Conservative Woodstock Rocks the Capital
Patriotic anti-big-government taxpayers blast through the million protester mark.
September 12, 2009, Washington, D.C. – by EL MARCO
Protesters flooded Washington today in what people in the crowd are calling “a conservative Woodstock”. Like the liberal Woodstock of the ’60s, thousands were rumored stranded on freeways. Some walked in to DC, ditching their cars and busses. I walked with a 5 deep 6 block long column of protesters from Pennsylvania who told me they had walked miles from where they were forced by gridlock to leave their busses. Networks including Fox News continued through the time I’m writing this at 8 p.m. local Eastern time reporting that “tens of thousands” showed up. What is up with that? When will we get some reliable reporting out of the corporate media types? UPDATE: Two days later, there is still no conclusive count of the participants. Michelle Malkin’s site goes over the whole issue on a post linked at the end of this article.
This event had been promoted as a taxpayer “tea party” but the crowd’s concerns were wide ranging, from outrage at the corrupt ACORN activists and Obama’s socialist cadre known as Czars, to Obama’s naked untruthfulness. Protesters also displayed signs mocking Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for smearing the grassroots movement as “astroturfers” and an “angry mob”.
I think this gathering should be appreciated as the extremely important historical event that it is. This is the first great conservative anti-statist manifestation in American history. The conservative movement, which developed in the post-WWII, Cold War environment has now fully matured into the most significant political movement of the 21st century. I believe that this day could be referred to in the not too distant future as the day that changed America. This was the day the great silent conservative majority finally found its voice.
Many of the attendees were quite meek and timid and were unsure of exactly what to expect, this being the first time in their lives they’d been involved in a protest movement. Their fears evaporated early in the day and people reveled in the camaraderie , the joy and sheer civility that was exhibited at the entire event. Chants of “Freedom, freedom, freedom”, “No more czars! No more czars!” carried through the air without the slightest hint of the rancor which is the norm at the many leftist rallies I have photographed over the years.
The two photos above show a tiny fraction of the multitude that surged through the American capitol. I saw signs and heard lots of comments comparing this event to Woodstock. At the time this photo was taken, around 1:00 p.m., Pennsylvania Avenue was still jammed completely, and the mall was packed from the Capitol Building past the Washington Monument. See photo here.
Protesters came from every state in the union. This man came from San Antonio, TX. He said that he was really sorry he hadn’t brought his family. He stated that being a black conservative he was unwilling to expose his children to what he expected would be a lot of liberal abuse. He was thrilled with the overall tenor of the event and the fact that no liberals were present to harass him. He spoke about how incredibly intolerant the left is to black individuals who don’t bow to the party line.
These Ohioans took a day off their rodeo bull-riding schedule. They said they’ll be back at it tomorrow.
Mike Pence (R-Indiana) was one of the speakers who addressed the crowd: “After years of fighting runaway government on this hill, you people look like the cavalry to me..I believe we are on the verge of a great American awakening.”
San Diego radio host Mason Weaver said from the podium: “I came here because I thought you might want to hear a black man speak without a teleprompter…This government is trying to make a nation of dependent people. Americans have always been independent people…This is not a Republican thing, it’s not a Democrat thing. It’s not a black thing or a white thing. It’s an American thing…We the people are telling them ‘No more! We’ve had enough!”
In the very center of the photo, above the Silence is Consent – Can You Hear Us Now sign, you can see Pennsylvania Ave., which at this time is totally blocked with protesters who cannot move forward to the Capitol area. Sorry, full up.
There were notable differences though, in the behavior of these attendees. Although the legend of Woodstock is that there was a friendly atmosphere of camaraderie, the truth is that most people were there for the drugs, sex and rock and roll. Today in D.C. there was a true kinship amongst these people based on shared values and intellectual understanding of what America is and how its future is imperiled by big radical government.
No one was having sex in the Reflecting Pool let alone the mud, and I saw no one projectile vomiting on the steps of the Capitol. There were no warnings to avoid the bad acid which would send you on a trip to the hospital. Not just a different era, but a different level of civilized behavior and thought. Oh, and by the way, these people didn’t leave tons of garbage behind when they left. Actually they left no trash behind at all.
Obama Lied, Capitalism Died.
We are the mob!
Support Class Envy! Redistribute Wealth.
Madam Speaker: Kiss Our Astroturf!
The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Obama Himself – – – Compassion is Voluntary, Not Compulsory!
WALNUT — Workers Against Lazy Non-Producers United Together — the conservative answer to ACORN. Didn’t have to ask them if they were receiving any taxpayer money like radical left-wing ACORN. Different DNA!
Proud members of the “Angry Mob” and they’re armed with their votes.
Very cute tiny megaphone which boosted her voice by 10% or so. It was the only megaphone I saw in the three hours I was there.
Your wallet…the only place Democrats are willing to drill! — Don’t share my wealth – share my work ethic!
Right-wing extremist armed with the constitution.
Who are the commie czars?
Jews from former USSR say NO to Socialism — Many Russians who escaped to the US are stunned by the creeping socialism that they have found here in the last two decades. Now they too are marching in the streets. They know what tyranny looks like and they are alarmed by the direction the new administration is taking.
Marxism – the opiate of the asses — Posters from the Peoples Cube are proliferating amongst protesters.
Stop Making Profit! — Report all Capitalist Activities to
World’s #1 Crypto-Marxist. Endorsed by Fidel Castro: “The most powerful progressive candidate to the U.S. presidency.” – GRANMA, Havana, May 26, 2008
Dictator Castro did indeed endorse Obama. Note that he used the word progressive to describe Barack? Well thats because the Libs gave the word liberal such a bad smell by their behavior and policies over the years that they had to abandon it. They started referring to themselves as progressives and figured no one would notice the word’s communist pedigree. It means progress on the road to socialism and Castro understands it that way.
Well darn it Martha, look at that! The president really is a progressive just like NPR says he is !!
Nancy Pelosi has accused patriotic tea-party goers of “carrying swastikas” implying that they are Nazi sympathizers or worse. This event was knee deep in hammers and sickles and words like “socialist” “communist” and “Marxist”. It continues to fascinate me how the Democrat Party tolerates this without ever objecting or attempting to refute this widespread view of Obama. When will the MSM ask the questions about The Chosen One’s communist buddies and endorsers? And why do communists who absolutely loath the USA, like Castro, Chavez, Ortega, and Michael Moore worship at the alter of Obama?
Ever present at Tea Parties are Sons of Liberty re-enactors. The couple on the left is from Ohio and the young lady on the right is not but she joined in the photo when I invited her. The clothing for the Ohio couple was hand stitched by the lady on the left. The lady on the right also stitched her own. This is what really hip conservatives are wearing these days. It’s all about FREEDOM!
………………..MORE PHOTO ESSAYS by EL MARCO………………….
El Marco covers the Docs 4 Patients Care rally in D.C. Doctors Against Obamacare
NANCY and the ASTROTURFERS “Denver photojournalist El Marco was at the event and has an amazing pictorial essay detailing how Pelo-cchio’s Astroturf brigade had to be coached by professional organizers — including several day laborers who didn’t speak English and couldn’t tell what the signs they were holding read. And they accuse Tea Party folks of being puppets?!” – **Michelle Malkin**
Islam Clouds Bali’s Horizon – Photo Essay By El Marco
Michelle Malkin delves into the 9/12 rally numbers controversy.
Martin Luther King was hounded, beaten, and jailed by Democrats. Read what he had to say about protesting, in his Letter from a Birmingham Jail.
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Thanks for visiting! Never Give In and Never Forget. El Marco
I was at the rally on 9/12 in Washington DC. I have NEVER protested nor been particularly politically active. I am now! Someone at the rally said the congress awakened a sleeping Giant…and so they have! I have never been to a press of people so large and WITHOUT any of the usual problems (fights, littering, swearing, hustling etc). I congratulate all who came and ask that they not become discouraged…just because most of the media down-played the event. WE know, we were THERE! Press on toward the goal…run the good race…finish strong!
My husband Bruce and I are from N.E. PA and we wouldn’t have missed this for anything! The one common factor that the both of us noticed was that if anyone bumped into you they would immediately say “I’m sorry” or if they needed to get past you they would say “excuse me” what manners everyone had. I doubt very much that that would be the case if it was the “Left” marching on the Capitol! I am very proud to be a Conservative and to stand up for the Constitution of the United States of America! My son and two other family members are in the military as well as my father was during the Korean War and they took an oath to defend and protect and they are! My question is….didn’t the congress and president also???
I to wish I had been there. Thanks to all that came. I feel you represented me well. The whole town is rotten to the core and one bad apple will ruin the barrel if not removed. Unfortunately DC is full of bad apples.
I to wish I had been there. thanks to all there that represented me. I will forward this to all my friends. I hope my Democrat ones will see the light. God Bless the USA and God help Us.
Let’s do it again……they didn’t hear us? Maybe we could double the “couple of thousand” next time! LOL When can we start…..I’m ready to go!
I am one who wanted to go to DC but didn’t. Am over 70 years of age and sick of the liberalism and give away programs our congress has approved. Kick them all out!
Where can I get a tee shirt. I’m part of the “mob” and know many more people who want one too. ARe they being marketed?
Lloyd Marcus said it best. I guess ALL of America had to experience 2 years of this Socialistic CRAP to understand what rural America already knew…..Stalin in any other garb is still Stalin!!!!
This is a great article and the best overall pictures that I’ve seen of the crowd. I was there! It was awesome
Even if Obama weren’t selling us a bill of goods, our Congress will! Any bill they pass is a “Grand Scam”, certain to be full of pork, scheming, earmarks, political payoffs and a hand-off of our rights to an inept, out-of-touch bureaucracy that sets rules & regulations over which even Congress can’t control! Quarantine our Corrupt Congress.
I was there and it really made you feel good and proud to be an AMERICAN. Again the media and the democrates are playing the race card. It is easier then admiting that they are the problem. They just don’t get it. This is not just about ObamaCare, this is about social security, taxes, bailouts, our rights, freedom, and government take overs. I am so glad that America has woke up. But there is still alot to do. Don’t stop we must keep going and if nothing eles in 2010 we won;t have to ask do you hear us now because they won’t be there to listen. GOG bless AMERICA and GOD bless all AMERICANS
This event was Of the real Americans, By the real Americans, and For the real Americans. Our constitution has stood this long and it will stand forever. After seeing all the pictures it confirms that We The People run this country for the good of all. We are a people of other national decent, but first we are Americans. God Bless all who participated in this great gathering; George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosvelt, Abraham Lincoln,and Harry Truman were cheering their hearts out from above. Thanks for being Americans. I salute you….Ken Alling Vietnam Veteran USMC.
[…] An entertaining summary, complete with pictures, of the D.C. rally this weekend by opponents of the administration’s programs, especially ObamaCare. Those would be the types of folks dismissed by mindless reporters, columnists, (Maureen Dowd, I’m writing about you) and other media types in sweeping terms as racists for opposing the President’s policies. […]
You’re the best El Marco! I am blessed that you are out there. We all are. Thanks again.
Obama and the Democratic party have been turning a deaf ear to all of us and others are trying to deflect our comments by playing the racial card. I know our comments have nothing to do with race or color and they’re just misinformed or completely ignorant as to what Obama is trying to accomplish. I wish they would do a little research before they make their comments. I don’t think they’re going to hear us untill we kick them all out of office. I’m for impeachment, so let me know when the petition comes around. Dan
This is a great bunch of people. I wish I would have know about this in time to make it there. It’s like one Gigantic Family all chanting for the same cause. I hope this is done again next year and the year after until election day when we can oust the Commie in the Oval Office. It’s almost unbelievable to me that obama got into the White House. He is a Fascist/Socialist much like Adolph Hitler, who when he is challenged uses lies and strong-arm tactics to silence his opponents. Kinda sounds like Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro… Tnx again for such a shot in the arm..
Fabulous! Let’s keep going! SHould we NOT pay this year’s taxes?
Where are the artists?
That aside, a big “way to go” to the people who organized this event. It’s important for people to be heard. To any “liberal” or “progressive” reading this news (like me: my Mom & Dad sent the link to me, and I love my Mom and Dad. Even though we disagree on a lot of political solutions — we ALL agree that Love is the most important thing in the world), I offer you these words:
“The next time you don’t understand someone’s style, language, or way
of being, I invite you to pause and be grateful for having eyes and ears to
see and hear them. Then take a moment to celebrate their interests the
way you would hope they celebrate yours. You don’t have to share their
beliefs to be genuinely stoked for them. The world is a party waiting to
happen. All you have to do is shout SURPRISE and give (everybody) some
applause for doing their best with what they’ve been given.” – Jason Mraz
As my Dad always said, “Just keep doing your best.”
Please show me a petition for impeachment and I’ll sigh it too
Thank you for standing up for the people and for what our country stands for!! God Bless You and may God Bless our country again.
My heartfelt thanks to all who attended the “Tea Party” in DC. I wish I could have been there, but like so many others, I was there in spirit. I went to my first (and I am 62) protest here in Carson City, NV on April 15th, and felt my heart swell with pride at the number of people who attended that, but it paled in comparison to the DC march. All I can say about the DC march is WOW! The pictures are fantastic. Thank you to all who took pictures to document the event knowing that the MSM would all but ignore it. Thanks also to Fox News and Glenn Beck, without them, this would all be a figment of our collective imaginations! Kudos to the organizers, keep up the good work!
I am so glad I could be there. History was made, indeed. The Washington crew needs to hear us now. They can pretend the numbers were small, they can say we were wrong, but they know the truth of the numbers and that we know the truth of their corruption. Keep praying, keep speaking, and never give up, American patriots!
I was there and this is the BEST article I’ve read about our 912 March on DC. You expressed what I observed in participating. Great Report!
Praise God for all the young people I saw in the photos. It seems that all of our youth have not been brainwashed into thinking the Gov’t has all the power and answers. Thanks to all you people who make such a great effort to be there in the place of all of us who should have been there. May God bless you and please keep up the good work. Millions of us are with you. We are ready to take control of our nation again. Thank you all so very very much. We that didn’t make the trip should be writing our news people demanding better reporting and writing our congressmen demanding impeachment proceedings begin.
Thank God there really ARE other people upset with the liberal “donkeys” in Washington. I’m sick of the lies, sick of the coverups for the conspiracy to take over OUR America and our personal freedoms. Let’s band together before they close down the airways and shut down truth radio and televison. I did not vote for this “CHARMING” LIAR. Irate in Iowa!!!!
Thank you for such “on-the-scene” coverage!! I reluctantly did not make it but the people I inspired to go, went without me!! I’m posting this on FB for everyone to see!!! Maybe… just Maybe… we are waking up!?!
Way to go guys! I am so proud of you and envious of you because I couldn’t be there to be a part of this historical event. I did have a few local friends who made the trip, however. We’ve got to stop this crap now, before it’s too late. Lord help us all if we don’t.
God Bless America!
What I’d like to know is, was Mr. Obama aware of what was going on here? And was he here, or was he off on “vacation” in some other country?
Always worked since early childhood for the expenses of a career, living frugally, never spending what I could not afford, preparing for the future. Now retired, only to see savings dwindle and a government bent on power gained through spending and takeover with poor monetary decisions. My money and yours is being spent and waisted at an alarming rate. There will be little chance for the children to enjoy the same freedoms and living standards. Wake up everyone, regardless of your politics, we are not minding the store. We need to be represented with our thoughts for America, to have a voice, and give better direction for all Americans.
I’d be surprised if the Liberal Press would describe the real Washington Tea Party. Our local paper suggest “thousands” participated. Typical slanting of the news which keeps people ignorant! They think we are all mushrooms and try to keep us in the dark
I’d be surprised if the Liberal Press would describe the real Washington Tea Party. Our local paper suggest “thousands” participated. Typical slanting of the news which keeps people ignorant! They think we are all mushrooms, try to keep us in the dark
and feed us B.S.
The craziness of the current Obama Administration must stop. Every concerned citizen must get involved now and hold ALL of their elected officials accountable. If the official refuses by acting like the people work for them instead of the other way around, the citizens must remove ALL of these officials at the next election in 2010. Time is critical and inaction is not an option. Our Freedom & Liberty are literally at stake. As our nation’s founding fathers said, “We shall hang together or we shall surely hang separately.” God Bless You!
I am sorry that we have any President that would put a Staff together, such as Obama has. Tax Cheats, Commumist, Socialist and others that haveno been inv estigat ed as yet. Shame on these type people. Max Headley.
I received a big part of this post in an email today. It had already been sent to dozens of people. I’ll be sending it on. Hopefully we can eliminate the need for the dinosaur media by spreading the news ourselves. Thanks for a great compilation.
Absoutely amazing…….America will be O.k. will help anyway I can..did not even know about this..GOOD whoever organized this..Michael Fleuker
I thank all you patriots that spoke for me on 9-12. God bless you. I will be there next year if it happens again. We need out country back and we need to replace those representatives that do not feel the same way.
Praise the Lord and pass the patriotism!! This is the shot in the arm the silent majority needed. I hope the movement does not wane. I am so proud of the group dynamics, dicipline, & determination; in spite of the mass media’s attempt to down play it and the city authorities denial of a permit to Fox News request for a live program broadcast (Hannity).
It is good to know that there are people who think and feel as I do.THere are probably a lot more..Somehow bring them all togeather..Then we will see some change..I will help in any way that I can…Good work..Sincerly Michael Fleuker..
I was there. I have pictures!! I’ve gone back and looked at pictures of the “million man march” in 1995 where the MSM reported the crowd to be 2-3 million non-racist liberals. The pictures confirm there were more people at the Tea Party on Saturday than the 1995 liberal event. Just google and look for yourselves. Crowd didn’t even fill back to the monument not to mention our crowd that was overflowing onto the streets.
So we’re treating our protesters like Iran does. If it were not for people who had the presence of mind to take and post pictures, the world would never know. Shame on our media for downplaying this significant happening, and thanks to all who made the trip!
“This is my Woodstock” ?!
Good for you, dude! Don’t bogart the Coors Lite :)
Would’ve made quite a fashion statement at the ’69 Woodstock with those golf shorts!
I walked Pennsylvania Ave. to the Capitol Building on Saturday and it was a awesome event. The news media can “lie” all they want…I know how many people were there. It brought tears to my eyes to see them all…and best of all…united for the cause. I truly believe that God has his hand on this movement.
I thought the return welcome that we received coming back from Viet Nam was bad. I now can’t believe the state that our country is in. We seem to have elected a President that not only knows he isn’t qualified to sit in the same chair others have but is even willing to seek to eliminate the constitional
rights earned and fought for by our Forefathers and Fathers,Brothers,Mothers,
and Sisters. How can you call yourself an American and bow to the Muslim
leaders overseas when you know that they are killing so many of other nations?
Again we need to make sure everyone knows that we are a Free and Independent
Nation and we are mad as hell and we aren’t going to stand for this any longer.
God Bless American. I am sooooo proud to be an American. I am so proud of everyone that attended the Tea Party. Let’s all keep voicing our opinions so they will be continued to be heard. We cannot lose our Freedom.. Let’s fight for our freedoms . We can and will win this battle!!! It’s time to FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS. Obama is a communist.
Fantastic! What a shame no newspaper (apparently) covered the protest as well. You are to be congratulated.
From Odessa, Texas
Wish I was there with all you patriots I did my own thing localey though. Keep up the good work these pictures are inspiring.
I too am envious and was teary eyed seeing all of the pictures and reading the signs. I went to a tea party on the 4th but couldn’t make DC. I am so proud of each and everyone that went. Thanks for representing th erest of us.
Wao! Americans have finally awaken, i was not there and for that i am sorry,
We need to speak and stand up for our great country and our belief and values which are being destroyed.
I wish I was able to have been there, but, I was there in Spirit. I’m so proud of Americans for ‘Standing Up For Freedom’ against the B. Hussein Obama regime.
He doesn’t know what truth is! He lies. And, to think this comes from our Blessed Capitol and White House where the many that were worthy have served in the past.
Wonderful pictures. I would have been thrilled to be a part of this, I have been to Washington 15 years ago, but nothing like this. I hope we can stop the liberals before it is too late. Hope everyone is watching Glenn Beck these days. He is doing great work for our country.
I Love America and this great gathering of citizens at Washinton D.C.
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Praise God, there is a renewed HOPE! It would appear the sleeping giant has been roused from his slumber; now let’s keep the momentum rolling. It’s a great feeling to see the pictures of all those people expressing their beliefs and honest feelings in a civil, yet definite manner. They have set the tone, now it’s our responsibility to keep the fire alive.
That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.
1.7 million people took the time to travel to Washington D. C. to express their disapproval of how their elected officials are representing their interests. These are ordinary folks who are concerned about the future of their children and this nation. They want their children to grow up in a country where people have the right to express their opinions without fear of retribution. They want their children to be able to own guns and use them if it becomes necessary to protect their families. They want their elected officials to follow the laws set down by the Constitution of the United States of America. I believe most of the 1.7 million people at the National Tea Party Rally were trying to say “No taxation without Representation”. They want their elected officials to listen to their concerns. I believe most protesters were in favor of states rights. I believe they are in favor of a much smaller and less intrusive federal government. I believe they are in favor of more local control by the people.
I was so pleased to see the Tyler Morning Telegraph had a good spread on the front page today, September 15. So great to see a good report on the activity on Sept 12 in Washington. Hopefully the Obama administration will take note. If not, we are in for a multitude of problems. As we get ready to celebrate Constitution Week, Sep 17 – 23, it would serve our politicians well to read it.
Kitty Wheeler
This small gathering of 1.7 million people say they believe in capitalism, liberty, freedom and the Constitution. These protesters are obviously radical trouble-making racists, who are against the President because of his race. This National Tea Party Protest has nothing to do with the President’s socialistic policies or his choice of radical or Communist Czars. The President and his nearsighted Congress probably didn’t even notice this small gathering of 1.7 million protesters who displayed a few silly homemade signs such as “Yes, We Can’t” and “He Lied.” The mainstream media didn’t pay much attention either. If this group of protesters were an organized group such as ACORN, Congress might listen. WAKE UP, AMERICA! Don’t you know Congress will reprimand you for speaking out like that? The government knows what is best for you.
I am so proud of the great Americans that went to Washington. I tried to
get a ride, but next year I will be there… Hopefully, Washington will
stop ignoring WE THE PEOPLE!!! WE WILL OVERCOME….We will overcome the
great mistake of Obama getting elected for change….We now know what kind of
change he means (Socialist Bull****). Stand together America..We have done
it in the past and we can do it again… Take back our great country!!!
The subway was loaded at 7:30 am on 9-12 with people of every description and one thing in common; we are all Patriots who want the Constitution back. It was a new experience to be in the middle of hundreds of thousands (I have pics and vids to prove it) who are direct descendants of the Sons of Liberty regardless of ancestry. Pennsylvania Avenue is six lanes wide and was filled from sidewalk to sidewalk with marchers in a procession that lasted more than 3 hours. After wandering amongst the crowd I climbed up on the statue of Grant to get the best vantage point. I could see the crowd clearly from the Capitol Steps to the Washington Monument one mile distant. The message was clear; we will not tolerate destruction of FREEDOM. My favorite sign? “We left our guns home…This time.”
Thanks to all who organized and traveled to the Capital for this historic event. It’s a shame that the liberals will not recognize the sincere intent of the millions of voices in America. As Americans, we want to retain our identity of freedom, love of country, and care for the world.
Some may now want to label these efforts as ‘racist’ but they are wrong. We are not judging our President by the color of his skin, we are simply trying to find the content of his character.
Tears came to my eyes as I read this and looked at these pictures. I fear for my future and the future of my children…I hope GOD and COUNTRY save us from these politians.
I’m so impressed with the pictures and the people who were able to attend the march on Washington on Sept 12. I wish I could have been there. I was in spirit, as well. Thank you all sooooooo much for what you did.
Although I was not in DC in person, my family and I were there in spirit and fully endorse this great rally for “Freedom & Capitalism” on September 10, 2009. As American voters we must rid DC of the extreme left wing liberal agenda of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Boxer, Franks and that’s just to name a few. Thank God for Fox News that has the good judgment to report news that represent real American people.
To John on Sep 15
What subsidies does the government give the airlines? I work for an airline and we have not seen any money from the government. One airline that received money from the government was America West and they repaid the load and the government made money on the deal. Other airlines that received money were allowed to go out of business and not federally supported. It should be necessary to for all of us to know what we are talking about before making inaccurate statements. Here is the fact airlines do not receive government money to stay in business. The hard working people of the airline industry should be able to keep the money they earn.
This ” Neo-Woodstock Tea Party” was Awesome I can see…I do hope it will not be the last one! 1776 was the first Revolution, It is time for the 2nd one! “King George” has come back to haunt us in the Obama suit. Send him packing to Saudi!
EDUCATE A LIBERAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for showing up and letting my veiws be heard!!!!!
When can I sign a petition to have him impeached?
Hooray for this movement and for FOX!! As a local yard sign reads “PRAYER, America’s only hope”. GOD bless America, and GOD bless all of us who are doing what we can to preserve it. Just what does it take to impeach a president? I am not overly intelligent, but I certainly feel I take precedence over some of those “yo-yo’s” we have given power to run this country. I’m with you, Debbie.
Did you here what that clown David Axelrod said on Sunday morning about the march? He said that it did not represent the feelings of the majority of Americans. If thats the way that the Obama administration thinks about what we have to say, I think we need to march again and again until they truly get the message. But watch, every time there is a march, Obama will leave town. Thank God for Joe Wilson !!!!!!
It is thrilling to see the thousands of people who took the time to make the trip to Washington DC … I am more encouraged now than ever that our country might return to the days when we stood for something!
Vote the liberal, socialist crowd out of Washington in 2010 and 2012!
As a Veteran, husband, father, grandparent, retiree and American and not necessarily in that order, I couldn’t be prouder of what is happening in this country. This is real grass roots involement by citizens who have awakened from the long sleep. We’ve allowed our politicians to misuse/abuse the sacred trust we placed in them. Upholding the principles of our Constitution is what is prompting Americans to get into the fray. God bless these Patriots and God bless America for providing us with the strength to see what was happening and deciding to do something about it.
It is just so incredible the sense of security that such a demonstration makes for my heart and soul. America lives! I knew it already in my heart of hearts, but this just is proof of it to convince my head.
Awesome pictures and was a great rally. I never saw anything in the biased left press until I got this and it was heart warming to see so many support self reliance. Everyone should pay something for the freedom that we enjoy in this country and that includes the 40% that are on entitlements from the government, even if it is only $5.00/week.
Great pictures. I saw alot of these folks and their great signs. One of the great experiences of my life being with a group that had probably never protested anything in their lives but said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
I salute all the attendees of this GREAT TEA PARTY. I should start
saving for the next Tea Party. Let’s all march to Washington, DC!
Hooray for these Americans who stood up for America!!! May freedom win this battle!
More demonstrations and marches to tell em “WE don’t Want that Govt Healthcare. Lets get back to normalcy IMPEACH B HUSSEIN O.! Get him out of Govt! Support Capitalism ! None of my money will go to the lazy laggards!
Great pics, why doesn’t anyone listen???????????????????????????
Glad somebody is watching the distruction of our country and trying to do something about it; i’m too old and too frail to help.
You are my Heroes!
God bless – and save – America!
[…] signs of the week Ed Driscoll has one. Looking at the Left has the […]
[…] Social Bookmarking Posted on: 15th of September 2009 in Civil Liberty, Ethics, Media Bias, Politics, Presidency | | […]
I don’t know if Michelle Obama was proud to be an American on 9/12, but I have never been more proud of my fellow Americans, looking at these pictures, reading the signs, and feeling the outpouring of pure American passion that was expressed in DC. “This is my country, land that I love..”says the old song, and this wave of compassionate patriotism is just the shot in the arm to help us regain our beloved homeland back.
Oh my god!
I just can´t believe it. I live in germany and there was nothing about this in the news!
Kick Obama out of his office. Over here that socialism crap already ruined my country! I feel like living in a DDR 2.0!
Our politicans are lying too. The problem over here is, most people don´t get it!
Hopefully, you the voters, can get rid of that commi! See ya hopefully in a few years when i have the money! And i hope America will be that great nation again……a great strong democracy and the land of the free!
[…] Looking At The Left. San Diego radio host Mason Weaver said from the podium: “I came here because I thought you might want to hear a black man speak without a teleprompter…This government is trying to make a nation of dependent people. Americans have always been independent people…This is not a Republican thing, it’s not a Democrat thing. It’s not a black thing or a white thing. It’s an American thing…We the people are telling them ‘No more! We’ve had enough!” […]
These pictures saved my day! Here in Germnay Obama was celebrated like a Messiah. One of my former Neighbour went bananas when I dared to criticese “the one” funny enough, this guy speaks no english but considers himself the smartest man in the world. The guys on the pictures represent the America, I always loved. God bless you. You give mei Hope
Thank you all for going and standing up for us who could not go. We were there in spirit, I flew my ‘DON’T TREAT ON ME FLAD’ and watched you all on FOX NEWS. It was a proud day in our history. GOD BLESS OUR COUNTRY11
Did even ONE member of Congress come outside to see what was going on?
What a great way to sound the voices of Americans!! I’m very proud of all the folks who could make the trip to DC. I only hope the population on the “Left Coast” will get the message. God Bless America!!
Just want to say one thing about the cartoons. Please get off of AMTRAK, it was never meant to make a profit, that’s why it’s less expensive to take a train. If it were privatized then only the wealthy could afford it. The Gov. only comps them between 15 and 25% operating costs, while the Gov also comps airlines 75-80% of their operating costs. So, if you’re going to complain then please complain about Airlines, Airlines and AMTRAK, or neither.
It’s such a shame the right has lost its mind, a terrible thing to waste. They can’t recognize what’s good for their own country, and there are so many bigots among them who are not even ashamed of it. Their children and grandchildren will be asking very soon, “What were they thinking?” The right is determined to continue to be slaves to corporations, pawns in a game of greed, and the guinea pigs of the medical industry, which should not be an industry.
And you righties don’t have a monopoly on Christianity by any means, you are quite often the total opposite in your actions as to what Christ taught. I’m a proud Progressive and a Christian, and I obey Christs’ number one command: Do as you would have done to yourself.
That is the bottom line. Your beloved Bush got us into this mess, and helped further the mess that other Republican administrations brought upon us. And you have the nerve to blame it on a new president who is trying desperately to fix this broken country. You ought to humble yourselves, before the Almight God does it for you.
I am extremely proud of all my fellow Patriotic Americans (“The Mob”) who made the journey, to our nation’s capitol, from every state in the Union. They did a tremendous job reenforcing our displeasure and disgust, with the irresponsible actions of the President and his administration. The “line in the sand” has been drawn and WE THE PEOPLE intend to take back our country. Let’s do what we can to slow their progress and look forward to a resolve, at the polls, in 2010. GOD BLESS THE PATRIOTS AND GOD BLESS THE USA!!!…..
Heaven looked down at our now-perverted Capitol City on 9-12-09 and smiled to see so many God-fearing regular folks assembled in peaceful resistance to the attempted tyranny being foisted on our nation by a cabal of haters of what this nation and its remarkable Constitution, penned by God-fearing patriots, stands for. Just remember–our prayers to the One True, Faithful, Just, and Omnipotent Creator of the universe will vanquish all the pathetic attempts of the ACLU and its fellow-travelers to reduce America to a third-world country.
What a WONDERFUL and MEMORABLE experience for me to be a part of this. I came from OHIO by bus with lots of others who feel they are being ignored by the very people WE elected and want them to KNOW we are unhappy. These photos are fabulous reminders of a very important day in teh life of our country. Lets hope our ELECTED OFFICIALS woke up when they saw this number of people along with all those gathering at home becasue they were not able to make it to Washington DC on SEPT 12, 2009.
God Bless America and God Bless our Military.