Nancy and the Astroturfers

Denver Colorado, August 6 2009 – by EL MARCO
This was the scene when I arrived at Stout Street Clinic in downtown Denver. Nancy Pelosi is to pay a visit to the clinic within the hour. About 200 people opposed to Obama’s healthcare agenda braved the mile high Denver sun and high temperatures to show their opposition. Their signs indicate that they are well aware that they have been vilified and targeted in an Oval Office astroturfing campaign designed to discredit their opposition.
First let’s look at the messages and faces of these hardy dissenters. Take a close look so you can compare them to the community organizers who will soon enter the scene and harass them. These citizens have been described by the Democratic National Committee in an ad as “angry mobs organized by desperate Republicans and their well funded allies.”
The Democrat party that funneled billions in the stimulus package to ACORN community organizers to organize, protest and agitate, this same party is now livid that private citizens attend townhall meetings.
These protesters told me that they pay their own way and question what the government is attempting to do to their health care.
“When asked by a reporter whether the protests at various town-hall meetings represented legitimate grassroots opposition or were manufactured “AstroTurf” stunts, Nancy Pelosi replied, ‘I think they’re AstroTurf. You be the judge. They’re carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on health care.'” – Jonah Goldberg
Commonly at the tea parties and anti-big government protests hammers and sickles are used to protest democrat policies. The Democrat Party doesn’t seem to have a problem with wall to wall hammers and sickles and has never complained publicly. Maybe they think it’s a compliment? I find that interesting and very telling.
“Meanwhile, Sen. Barbara Boxer insists the protests have to be fake because the protesters are too “well-dressed.” Likewise, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs says this is all “manufactured anger” because the protesters — he calls them the “Brooks Brothers Brigade” — are too tastefully appointed to be authentic protesters. Apparently only filthy hippies can petition government.” – Jonah Goldberg
I don’t see swastikas or Brooks Brothers suits, but a few American flags and a lot of hand made, home made signs.
“The DNC has put out an ad claiming that the “right-wing extremist base” is out to “destroy” Barack Obama, so it has unleashed “angry mobs . . . mob activity straight from the playbook of high-level Republican political operatives. They have no plan for moving our country forward, so they’ve called out the mob.’ ”
The DNC ad points to a memo written by an activist named Bob MacGuffie as proof that Republican political ops are pulling the strings. It turns out that MacGuffie, a decent-seeming fellow, is a rank amateur whose Right Principles PAC has collected a mere $5,017 and disbursed the staggering sum of $1,777, and has 23 members on Facebook and five followers on Twitter, according to The Weekly Standard’s Mary Katharine Ham.” – J. Goldberg
“The reason for the panic is simple. Obama and the Democrats feel entitled to have their way on health care. This sense of entitlement is understandable. They won the election and control everything.
The problem is that Americans don’t like what they’ve heard about the plan, and Obama is incapable of selling, or unwilling to sell, it on the merits (perhaps because he knows the plan will lead to the single-payer system he has long sought but now denies wanting). That’s why Obama spends most of his time either attacking critics or denouncing the status quo.” – J. Goldberg
“Simply put: This administration believes it knows best. It feels it is the only legitimate beneficiary of “people power.” It thinks it has a monopoly on democratic organizing. And it is terrified that it will be hobbled if it loses this fight.
So, it just stands to reason that anyone who stands in the way must be a fraud, a puppet, a goon — or even a Nazi.” – J Goldberg
After I was on the scene for about 15 minutes I got a call from one of my location scouts. “Hey, you gotta come down by the alley here. A bunch of Obama people just showed up.”
I walked over to the far corner of the clinic and sure enough, freshly minted Obama supporters had arrived on the scene.
Note the wire lawn sign hardware left over from Obama’s Presidential campaign. These people were organized by the ArapaHope Community Team (A.C.T.)
An email circulated the day before by the local Democrat Party urged activists to come out to this event, and another one later that same day, claimed that “rich special interests” would be bussing “Teabaggers” there. Teabaggers is an obscure homocentric term that has been made a household word by the Democrat party. Tea Party participants are people who identify with that patriotic tax revolt of 1773. The Democrats’ reference to them as “Teabaggers” is a horribly crude example of how the left coarsens our public discourse.
“I hope that our work together on the Obama campaign was only the beginning. I want to say that we will continue to be a force to be reckoned with – and carve a niche within the politics of our community to make way for our collective voices to be heard.” – Donna Galassi of A.C.T. (community organizer)
Soon more astroturfazoids began insinuating themselves into my photographs. Here I asked people to pose for me and the ‘zoids barged in. Like characters from Shawn of the dead they just kept appearing in my viewfinder.
Here it happened again. While my subject, on the left, had his sign at chest level, I had to ask him step back and lift it up after the astrozoids barged in. This is obviously part of the instructions and strategy from on high. Disrupt protesters and dominate media coverage. “Go for the cameras”.
More arrived on the scene. Many seemed to come out of the alley, and apparently, out of the back door of the clinic like angry wasps who think their nest is under attack when an innocent passerby brushes up against it.
Typically, these three media photographers fawned over the left wing Turfers. Their numbers are now reaching their peak, which I estimate at 20 % of the total crowd. For 200 tea partiers, there were about 40 Democrat party Astroturfese.
Here is an organizer from Organizing for America, which is the successor organization to Obama for America, which was Obama’s campaign organization. The organizer is demonstrating the use of a bullhorn to a man who appears totally unfamiliar with its use. For a grassroots campaign, this sure is organized!
I thought this a very interesting scene. Here’s a real live “community organizer” in action. He’s organizing this guy and he’s going to send him out to shout down people who are dissenting from the Democrat Party line. The fellow seemed reluctant and as it turns out after a few minutes the organizer retrieved his bullhorn and started using it himself.
Organizing for America’s (OFA) web site presents “grassroots” as a government organized activity.
From OFA’s web site: …”There are many ways to get involved:
- Joining grassroots OFA campaigns to support the President’s agenda. Online, on the phone, on doorsteps and in town halls in communities across the country, we’re building the bottom-up support that makes real change possible.
- Spreading the word to friends and neighbors about the President’s approach on the big issues facing our nation, like health care, energy and education. Nothing is more powerful than your voice in your community.
- Connecting with other supporters to form strong local groups, ready to take on whatever challenges we face.
- Supporting leaders who share our values and are ready to carry forward the fight for change .”
This is the first time in my life that I can recall a government in North America organizing protests of one group of citizens against another. This is standard operating procedure in countries with left-wing governments.
This clinic is adjacent to Denver’s day laborer pickup street, Park Avenue. Being fluent in Spanish, El Marco asked these guys “¿hablan ingles?” “casi nada” was the reply from our amigo on the left. I asked him if he could tell me what the signs said. “¿Quien sabe?” (who knows?) was all he said to me, with a big grin. I’m kicking myself for not asking them how much they were getting paid to be part of Americas grassroots.
The irony of their lack of comprehension of the signs they were holding was heightened by the fact that they were the most elaborate and detailed signs of either group.
While snapping this shot, I inadvertently caught a glimpse of another organizer entering from the left with a ream of colored signs. Behind her walks a young girl dressed as a puppet complete with strings.
Their mime style appeared familiar to me as one taught by the San Francisco Mime Troupe. This protest style has been a standard in America since the ’60s and workshops are taught each year to activists in the U.S. and in developing countries. The SFMT is a hard core stalinist organization. You can visit their web site if you want to sign up for training. They teach special courses for kids at their summer camp too. The SFMT has an extremely influential history and has caused incalculable damage to America. Click link at end of this essay to learn about them.
Here comes our community organizer with his bullhorn. For the next half hour or more, he will chant “FREE HEALTH CARE NOW”, “YES WE CAN” etc. with his horn directed at the faces of the health care dissenters.
During the election, on September 17, 2008, at a campaign stop in Nevada, Obama said “I want you to argue with them (neighbors) and get in their face”.
What we see here is “astroturfing” or manufactured fake grassroots. The dissenters are genuinely concerned and informed about their health care but they maintain their civility. The DNC knows their anger is real and they are desperately trying to deligitimize dissent by claiming it’s paid for “by insurance corporations” yet they don’t name a single one or provide evidence.
It’s David Axelrod, Obama’s senior advisor, who is famous for perfecting AstroTurfing.
This woman worked in tandem with the other organizer and blasted the same people from behind. These bullhorns are extremely powerful. I saw demonstrators repeatedly ask them to point their bullhorns away. This woman in particular responded by moving the bullhorn closer to a woman who complained of ear pain.
Obama, on March 18, said “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry. I’m angry. What I want us to do, though, is channel our anger in a constructive way. “
At that time, he wanted people protesting in the front yards of AIG executives. Now the DNC has ordered this harassment of grassroots dissenters against their statist goals. While in other parts of the country, this Democrat Party activity has descended into violence, what we have seen so far here today is only annoying and childish behavior.
It’s David Axelrod, Obama’s senior advisor, who is famous for perfecting astroturfing. Now he is using the same techniques he deployed for corporations to intimidate political freedom in this country. Here is an article about Axelrod and his companies if you want to study up.
I wanted to get away from the bullhorns so I walked around the corner and found a large group of protesters awaiting the arrival of Nancy Pelosi at the back of the Stout Street Clinic. No bullhorns, no astroturfers.
Within a few moments, Madame Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, arrived for her tour of the homeless medical outreach facility.
Surrounded by secret service and staffers, Mrs. Pelosi enters the back door.
The crowd surges forward. This is the big moment everyone has come for but Mrs. Pelosi disappears in a flash.
So far the astroturfers are on the other side of the building and are missing all the action. They’re still holding on to their hard-won turf out front, having chased these people away with their bullhorns.
A few minutes later the first astroturfers appear amongst the protesters.
They push their way to the front, in an attempt to dominate the scene and possibly catch a glimpse of Nancy.
I stepped back for a wider view and this is what it looked like.
A rather flustered organizer, late on the scene, tries to do catch-up with a rousing series of in your face rants.
Rubber chicken lady has had about enough of him as she gently tries to muffle his noise machine. Now we can actually all say we’ve seen a rubber chicken fly.
Here we see a space opened by protesters retreating from the bullhorn. Ear-splitting and painful for my sensitive hearing. Turfazoids fill the void as they follow twitter for instructions. Note man on left has two PDA’s.
Organizers marveling at their handiwork from the sidelines?
Here’s one of the signs brought by puppet lady. The same man (previous pic) in the background is wearing a Laborers Union Local 720 Denver shirt. He appeared to be quite active but never touching a sign himself.
Another sign by puppet lady.
Take note of the lady on the right. She is holding a sign that reads “Pants on Fire” with Pelosi’s image. The image is repeated three times on her sign. There are no other words. I left the event early but the photo below, from the Denver Post, shows what I missed. The astrozoid on the left below, with the HOPE T-shirt, decided that she didn’t like the Nancy Pants on Fire sign. Not a problem. Just grab it.
The woman in black struggles to maintain her free speech while calling for help from police nearby.
The Denver Post caption described it like this:
“A supporter of health care reform, left, who did not want to give her name, pushes forward to rip a sign out of Kris McLay’s hands outside the Stout Street Clinic visited by Nancy Pelosi.” (THE DENVER POST | RJ SANGOSTI)
This is Laura Avant. She has a degree in social working science, is a substitute teacher, and has been unemployed for seven years. She is taking names for a petition and when I asked her how she found out about the event she said “My organizer called me.” I said “You’re kidding.” She said, “No, look: he’s right there -pointing to the guy with the bullhorn – he’s from Organizing for America.”
It seems odd to me, as a foreigner, that democrats use Abe Lincoln and Dr.King in their propaganda (shirt above), when both men were Republicans assassinated by democrats. Many forget how Republican Abraham Lincoln’s ill-advised choice of a Democrat as a running mate in 1864 gave John Wilkes Booth a good excuse to assassinate him. Upon assuming the presidency, Andrew Johnson immediately began doing his best to ruin the Reconstruction effort by vetoing the Civil Rights Act and by repealing the Freedmen’s Bureau legislation guaranteeing each ex-slave 40 acres and a mule. James Earl Ray, a Democrat, was also inspired by the Democrat’s racist philosophy and rhetoric to kill Dr. M. L. King.
At this point, a number of the astroturfers departed, including Laura. She told me that transportation was waiting to take them to Nancy Pelosi’s next event at Highlands Ranch.
Take special note of man behind/left of Ms. Avant (above) . I noticed him repeatedly approaching an anti-debt protester from behind and whispering in her ear (below). He got her worked up into such a lather that I was afraid she was going to have a stroke. The police were nearby, but due to his smooth behavior it was not obvious that he was involved in the commotion. I observed him 3 times approach slowly from behind, whisper, and withdraw delighted. I asked her what he said and she told me he was saying something about fascism. Was this woman intimidated? She was shaking like a leaf.
She also told me that she and her spouse own a topographic map Co. that has had to lay off workers due to plummeting sales. “We will have no income to pay taxes on” she said.
These two were taking a break while they waited for Nancy to emerge in her SUV. It’s nice when Democrats spend time with their children.
They say “never judge a book by its cover” so I asked the kid with the commie T-shirt which side of the issue he is on. “100% free health care for everyone.” was the answer I got.
“The Senate’s most powerful Democrat on Thursday scolded health care protesters dogging his party’s lawmakers at local meetings, arguing that some critics on the political right have run out of ideas—and ditched their civic manners. Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada accused the protesters of trying to “sabotage” the democratic process.
The Republican Party says it’s not behind the protests, but Reid scoffed at the notion that the protesters reflect grass-roots sentiment. He held up a piece of artificial turf during a session with reporters.
“These are nothing more than destructive efforts to interrupt a debate that we should have, and are having,” Reid said. “They are doing this because they don’t have any better ideas. They have no interest in letting the negotiators, even though few in number, negotiate. It’s really simple: they’re taking their cues from talk show hosts, Internet rumor-mongerers … and insurance rackets.” AP Aug.6 2009
More articles: BusinessWeek The Secret of David Axelrod
Learn about The San Francisco Mime Troupe as reported in El Marcos Photo-essay Selling Drugs and Revolution to Children in America
El Marco’s Greatest Hits – Islam Clouds Bali’s Horizon
and – Barak’s Big Day Part II
Martin Luther King was hounded, beaten, and jailed by Democrats. Read what he had to say about protesting, in his Letter from a Birmingham Jail.
Thanks for visiting! Never Give In and Never Forget. El Marco
My buddy Red at The Peoples Cube Photoshopped the El Marco photo below. It illistrates an important Marxist perspective article. Make sure to read it and benefit from peoples laugh therapy at the same time.
Foodicare: Health-Through-Nutrition Care for America
Well documented and chronicled. Congress needs to have the rock lifted and their tactics exposed. Hatred of corruption cannot be fabricated as they claim. It is real, and it is growing. Be proud or your efforts.
Great job with the pics and the reporting. Keep asking those questions!
[…] […]
[…] Also See: MoveOn’s Outside Agitators Jobs Program and Nancy and the Astroturfers […]
Nate Billings
I am astounded you believe government is benevolent and cares about you; do you actually believe President Obama, Madam Pelosi or Harry Reid have an iota of compassion for your well-being?
Perhaps you can provide an answer as to why President Obama, VP Biden and a majority of Congressional members refuse Obamacare for themselves and their own families yet insist Obamacare is in your best interest.
Lastly, why do you need Big Brother Mommy-Nanny government to take care of you since you are an American who is better than Big Brother Mommy-Nanny government?
Why do you willingly want to be a Serf living in Serfdom?
What compels you to believe there is hope in living under such oppressive tyranny?
[…] You can tell the real astroturfers by the signs. Organized protesters in favor of ObamaCare are being dropped into areas where grass roots protesters are showing up to voice their opinion. The real astroturfers are easy to spot by their nicely manufactured signs. (as demonstrated here at a Pelosi event). […]
[…] See all of the photos at his website here. […]
I suggest any of you that attend one of these, next time take an airhorn with you, they only cost a couple of dollars, and everytime one of these moon bats show up with their organized group, and their bullhorns, drown them out with the airhorn.
Opompous’ “community organizers” are equivalent to Hitler’s brown shirts.
El Marco – to the top of the class! Bull’s eye!! You really nailed it – it was almost like being there! And reading all the links and related blogs clarifying & confirming the m.o. and true status of Obummer’s Organizing for America goons (and printed signs, some held by paid day laborers, etc.) really was an eye-opener for me and many others, I would imagine (even though we expect these tactics and have zero respect for the Fraud-in-Chief and his politburo of fat-azz Soviet-style yes-men [& hatchet men, as well, of course]). It will be interesting, enlightening and perhaps not a little nerve-wracking to see what develops next in this “turf” war between the Grassroots & the Astroturfazoids, as El Marco so facetiously referred to them…
With the hard-ball actions of the angered Left in motion, I see potential for more heated exchanges – maybe even some violence, but I pray not enough to inspire Dear Leader to call out the National Guard (since his brownshirts aren’t yet fully organized). It’s been increasingly brought to mind that if any “organization” was involved to bring out so many protestors, it probably was the Internet and the army of fabulous Conservative bloggers who ignited their readers and have provided them/us with reams of info, facts and background. In a way, to make an organizing analogy with another – but far more serious & deadly – protest (uprising is more accurate), the students and others in present-day Teheran were “organized,” if that’s the word, by word of mouth via Twitter, Facebook and cell phone! We might not be mounting (yet) such a daring & courageous protest, but we are gaining the “Big Mo” and will NOT be deterred in our goal of defeating the monster that is the Healthcare Reform bill! In a word, we will NOT allow the Mullahs of the Obamocracy to prevail!!
[…] clipped from […]
Enjoyed the pictures very much. Did anyone notice the difference in expressions of the pro health care bill verses the others? Interesting.
Just a thought:
“When the citizens fear their government it is Tyranny.”
“When a government fears the citizens then it is a Democracy”.
Thomas Jefferson
I am astounded by how little you people understand about the insurance industry and their part in this health care meltdown. All those people out there protesting reform are this close to being left to die if their treatment turns out to not be cost effective for the insurers. I am so sorry to see that you believe the lies Rush and the others are spreading. It’s sad, really.
It took Obama 6 months to decide what kind of dog he was going to get for his kids but it only takes him 3 weeks to decided and RUSH a complicated health care bill into law? What are they HIDING (STEALING) NOW? If this passes the congress and Obama better be on the same plan or there will hell to pay. Congress and Obama MUST GIVE UP THEIR Mercedes-Benz health care and retirement packages (their not on the same social security program as the rest of us working slobs). Congress does not want to be on the same health care as the rest of us (because congress knows it sucks) which we are going to get rammed down our throats like it or not.
These are the same idiots who screwed up Medicare, Medicaid, the post office, social security, energy problem (for 36+ years), education and everything else they have touched.
Oh, but they’re not spending their own money, it is our money and they going just raise taxes again to pay for all their new luxury jets ($332 million) and luxurious ‘jet junkets’.
The government solution to a problem is always worse than the original problem and we wind paying for their stupidity. There’s no such thing as a free lunch.
The closest thing we will ever see to eternal life on this plant is a wasteful, inefficient government program that will drive to bankruptcy.
Remember congress projected Medicare would be $9 billion dollars by 1990. The actual price tag was $66 billion dollars. Do you really trust the US congress with your health decisions?
Hmm–I wonder what would happen to the blaring bullhorn in one’s face if the imposed-on party were to splash a little water right into the noisy thing…
[…] Here, via Michelle Malkin, is a photo-essay that documents the contrast between genuine citizen […]
Great stuff! Wow. The difference between the homemade signs by the anti-Obamacare folks and the slick, mass produced signs supplied to the Obama accolites is stunning. I’m currently keeping tabs on astroturfing here in Chicago, particularly by US Rep. Jan Schakowsky. Please see “Astroturfing Jan Schakowsky” ( and “MoveOn’s Outside Agitators Jobs Program” ( Thanks, and thanks for your great work here!
This really shows what we’re up against. What a bunch of scum. Excellent job – thank you, El Marco.
They are killing your constitution infront of your face. Wake up America before there is nothing left of our republic!
Interesting link here:
Who’s doing the Astro-turfing again?
Whatever plan anybody comes up with should be mandatory for all senators and all congressmen. That sure will ‘change’ HR 3200 !!
I don’t think it can be stressed enough….the difference between the people who see what is happening…and care enough to turn out on their own and
make signs that are individual and pertinent as opposed to the organized, recruited robots who are given signs produced by financially supported organizers because they know that if they didn’t, most would be too lazy to make one for themselves……consequently we have a ranting, chanting mob trying to advance their dogma by repetition, force of physical aggression, and
mind numbing, meaningless slogans.
Great job! The difference in who the real mob was, is clearly evident.
Nancy, Harry, you been busted. But nothing new for either of you. 2010 and 2012 will be interesting to say the least!!
[…] Nancy and the Astroturfers • Looking at the Left. var addthis_pub = ''; var addthis_language = 'en';var addthis_options = 'email, favorites, digg, delicious, myspace, google, facebook, reddit, live, more'; Deception, Hate […]
Humans follow their heart , OBots follow their leader, Americans like freedom, Obots like Government control. At age 79 I choose to live out my life span and not be counseled by a committee on dieing. I will die for my countries freedom, but not for a corrupt government. Defeat the Obama care Bill, it is evil.
Superb. Excellent job.
[…] here to see several more photos and commentary Leave a […]
[…] This post was Twitted by aosmomma […]
Take some of those little gas-horns to blow in their ears next time, in case they try that ‘bullhorn in the face’ crap again. In my opinion they are committing an act of battery.
This is why we need the internet for reporting and news, now. The Old Media sure isn’t going to get it done.
Awesome coverage thanks!
Where will all the needed doctors come from, will they draft people into medical service or will we depend on foreigners, not as well trained and cheaper, to help us? Florida already as a flood of foreigners for doctors.
[…] above? Haven’t we seen them pop up at healthcare rallies recently – usually held by migrant day laborers. Those signs cost a pretty penny – wonder who is funding the day laborers and the printing of […]
i warned all i know not to vote for this socialist commie
I am a democrat and so is my husband and we don’t like what is happening to our country and we want to go to a townhall meeting we do not want a single payer health care we have to fight for our country and it do not matter if you are red or blue if you love your country you have to stand up and fight for it. We live in Los Angeles Ca. one of the most liberal states in the nation and people in this liberal state are against this bill and are starting to see obama for what he is and they do not like what they see, are we going to be a socialist country or a capital we have to fight for the wrong we have done to our country by voting for obama and for that I have to say to all of you who do not vote for obama that I am sorry for voting for him and putting our country in the hands of a man that does not love our country. I am not a racist I am a latina so no one can call me a racist, but I will tell you that I will fight for my country and bring it back to the hell obama is trying to make it.
The Left supports a system that favors the haves and have nots, but no one in the middle.
They want to steal my healthcare away from me. I am firmly planted in the top 40% of income earners and I get to see our family doctor when I wish. She enjoys seeing our family, and we enjoy seeing her.
Will this change under Obama’s plan? There is no way to know. This administration seems hell-bent on passing legislation that no one has read.
Will the media please stand up and vet this material for everyone? Who else will do it if not MSNBC, Fox, CBS, CNBC, etc?
A jaded perspective would suggest that the POTUS and his Congress would not like this package fully vetted, or vetted in any regard, lest it result in opposition.
Wow! Looks like a group of rowdies to me. Obama supporters, that is….
I support their right to be present, but the bullhorn in the faces of protesters was a bit much. Not to mention, the snatching of the sign from the womans hands. And they have the gall to criticize the right? I am an Independent, but I can’t stand what I see from the Obama administration, OR his supporters….
Hey Ed, thanks for proving to everyone who reads this what complete @holes leftwing moonbats are.
Now try get this through your thick head. I WORK for MY money. It’s MY choice to pay insurance companies for MY healthcare.
YOU aren’t entitled to ANY of MY money. Get a job, and go pay for your own health care.
Anyone notice how FAT the leftwing moonbats were? It’s telling why they expect everything for free. Too lazy to work and pay for their own healthcare, so they try ROB via legislation the working person to pay for it.
It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, “Peace! Peace!” — but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from (Washington) will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!
Patrick Henry – March 23, 1775
“Neither side has proprietary rights to the sidewalk. And by the way, not all day laborers are illegals… assumptions are dangerous.”
Actually, the Pelociites were interfering with a lawful protest. Their rudeness and interference was a provocation that the police should have stopped. It’s idiocy to argue that they are entitled to occupy the same space on the sidewalk. Riots have ensued from less. Would the writer care to make a real wager on the premise that the day laborers were legal? The commenter just shows how naive the left can be.
[…] the face of extreme conservative opposition on the airwaves, Obamacare supporters are now taking to the streets to rival the Obamacare opposition. Except…there is ONE BIG DIFFERENCE. Can you tell what it is? (HINT: look at the signs AND […]
great job Carolee! It was just like being there myself.
[…] in this country have protesters been countered with governmentally-organized countermeasures! See Nancy and the Astroturfers for a pictorial of how these tactics were carried out against ordinary citizens in Denver […]
I have never been to a protest until this year. I have finally gotten fed up enough with the politics of the left, to take time away from my tax producing small business to join in and express myself. The power mongers in Washington are clueless about how to handle it, except to call us “right wing extremist kooks” who have been paid by big business to show up at these rallies. I smell fear, and that is a good thing. They will get louder and more abusive as their fear increases. Don’t let that stop you. It’s time we let the elected know who the hell they work for. My sign at the next rally will say, “Mid-Term elections, THE ONLY HOPE WE HAVE!!”
[…] yourself who the astroturfers are. Michelle Malkin may have an answer for you. Also find more at Looking At The Left. Or RedState diarist Charlie. Ed Morrissey has a great report here. And of course, RedState’s […]
WTF is with all the anger among the opponents on this blog? Can you not rationally argue a GOOD reason for Socialized medicine? Instead you resort to calling your opponents names, racist, Mother %^&&*(, etc?
1) I’m glad that conservatives are fighting back. For too long we’ve let you scrubs control the conversation and shout us down. AS you can see in the pictures above, you have two such scrubs using bullhorns at point blank range trying to intimidate and ANGER their opponents.
2) This conversation is not about “insuring” the unwashed masses. From the stats I’ve seen, ~12 million of the uninsured are wealthy enough to afford it but have chosen not too, ~ 9.5 million are between 15 – 30 and think they don’t need health coverage at this stage in their life, ~ 12.5 million are illegals, and don’t deserve more federal funding! ~9 million are between jobs (and therefore coverage plans), ~8 million are children that are eligible but not signed up, and ~ 13 million are eligible for medicare/caid but have not signed up.
So is the answer putting our nation EVEN FURTHER IN DEBT TO COMMUNIST CHINA?
Below are several solutions. The first one would insure the “47 million”, the second would lower health care costs.
S1) Pay for the private insurance of these 47 million individuals. Cinergy (as one example) will insure with NO KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR CONDITION, for 3650 a year. That is ~172 Billion dollars to insure the 47 million.
That’s a whole LOT less than the 1.5 trillion congress is proposing that would literally #%&$@ those currently on private plans, as it’s LONG TERM GOAL is single payer socialized medicine.
S2) Give individuals and corporations the tax incentive to have a medical savings system that doesn’t dissapear year after year. You could use this cash to pay for doctor visits and it would create incentive for competition in the medical field.
3) The government plan is a backdoor plan for Eugenics that will kill the elderly, fat, handicapped and young patients that don’t meet the “productive” goals of Rahm Immanuel!
If you do, maybe you should move to Cuba where they can’t even get enough TP!!!
Or to China where if there were counter protestors (protesting government health care) they would be carted off to the work camps in the north…..
But hey, continue loving the state, and worshipping all that it brings you grasshopper.
I’m going to continue to work hard in this wonderful meritocracy and get what I deserve.
[…] reader Sev sends along this link to a photo recap of Nancy Pelosi’s visit to downtown Denver last week, where she was on a […]
[…] Pelosi was scheduled to appear in Denver to shill for health care and El Marco, from Looking at the Left has a superb photo essay of the event. Please read the whole thing as it will become abundantly […]
This is fantastic. But of course this story didn’t get any coverage in the major liberal media networks
[…] today, we linked to an exceptional, heavily illustrated post documenting “Nancy and the Astroturfers” in action. A new post by the Anchoress also builds on that post, and during the course of which, […]
Thanks for a great true picture of who the “astroturfers” really are. I think meetings should be civil.. but radicals never seem to mind when its them that protest…abortion rights, anti war demos,etc, They are trying to minimize us, and this is so typical of how they act. I totally agree that some aspects of health care need reforming, but we don’t need this one crammed down our throat. Maybe the country will wake up to Obama and his Chicago thugs.. this is how they roll.
What a great look at how this all works. Grabbing the Pants on Fire out of the woman’s hand…purely Liberal. Nothing belongs to us. Everything belong to them. Also couldn’t help but notice the ingenuity behind the Health Care supporter signs:-) Ya! Clever.
The bullhorns. That dangerous. I think police are needed at that point. I applaud all the dissenters who braved the sun and made their way to the clinic, probably not on an arranged bus.
You did a great job! Thanks for the look at community organizing (in my state of conservative state of Oklahoma, we don’t have much of this) and your fine commentary.
This is the best and most honest portrayal I’ve seen so far. What a great job. It is really hard to argue with how organized the left is and how grassroots the anti-gov. run healthcare people are. You must be so proud now because there is no doubt that you have been reported to the snitch line. Job well done!!!!
I find it interesting the left is accusing the health care reform (oops! I mean insurance reform) protesters of being organized. I looked up the website printed on the professionally made signs for the health care reform supports. It’s Here is who they have listed as their steering commmitte: “Our Steering Committee includes: ACORN, AFL-CIO, AFSCME, AFT, Americans United for Change, Campaign for America’s Future, Center for American Progress Action Fund, Campaign for Community Change, Children’s Defense Fund Action Council, Communications Workers of America, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW),, NAACP, National Council of La Raza, National Education Association, National Women’s Law Center, SEIU, UFCW, USAction, Women’s Voices, Women’s Vote and Working America. ”
Gosh sounds like they might just be organized!
[…] On Healthcare Author: Mr Black 08.09.09 This link came in from Mr. Red. More about […]
[…] yourself who the astroturfers are. Michelle Malkin may have an answer for you. Also find more at Looking At The Left. And of course, Jeff […]
[…] marvelously reported by, a Democrat organization made sure that healthcare reform supporters were […]
[…] to see exactly how both sides come out to protest for and against the healthcare plan, check this photo essay and narration out. I found it quite telling that some of the people sent out by Organizing for […]
Super reporting of the Denver event. It’s plain to see who is the bought and paid for organizers (all the professional signs, etc. probably paid for by screwed taxpayers). I’ll be forwarding this link.
Keep up the good work.
I like the Silly String idea but I would try a can of foam insul. It expands into a hardened piece of styrofam and would be a real bitch to try and get out. Might costs the organizers a few bucks replacing thir horns.
Another idea might be to get a bugle and play Reveille in their faces.
Make sure you have it on film that they abused their toy first. I am sure they will call the cops over to cry foul.
[…] Pelosi protestors from the DNC Nancy and the Astroturfers • Looking at the Left […]
[…] Now, courtesy to Michelle Malkin and Gateway Pundit for posting this report by El Marco in Denver. […]
[…] you haven’t seen El Marco’s photo-essay on the Pelosi protests in Denver, run, don’t walk, to check it out. (H/T to […]
Take a look at the organized protesters. Not much exercise in waiting around to be called to stand around. With new socialized medicine, they will be the first denied their insulin, high blood pressure and cholesterol medicines! Oh well ~ survivor of the fittest.
I recommend the real people bring along those freon sound blasters to deafen the bullhorn astroturfers. If some a-hole got in my face with a bullhorn trying to hurt my ears, I’d give him a taste of it.
I was at the protest. A young woman asked me to hold her sign while she took a couple of pictures. The sign said, “We Are Not Astro-turf”. I was verbally attacked. I was repeatedly cussed at and angrily told that I will be walked on.
I was at the front of the line where Nancy Pelosi and her gas guzzling SUV were about to arrive and I was pushed and shoved by the real astro turfazoids as they tried at the last minute to get in front of me. They didn’t.
how long before the DNC starts baning camras and these events ..
Thank you for this report!
really, really good reporting…. I am muchly impressed… Thank-you for one of the only truthful reports I have seen…. Leftist a**holes…
This is a wonderful essay. It is great to have a document that shows the truth, the whole truth. Refreshing!
Next time we’re faced with a harassing baiter – how about chanting “Baiter No Baiting, Baiter No Baiting” Many voices together may be able to make them stop instigating!
I find the bullhorns particularly troublesome. I have significant hearing loss, and such obnoxious sounds not only HURT, they endanger what’s left of my hearing. Not to mention it’s the height of rudeness to stick one in someone’s face.
So, BULLHORN DE-FENSE should be on the table.
Some suggestions for the good guys…
a. some harmless substance squirted into the horn to disable it such as SILLY STRING. It’s gooey at close range, and would fill the cone quickly.
b. wire cutters…a bullhorn without a mic is useless.
c. earplugs
Anyone else?
Who would have ever imagined these things ocurring in America? Keep on posting the truth, America needs to know what their government is doing.We have been on a slippery slope since May 31, 2008, and people will no longer just sit by and let this radicalbunch run over us. This our country, and we want it back!!!!
You fucking idiots are too stupid to realize that you are fighting against yourselves. From the middle-class tax cut to health care, you zombie fucks take the corporate side and fight their fights for them–all against you–the middle class.
I’ve seen you fuckfaces at the town hall meetings, and it’s not as if you are titans of business. The vast majority of you are middle class–lower middle-class, even–and too fucking stupid to even know what you are screaming about.
Many of you are racist motherfuckers, too.
Go fuck yourselves.
[…] I just don't understand how people can see protests where one side has hand-made signs and the other side has pre-printed signs and is directed by a […]
Too bad you didn’t get a picture of the Obama bus loading up. Thanks for your efforts.
[…] astroturfing in action? This study in contrasts is an absolute must-see. In Denver, it’s Nancy and the Astroturfers [H/T: Michelle Malkin]. This is the first time in my life that I can recall a government in North […]
Fantastic work! Great idea! I like how all the Obamacare signs are manufactured astroturf while the dissenters are the products of individual creativity.
Excellent point made about the Hammer & Sickle; it is fascinating that this specific symbol really never seems to disturb Progressive Democrats.
If you were doing objective reporting, why did you not note that several people who had signs against socialized medicine and other antis were clearly old enough to be on medicare. But I suppose that would suggest that the antis are spinning the issue and may not have all of the facts or more likely don’t care what the facts are. I like the read the bill signs. The Dems had a several hour session for the House members – most attended and for 4 hours staff went over legislation before Reps were allowed to ask questions. Wonder if Repubs are reading the Bill?
[…] speaking of whom, let’s spend some time observing Nancy and her Astroturfers doing their thing. Filed under: Bobos In Paradise, Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal, Democracy In […]
[…] Marco at Looking at the Left goes behind the scenes and brings us some real astroturfing as done by the […]
Outstanding work! Great job! Thats all the support Madam speaker could muster up for the event!? HA! Keep up the good fight people.
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Excellent coverage. The use of bullhorns was intimidating and cruel. The Left is, as always, doing a lot of lying.
stupid kid and his soviet shirt
[…] This post was Twitted by dnorris78 […]
[…] (It will pain you to read through this but please check out the pictures about 15-20% the way down Nancy and the Astroturfers • Looking at the Left […]
A warning from a freindly Aussie – don’t allow Obama to go down the path of socialised medicine….or you WILL be sorry.
[…] I there is any astroturfing, it’s astroturfing that’s all liberal, all Democratic, all the time. […]
[…] can be seen at a Denver, Colorado appearance of Speakerette Nancy Pelosi recently, in reality it is the left who is organizing […]
It’s certainly apparent where the “thuggery” is coming from. When the left doesn’t get it’s way, in comes the “Know Nothing” bullies. Well this is one battle the Obama administration is going to lose as are the Congressmen and Senators who vote for any healthcare reform bill come 2010.
Bravo!…Another excellent report.
[…] Nancy and the Astroturfers • Looking at the Left Easy AdSense by Unreal Comments (0) Trackbacks (0) Leave a comment Trackback […]
I was there that day. I am the Woman in the pink shirt standing next to Kay. Kay is the women who was knocked down by the obama supporter. She is a very nice women,who was out exercising her right to free speech and became a victim of the crazy out of control HC supporters. During the course of the afternoon
we had all gotten to know each other. We all can attest after trying to have a rational conversation with HC supporters, that it is next to impossible. My advice for the next rally or protest anyone attends, DO NOT ENGAGE WITH THESE PEOPLE. Not worth wasting your breath. Do not acknowledge them. This will probably really drive them crazy. They won’t know what to do with all their hot air. Just quietly stand your ground with dignity and let your protest sign do the talking.
[…] out this impressive post and photos by El Marco at LookingAtTheLeft regarding Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Denver’s Stout Street Clinic. The post explains the story behind an intriguing photo in […]
[…] Nancy and the Astroturfers […]
I have to say I am Sorry…I am from California and the idiots that live up north voted in many of the left wing wackos that are causing this country trouble now. Nancy, Barbara, Waxman…the list goes on. We have to VOTE THEM OUT NOW!! This was a FANTASTIC site. The pictures were great. I have passed this on to my entire email list…we should all send it to everyone. Notice there were not ANY “grassroots” left. They were all organized…and paid no doubt. Another HANDOUT. Why don’t they get real jobs and see what AMERICA is all about. GOD BLESS AMERICA
Mandatory anything takes away freedom. I am very concerned because Obama is not a righteous man; in fact, he is immoral, does not believe in the sanctity of life. By his behavior, he has demonstrated his level of maturity which equals their level of competency.
What kind of role model is he??? Definitely NOT somebody we want our children to be like. Nor is he a leader. The members of congress who are at his beckon call can be put in the same category as he. They all need psychological help and should be institutionalized!
[…] This post was Twitted by LisainDallas […]
so i read your report and looked at the photos and I fail to see what the big deal is. The reformers have as much right to be there for Pelosi’s visit as the “non-reformers.” Both got the chance to demonstrate their beliefs. Neither side has proprietary rights to the sidewalk. And by the way, not all day laborers are illegals… assumptions are dangerous.
eddoc, you are the one making the assumption that the day laborers are illegals. Re-read the post; it neither says nor implies any such thing. My blog also does not imply that the organizations supporting Obama’s proposed health care reforms have no right to be there. eddoc, you really should check your assumptions.
– El Marco
This “report” is so horribly biased and full of opinion, hyperbole, rhetoric and confirmation bias as to be sadly laughable.
And before people start pointing fingers at me for that comment and accusing me of being all for censorship/etc. – I’m all for folks of all viewpoints assembling peacebly. It’s part of the democratic process. But when folks (the conservatives, of late – well documented on YouTube, by other conservatives!) gather and shout down opposing voices… then it’s gone too far.
[…] bunch of links in this one! 2009 August 8 by cmblake6 From Looking at the Left, via Gnus at Aardvarks, comes even more shit about the Obamacare nightmare […]
[…] I haven’t seen anything that shows the truth better than this excellent photo-essay by El Marco. These photos examine the protest and are worth more than many thousand words. El Marco was there taking pictures and talking to the protesters including the true astroturfers, organized by Organizing for America, that showed up about 15 minutes later. You must see Nancy and the Astroturfers […]