thing…We the people are telling them ‘No more! We’ve had enough!”
In the very center of the photo, above the Silence is Consent – Can You Hear Us Now sign, you can see Pennsylvania Ave., which at this time is totally blocked with protesters who cannot move forward to the Capitol area. Sorry, full up.
There were notable differences though, in the behavior of these attendees. Although the legend of Woodstock is that there was a friendly atmosphere of camaraderie, the truth is that most people were there for the drugs, sex and rock and roll. Today in D.C. there was a true kinship amongst these people based on shared values and intellectual understanding of what America is and how its future is imperiled by big radical government.
No one was having sex in the Reflecting Pool let alone the mud, and I saw no one projectile vomiting on the steps of the Capitol. There were no warnings to avoid the bad acid which would send you on a trip to the hospital. Not just a different era, but a different level of civilized behavior and thought. Oh, and by the way, these people didn’t leave tons of garbage behind when they left. Actually they left no trash behind at all.
Obama Lied, Capitalism Died.
We are the mob!
Support Class Envy! Redistribute Wealth.
Madam Speaker: Kiss Our Astroturf!
The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Obama Himself – – – Compassion is Voluntary, Not Compulsory!
WALNUT — Workers Against Lazy Non-Producers United Together — the conservative answer to ACORN. Didn’t have to ask them if they were receiving any taxpayer money like radical left-wing ACORN. Different DNA!
Proud members of the “Angry Mob” and they’re armed with their votes.
Very cute tiny megaphone which boosted her voice by 10% or so. It was the only megaphone I saw in the three hours I was there.
Your wallet…the only place Democrats are willing to drill! — Don’t share my wealth – share my work ethic!
Right-wing extremist armed with the constitution.
Who are the commie czars?
Jews from former USSR say NO to Socialism — Many Russians who escaped to the US are stunned by the creeping socialism that they have found here in the last two decades. Now they too are marching in the streets. They know what tyranny looks like and they are alarmed by the direction the new administration is taking.
Marxism – the opiate of the asses — Posters from the Peoples Cube are proliferating amongst protesters.
Stop Making Profit! — Report all Capitalist Activities to
World’s #1 Crypto-Marxist. Endorsed by Fidel Castro: “The most powerful progressive candidate to the U.S. presidency.” – GRANMA, Havana, May 26, 2008
Dictator Castro did indeed endorse Obama. Note that he used the word progressive to describe Barack? Well thats because the Libs gave the word liberal such a bad smell by their behavior and policies over the years that they had to abandon it. They started referring to themselves as progressives and figured no one would notice the word’s communist pedigree. It means progress on the road to socialism and Castro understands it that way.
Well darn it Martha, look at that! The president really is a progressive just like NPR says he is !!
Nancy Pelosi has accused patriotic tea-party goers of “carrying swastikas” implying that they are Nazi sympathizers or worse. This event was knee deep in hammers and sickles and words like “socialist” “communist” and “Marxist”. It continues to fascinate me how the Democrat Party tolerates this without ever objecting or attempting to refute this widespread view of Obama. When will the MSM ask the questions about The Chosen One’s communist buddies and endorsers? And why do communists who absolutely loath the USA, like Castro, Chavez, Ortega, and Michael Moore worship at the alter of Obama?
Ever present at Tea Parties are Sons of Liberty re-enactors. The couple on the left is from Ohio and the young lady on the right is not but she joined in the photo when I invited her. The clothing for the Ohio couple was hand stitched by the lady on the left. The lady on the right also stitched her own. This is what really hip conservatives are wearing these days. It’s all about FREEDOM!
………………..MORE PHOTO ESSAYS by EL MARCO………………….
El Marco covers the Docs 4 Patients Care rally in D.C. Doctors Against Obamacare
NANCY and the ASTROTURFERS “Denver photojournalist El Marco was at the event and has an amazing pictorial essay detailing how Pelo-cchio’s Astroturf brigade had to be coached by professional organizers — including several day laborers who didn’t speak English and couldn’t tell what the signs they were holding read. And they accuse Tea Party folks of being puppets?!” – **Michelle Malkin**
Islam Clouds Bali’s Horizon – Photo Essay By El Marco
Michelle Malkin delves into the 9/12 rally numbers controversy.
Martin Luther King was hounded, beaten, and jailed by Democrats. Read what he had to say about protesting, in his Letter from a Birmingham Jail.
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Thanks for visiting! Never Give In and Never Forget. El Marco
wish i had been there!
How blessed I am to be a part of this history making day! Special lasting memories….an elderly lady on the Metro going to work wiping tears of appreciation that we had come and apologizing for crying; a young teacher from Florida who decided at the last minute to come and drove straight through by himself; a ten year old girl who told her mother when asked what she learned today replied, “I learned that America is strong. I never knew Americans were so strong”. These are only a few of the many stories I heard as I drank in with all my senses what it means to be an American………it made me proud.
What a wonderful site(s) to see. Wish I had been able to be there. Can hardly wait for November 2010.
Thanks to everyone that was able to attend.
I became an activist when my Godless governments department of Home Land Security said that our returning vets, who risked their lives for our freedom, were called potential terrorist. They also included ME,a 68 year old great-grandmother because I believe in God, MY Country, and the Constitution as it was intended.
I wanted to be there and am so very, very proud of those who spoke up for those of us who could not make it. I will the next time. I am ready to fight for MY country, the one I use to know.
A picture is worth a thousand words but a million protesters are worth the freedom of this country.
I heard a woman on Hannety today who attended. She drove from Wyoming to Michigan to get her mom and went onward to Washington. She testified of honking horns from others who had Conservative bumper stickers also en route to the capital. She also shared of positive responses from others while pumping gas.I can only imagine! MANY others were with you in spirit. Big meetings in others States, too, on Sept 12!
I am so impressed at the numbers of people who attended. You can be sure that I will attend the next one!!! Thanks to all of you who did represent all of us.
I was humbled and yet proud to be an American. I serve in the Maryland Legislature and grieve as I see these United States giving way to socilism and communist thinking. God, please bless America once more.
Constitutionally yours,
Maryland Delegate Don Dwyer
I am proud to be an American again….I couldn’t make it since I had to work and help pay for all this crap going on with Obama…
The total number means nothing, just look at the pictures and YOUTUBE videos, they say it all.
Just realize that there are MILLIONS who did not attend due to other circumstances, but feel the same as YOU who attended.
White, Black, Brown, Yellow, Red, it doesn’t matter, we are AMERICANS and we will not put up with this crap from the Government anymore.
God Bless America and lets take it back from this clown and his little helpers.
I’ll keep my money, guns and God. You keep your Change!
Austin, Texas
Not the first time I’m proud of being American. I am Hispanic and always appreciated living in the greatest country, and the greatest state.
I was fortunate to attend the 20th anniversary of Martin Luther King. It was beautiful and historical. Once again I wanted to be part of history and attended the first tea party in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Hispanics are indivials and not all of us lump together on issues. Silvestre Reyes called us payasos (clowns), those people, and rabble rousers. What an insult from someone who should know better.
Thanks to those great Americans who were there and saw it all!! I hope he gets the message very soon. We just don’t want what he is selling to Americans!!
MSNBC is reporting Hundreds of thousands attended.
Wow, I can’t believe it… this is awesome… NeoCOMMs are losing their minds! They are petrified at this movement! I was there. There were at least a mil and a half. The sea of people was unbelievable. Next year we’re going to invite Guiness Book of World Records to record it. We’ll all raise a glass in celebration with the worlds largest toast.
I still can’t get over how desperate they are to cast doubt on this thing. They do this all the time and end up digging a bigger hole for themselves as they’ve done all summer long. They defended Van Jones to the end.
Debbie in the Republic of Texas brought tears to my eyes!
If Texas secedes form the Union….. do you think they will have room for the rest of us real die hard Americans? Bet it would be the only place in the country where the property values would skyrocket!
Always proud to be an American, even prouder 9-12-09.
Couldn’t make it. Severe family health issues. You all made me proud!!!
We Cannot stop here. We must go on and on and on. God Bless you and God Bless OUR AMERICA, NOT OBAMA’S!!!!!!
I love this country for what it stood/stands for, namely giving someone an opportunity to succeed no matter what their circumstances.All it takes is the desire to get ahead and a work ethic that says I will work for all I get, not the current ideas/desires to sit back and let others give to me no matter if I work or not!
Let the majority be silent no more. In this upcoming election, let us vote to put this country back in order and the way our forefathers foresaw it! We have the voting power, let’s use it before it’s too late.
God Bless America!
Ridiculous! I’m all for protests, but let’s vet out the issues and see what really is going on before going off the deep end. What a shameful lack of knowledge and respect.
The Silent Majority has Awakened and refuses to be Quiet no matter who Won!
I’m only surprised BO didn’t call out the troops to suppress these “insurgents” and “domestic terrorists.”
My wife and I are so proud of all our American freedom loving people who were able to attend this much needed gathering. We were there in spirit and would have been there in the flesh but our health prevented otherwise. I have long said there is a definite need for change in how our elected government representatives are selected and they should serve a term limit like the President. Life term representatives have created a safe haven with way too much power when they should return back to live like the rest of us with the same perks and benefits. If we don’t turn the direction we are heading around this next election, it will be too late to do anything about what we allowed to happen. God Bless America
I am disgusted and infuriated by the main-stream media’s shrug-off of the most important March on Washington since the Vietnam War! NO WAY can Pelosi and her minions and Barack and his Czars ignore 2 million peaceful, non-rowdy, but angry Americans who are sick and tired of the waste, over-spending, and belittling paternalistic attitude of our government. Did anyone ever mention to them that Barack ONLY defeated McCain by 3 percentage points (51-48%)?? Two million Americans walking into DC from every state, age, and racial group should work as a wake up call to those in the hallowed halls, AND to the mainstream media who can’t do anything but fawn over them! GOD BLESS AMERICA!! 2010!!
My 22 yr old neice and I attended the DC tea party. It was truly awesome. We really couldn’t afford it, but felt compelled to be there. We heard that same sentiment repeated again and again from the different people we met. I am dissappointed that we can’t seem to get a good estimate of the number of attendees, but I can tell you I was there and “tens of thousands” is quite erroneous. I’m gussing 6 figures. It was truly amazing and I will go again and again if I have to to save my country and my children’s future
This collection of photos is mind blowing and breathtaking… fabulous composition and quality. I’ve linked on my site for others to pop in and see your unique collection.
How exciting it must have been for you to be there, rubbing elbows with so many other American patriots… I live in AZ and hope to save up to attend next year (should there be a sequel marching event).
Great pictures!
I’m almost crying. I wish my country was more like America.
We have lost it the left over 30 years ago.
[…] Michelle Malkin: Yes, the picture is real, nutroots. For more great photos of the March, check out Looking At The Left: Conservative Woodstock Rocks the Capital […]
Get job wish I could have been there. We as Americans need to stand up for what we want. No more big spending on companies that need to bail out themselves by taking less for themselves. Judy
Looks like the worm is turning. Pray for my grand kids, and me. Thanks
Thanks to all you that went to Washington to exercise your freedom of speech.
Too bad there are those in office that could care less. But come election day I think they will care……of course if they get beat they still leave with a pocket full of money, and that is really too bad.
I can’t believe how many people still don’t see what is going on. It took my breath away to see that people do get it. This march restored my faith in America, our people and our values. God bless all who attended and who supported. I can’t wait for the next “party”
At Last! We WILL be free at last!!! from this foreign (where’s his birth certificate if he is a born American?) president, who is trying to lead us on HIS path of destruction into socialism, communism and fascism! LET”S GET RID OF HIM ASAP. Hurrah to all of the protesters. With God’s help, your efforts will work. I am behind you 100% GOD BLESS AMERICA!!
[…] On Washington Stop The ACLU: What Was The Attendence At The D.C. TEA Party? Looking at the Left: Conservative Woodstock Rocks the Capital: Patriotic anti-big-government taxpayers blast through the … 09.12.09 March on Washington Tim Graham, NewsBusters: WaPo Presents 9-12 Event as GOP Danger, Full […]
I wish I could have been there! I was at the one in Dallas, TX and it was awesome! Thanks to each and every one of you that made the trip!
Thanks so much for keeping this visible for those of us on the left coast. Is there an easy way I can put it on my facebook account? I partipated with the Tea Party Patriots in a Constitutional Parade held in Nevada City, CA yesterday. Many were applauding as we walked by with our floats. Let us never forget our freedom!
SHAME!!!!SHAME!!!!SHAME !!!!! FOX NEWS ….your coverage was terribly lacking!!!!! EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU SHOWED THE TEA PARTY you just had to follow with mr teleprompter obama. He cant even “feign” excitement without a script . When will you learn we ALL HAVE MUTE KEYS . Our “so called leader” ran from the people. AND ON OUR DIME TOO . Acorn busses people in …uses manufactured signs ( left over from the obamanation campaign ) ….uses bullhorns in peoples ears ( to the point of pain ). YOU NEVER covered the REAL TEA PARTY’S SUCCESS STORY ****except Sean **** Glenn ***Huckabee ( the usual conservatives ). If I missed anyone who did cover it I apologize. But only once . I was at the Federal Building in WLA with 5000 plus fired up AMERICANS . UCLA’s backyard and 90 % of the horn beeping was “thumbs up” . The other 10% were liberals that didnt know where their thumbs were and tried another finger” . CLASS ACT HUH??????
Greg was disgustingly slanted ( keep him on week ends so I dont have to watch him ) …only to be topped by Geral-dull ….who once again made a pure fool of himself trying to out think Ann Coulter . Thats like the pea and the Princess. His only comeback was to give some nobody liberal rag
more mic time . And Juan Williams…now there is a piece of work …what are you drinking – even kool aid drinkers dont make the dumb comments you do . Thank you for sparing us Beckel & Alan Combs – my MUTE key appreciates your sensitivity to your listeners .
We the listener GIVE FOX its ratings. Your content CREATES those loyal listeners. When I started you were a great relief from the MSM drones who bore us to death with their scripted reporting . Its like calling ATT or Avis & getting India. NO clue what their customers (audiences) are saying just read the script and repeat “soo sorry verry verry nice lady , maam ” .
This country AMERICA is FINALLY getting a “throw the bums out ” mindset …..and it can apply to radio management too , Mr Ailes. We dont have to wait for an election , spend money on a special election . We just have to “flick you off”. Thats a button not a finger . Too many liberals ( esp closet liberals ) and we go find someone else too !!!!
The 2 million people PLUS that even ABC acknowledged. That was also on uTube & Twitter …and this am its all over America making the slanted reporters look even more foolish . That my friends is a MANDATE. They paid their own way , made their own signs , spoke from their own hearts ( and for 83% of Americans ) had NO violence , NO arrests , NO trash ,NO acorn.
Aerial shots on the internet that you should have been showing like you ran Katrina ad naseum with they very liberal raggings of Shepherd Smith and Geral-dull over & over & over with New Orleans until we regurgitated .Ignoring the Miss Story. FLASH Mississippi got the hit.
Suzzy ‘n Sammy Senior
a voice for the seniors
Thank GOD for these people. I could not attend but went to our own Tea Party in Monterey, CA. I am so affraid of what this President is doing to our country. We cannot be quiet any longer………..GOD BLESS AMERICA….
I am so proud of my America today. Let freedom ring.
Thank you for going to the march and thanks for posting the photos!!!!!
One of the finest events and movements I could ever dream of.
The forefathers of my country are proud and smiling from the great beyond.
So outstanding I’m stunned and speechless.
Beautiful. No violence. No rioting and anarchist type wanton destruction of anything. One of my friends returned from his local Tea Party only to find his ‘We The People’ signs turned upside down with shotgun blast holes across the sign in his yard. I remember seeing many political signs vandalized by Obama supporters during the election but not a single vandalized sign for the Obama side. Kind of tells me who the ‘vandals’ supported.
We are the people of the ‘We The People’ in the U.S. Constitution.
They (the anti-American folks0 have tread on us and our rights and won’t get away with this garbage much longer, THANK GOD!!!!!!
Thank you all for caring enough to do all this.
Chuck Barnes of Washington State.
If we, the silent majority, have found our voice at long last, I’m thrilled that we have been heard, and we have. The left is watching very closely. How inspiring to see those millions come to their capital and announce that we have had enough!!! I attended a small rally (350?) in the suburb of Seattle, called Redmond, and loved the comaradarie of just standing there on the corner with people of like mind. A 90 yr old man came with his bugle, and a sign that read, “I’m 90, let me live!” and “I’m not a clunker”! It was a very encourageing time, and the honks, thumbs up and cheers, far outnumbered the thumbs down, silence, and the finger”! And this is liberal land!!! Watch Out Liberals/Communists,Marxists/Progressives! Stand Fast
hey america wake up, stop talking and do your job, you have chance to see like people live for hundred years in other countries!Obama isn’t God, he can’t do everything!
I am so happy to see Americans stand up for the true freedoms of this country! We Really need to get the word out and become more vocal in these days so others will truly understand what is happening! It is “We the People!” NOT “We the Government!” I will never understand as people rally and express their voice why the Left, and those who do not agree, slander and call those who want to take this country back.. “Right wing fanatics” or radicals! Do you truly not see the big picture?? Amazing! Go back into history ( as it repeats itself) and see how things started in Nazi Germany with Hitler. Oh how people loved him and what he stood for and hung on his every word. WOW! I am truly convinced that their eyes were blinded as so many in this country’s are as well! Wake up People! Time will tell and “The proof is in the pudding!” God Bless America… and God have mercy on those who harm her!
We must stand strong together and change our government officials to the ones that will follow the will of the people not their own.
AWESOME!!! WE are dairy farmers in PA so had to stay home and milk cows, but GOD BLESS YOU GUYS, WE WERE THERE IN SPIRIT!! How do we get this out to the rest of the US, what media can we use? Please forward this report and link to every email address you have and let’s do an Ombama strategy, use the internet and get the truth out!!!!
Obamanation is the new abamanation as in abomination.
i wish i could have been there to support the principles this country was founded on. but i have two jobs and need to work 7 days a week to keep my head above the water line. i ask for no handouts i just want government to get out of my business and just let me work. I don’t mind 7 days a week, 10+hours a day, but i do mind a new tax everytime i turn around. more tax is not the answer…
Great site! Just wanted to let you know that we are the colonial couple & we are actually come from Ohio, not Tennessee. However, we did meet some very nice people from there. Thanks for adding our picture just the same.
What ignorance. Suddenly you’re against the word “Czar” as used by the U.S??? Didn’t your GOD, Ronald Reagan first start using that word?
Where were you through during the Bush Debacle?
It makes me sad to see such a quantity of gullibility.
Business as usual is NOT patriotic, you morons!
Inspirational demonstration of freedom lovers. Thanks to each one who participated.
RESTORE AMERICA!!!!! Support FREE ENTERPRISE. Abolish “Executive Orders” by Presidents (real or ersatz)!!!!!
Its good to see the democrats are going to destroy themselves 10 times worse than the republicans did.
Well! Someone woke up the EAGLE, Watch it sore. Time to clean out the nest.
The movement has begun… “Let’s Roll…”
To all who were lucky to be there in DC, we were in Austin, TX: Congratulations. I don’t think the Obama’s, Polisi’s or Reid’s hear one bit, nor did they tune their TVs to Fox News, but we hear you. God Bless America. Obama and his gang of thugs are still at it. Obama is on the Health care campaign, and won’t stop….this AM (9-14-09)he is in Wall Street telling them how he’s gonna control the financial district…. He’s a commie/socialist as well, and has always been….he’s taken his policies right out of Hitler’s “Mein Kampt”(See Time’s WW II “Hitler’s Germany” from 1032-1939, it’s amazing how duplicative Obama’s moves are. Best of luck to us all in STOPPING Obama ! Jb
Wish I could have been there, didn’t really know about it. Need to publisize it more the next time.
I wanted to be there but health issues prevented it. I could not stand or walk long enough to endure. It does my heart good to know that so many patriotic Americans participated to let Obama and his cronies know how we feel and where we stand on his “Distribute the wealth” Socialist, communist changing of this great country. We need to impeach him and all of his cronies and put this country back on the right path to prosperity and government by the people.
What these politicians fail to realize is that for every person that was there, there are four and their extensions that could not attend but are in sync with the marchers. Start thinking 2010 now and vote, vote, vote. The only reason this bum was elected is that the populus was totally disenchanted with the Bush admin. Time to take our country back.
I was there! Fantastic! Unbelievable. DO YOU HEAR US NOW?! Onward for the rights of Americans. Those of you who do not agree – try reading the Declaration and Constitution. At age 62, I remember when the Soviet Dictator said he would take us over from within. Progressives – you are the conduit of communistic/socialistic change. Shame on you. People gave their lives for our freedom, people risk their lives to come here. Canadians travel here for health care – DON’T YOU GET IT?!? Congress – don’t spend one more penny and cancel the checks already in the mail. YOU WORK FOR US, WE DON’T WORK FOR YOU!
John Ulstrom Sir you repeat the leftist lies. There was no illegal wiretapping nor violations of the Geneva Conventions. I doubt you even know what those conventions say… Look them up
I keep a link to The Law of Land Warfare manual on my desktop.
Also If you do not know what you are talking about.. keep your mouth shut and your keyboard unused.
Great! Thanks. I thought about going, but logistics (as predicted) made this 80+ just watch with great satisfaction. Good luck. We will be heard! And I VOTE!
It’s not all about what Prezoboma is, it is indeed about what is missing and what is most befitting to his political facad. “He needs an Arabian CAMEL”
I WAS THERE!!! It was a wonderful, peaceful day of protest and FREEDOM RANG! I also marveled at the lack of trash or litter of any kind along the marching route or on the Capital lawn. Yes, the trash cans were filled to overflowing by four pm, but nobody disposed of even so much as a gum wrapper anywhere else. THIS IS AMERICA as I know and love it. These are GOOD PEOPLE and we want our government to return to GOODNESS and end the corruption. Hey Washington, CAN YOU HEAR US NOW?????????????
I was at the march on 9-12-09 and I have to say it was awesome. I met so many people from all over the country including Hawaii. All political parties, all walks of life, all races and ethnicities. It was one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had.
BRAVO to the organizers, BRAVO to the people of America. We came, We Stood, We will be counted.
God bless America!!
Hi, I am from Germany and I am happy to see that the American people still has this will for freedom and is not brainwashed like the Germans. Fyi in the German medias you could not find one single word about this demonstration against Mr Messias oh sorry Obama. Carry on folks!
Investigate ACORN and the President.
Thank You God.
Thank You Americans.
Thank You All for the encouraging words left today.
We the people are back and we aren’t leaving. This was not a democrat, republican or otherwise movement. It is an “american” issue. NO MORE SPENDING AND CONTROL OF AMERICA.
What i don’t understand is why do one ever mentions the last eight years and how we got here in the first place.
I was there along with my son husband and a friend.
Will do it again as many times a needed, many others who I talked to when I came home will go if we need to do this again. If so, charted bus will be in order as opposed to the small car we drove down in.
So AWESOME to meet all of you out there on 9/12!
Praying for this country all day everyday. One Nation under GOD!
**THANK YOU** to all the fellow PATRIOTS who went to Washington DC. I wanted to be there so badly, but couldn’t. So, THANK YOU, for representing all of us who couldn’t be there. Clean House and Senate in 2010! Vote the Liberals out! Take our Country back!
Your pictures and commentary are fabulous. I am going to link you from my Townhall Blog…The Bare Nee Cessities. It’s a great day to be an American!!!
Wow – great Photos! Greetings from Berlin – where the islam is growing! Take care of your country – and invite germans to your country!
I stayed home in Texas, but i really enjoyed the posters and I believe every word they say about him. Impeach him get him out before he sells us down the river so to speak.
[…] or right though, with 2 million+ people showing up to the Tea Party in Washington DC this last weekend, I don’t think he should antagonize them, or else his boss might be […]
Thanks to all those who attended and who were there in spirit!! Audios, Obama!! Hello, Sarah Palin!
I could only march at the Veterans building in Los Angeles on Sept. 12th. We had thousands show up. I was so proud of our friends and others who marched in Wash.DC. We all are not stopping here. Just because Obama calls up his group to endorse him, it’s not public support. It’s paid support.
We will give our lives to save our country, there is a big difference…
We have GOD on our side………….Oh, and Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity!
This is a response “captfoster” above and other nay commenters.
“captfoster” had the audacity to describe these Tea Party attendees as “gullible”…”simpletons who could not define the difference between Socialist, Communist or Fascist”. I’ll bet he even thinks that Socialism and Communism are on the left and that Fascism is on the far right, when in fact they are all on the FAR LEFT and all fall under Oligarchy forms of government.
Americans do not want any FAR LEFT Oligarchy form of government and want their Republic to stay the way it was intended! Perhaps he should have done his homework before he called anyone else a simpleton….. on the other hand perhaps he is one of those sheeple who’s education was limited to being taught “what” to think as opposed to being taught “how” to think. Maybe it would be a good time to for him and the others to check out the difference of Oligarchy vs Republic on youtube. He he might then understand what these wonderful patriotic American citizens are protesting about!
Great event. Wish I could have joined all of you as I understand the need for all of us to make our stand now before it’s too late, but I do my part in flooding their inboxes and fax machines. We need term limits and we need to have our politicians focusing on the problems we have. Fix them first and then come talk to us. Oh and Pelosi leave Joe Wilson alone, he was only doing what most of the others wish they had done, if you don’t think this is so, then he is the only smart one of the bunch! It’s time the Leno’s, Feinstein’s, Boxer’s, Pelosi’s, Reid’s just to name a few are relieved of their duties and replaced with someone that is concerned about our country and our constitution as it was written.
WHile you are all marching and hollering REMEMBER you voted the clowns in
I could hardly imagine the idea of 2,000,000 at the March on Washington. These pictures make me wonder if even that isn’t an underestimation. The area this crowd covers is absolutely huge. I’ve walked it, end to end, side to side. And the White House has said they didn’t know it was happening. Makes Obama’s little gather in Wisconsin look like a weenie roast, huh? Curt
Happy to see the protests. I hope that this effort is not subverted by pro government pro Kleptocrat forces. This has happened over the years. Important to realize that Bush and company were all part of the same corrupt government. The same people are in power again with different faces, and a different story. The objectives are the same. Reject both democrat corporate Liberals and fake neocon Republicans. They represent the same interests. End the tag team attack of the Republicrats on American.
I was there, It was one of the most fabulous days I have ever experienced. Second only to childbirth. It was like a birth or a rebirth of the American Spirit. We will never, never give up – freedom is too precious.
The pictures are great they tell an outstanding story of whats on the hearts and minds of the American people.Its what made our country the greatest thats ever exsisted in the world. She will rise to even greater heights.Thanks to love of freedom, and the love of God. May God forever bless this country. Thanks to all those that attended this historical event. May be that it will catch on around the world.
When we went to the Tea Party in Las Vegas on Aug 31, it was awe inspiring! I just wish that we could have been there in D.C. for this unbelievably fantastic finale! It is not just conservatives that attended these parties. They are from all political persuasions that have UNITED AS AMERICANS to help save this nations Republic from those that seek to turn our form of government into that of an Oligarchy. In response to their efforts to change our great nation, they have indeed awakened the sleeping tiger and the spirit of America in the hearts of our citizenry!
i think you are 100% right and i say stand your ground there is a lot of people behind you .
Debra J.M. Smith
Informing Christians
So glad to see that the silent majority is silent no more.
The NYT tried to say you numbered only 500,but C-Span & FNC covered it extensively & showed that to be untrue.
Now everyone PLEASE email call write your Sens. & Reps. NOW !
Let them know you will vote them out of office if they continue to down play this protest (Gibbs did that today)& ignore your concerns.
I am fed up with “Pass it now,don’t bother to read it” legislation.
The demonstrators aren’t claiming two million; that was ABC’s estimate—and if they say two million, it was probably more like three and a half. Fasten your seat belts, liberals–it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!!
GREAT DEMONSTRATION against the TYRANNY that is inside the GATES of our GREAT NATION>>> We bused over 300 PATRIOTS from ANNAPOLIS (peeples republic of Md) to DC yesterday to join the THOUSANDS (Millions)disgusted with the anti-constitutional robbery of our nation.
YThe pictures tell the story…. Mr. president and your congress and acorn croneys LIE, question is WHY??? TO CAPTURE OUR USA from within.
We’re MAD AS HELL and we’re not going to take it anymore!!!!!
Finally, we are getting our butts in gear and showing resistance to the insane lying propaganda of Obama, Pelosi, Reed, Shumer, Dodd, Rangel, Holter, et al……
We MUST get them out of office and replace them with Conservatives that understand what’s at stake and know how to govern our part of the world. In essence, we need a new Sheriff in America who knows how to deputize.
We simply have to get MSM to shift their allegiance to what is pure and right.
In the meantime we need to protect talk radio and get this animal turned around.
My heart goes out to all the thousands of folks who made this event such a success. Up to now, myself, like many thousands of others, feared our voices were not being heard. The changes that have taken place in our present government are unbelievable. Lies,greed, corruption, how has this been allowed to happen. The health care system, millions of job losses, millions of people have lost their homes, immigrants being given the same privildges most of us have worked many years to earn, we live in a very scary world. The huge deficit we are leaving our children and grandchildren, how can it ever be solved. STAND UP AMERICANS, WE MUST TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK.
I was there! It was wonderful! It was so affirming to know so many people shared my fears and passion regarding our rights and freedoms.