Conservative Woodstock Rocks the Capital

Patriotic anti-big-government taxpayers blast through the million protester mark. September 12, 2009, Washington, D.C.  –  by EL MARCO Americans flooded D.C. in what people in the crowd were calling “a conservative Woodstock”. Like the liberal Woodstock of the ’60s, thousands were rumored stranded on freeways. Some walked in to DC, ditching their cars and busses. I walked with a 5 deep 6 block…


This is the scene that enthralled a young photographer on his first expedition from Canada to New York City in 1975. In the center left foreground is the 21 story Flatiron Building. I already knew of it from the photographs of Edward Stieglitz taken in 1903. It was one of the first skyscrapers ever built, and for years was famous (incorrectly) as the…

Doctors Against Obamacare – Rally in D.C.

September 10, 2009, Washington, D.C.  –  by EL MARCO Today doctors, nurses and other medical professionals came to Washington, D.C. from across the country to show their opposition to Obamacare. This rally exploded the government-created myth that there is unanimity amongst health care professionals for Democrat plans to take over health care. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons came to D.C. to present a petition…

Organizing for America Bus Tour: Fabricating Consent

August 29 2009, Denver, Colorado  –  by EL MARCO The Obama administration has sent out Organizing for America – the successor organization of Obama for America, Obama’s campaign organization – to create a false media show of support for his unpopular Obamacare initiative. The coast to coast bus tour arrived in Denver Friday. What I found when I arrived was the media manipulation…

Nazty Language and the Democrat Left

No speaker Pelosi, it’s your Democrats and Al Gore who are hooked on Nazi references. August 21 2009, Evergreen Colorado  –  by EL MARCO This was the scene that greeted residents of Evergreen CO at their Post Office on Thursday afternoon. Lyndon LaRouche workers were handing out pamphlets, quoting verbatim, recent webcasts from their leader. Lyndon LaRouche, seven time candidate for the Democrat Party Presidential…

Nancy and the Astroturfers

Denver Colorado, August 6 2009  –  by EL MARCO This was the scene when I arrived at Stout Street Clinic in downtown Denver. Nancy Pelosi is to pay a visit to the clinic within the hour. About 200 people opposed to Obama’s healthcare agenda braved the mile high Denver sun and high temperatures to show their opposition. Their signs indicate that they are…


This is the scene that enthralled a young photographer on his first expedition from Canada to New York City in 1975. In the center left foreground is the 21 story Flatiron Building. I already knew of it from the photographs of Edward Stieglitz from 1903. It was one the first skyscrapers ever built, and for years was famous (incorrectly) as the tallest building…

Selling Drugs and Revolution to Children in America

The Politics of Nihilism at the Denver Art Museum  –  by EL MARCO  Driving through downtown Denver the other day I spotted a number of Denver Art Museum banners like the one above. I recognized this style of art. It appeared to be a major effort by the Museum and I wondered from which angle they were approaching the subject. The banners prompted me to recall my…

It’s 4:20. Do You Know Where Your Children Are?

Did you come to Boulder, Colorado for a good education or a good party?  Have your folks paid the University of Colorado $38,000 a year for out of state tuition or $19,000 a year for in-state or illegal alien tuition?  Did your parents hope to give their little angel the opportunity to improve themselves for a happy successful future? Here’s a story about some of the…

• Evil Right Wing Extremists Who Would Destroy America Gather in Denver

Today – Tax Day – many…ordinary, decent, Obama-fearing folk have gathered at Tea Party events in 500 locations across the US to protest against rising taxes and the ever increasing role of Big Government in their lives.       -James Delingpole   Telegraph, U.K.    How has the Obama machine responded? Well, funnily enough, in a manner which would surely meet the…