Prayer Time at the Ground Zero Mosque

Just Another Monument to the Triumph of Islam
New York City, Saturday, June 5, 2010, – by El Marco
I arrived early at the Islamic Center of New York. I came to the city to photograph the rally of Stop Islamization of America (SOIA) on Sunday, June 6th, which is dedicated to stopping the construction of a mega-mosque 600 feet from the gaping hole which was the World Trade Center. First, I visited the Islamic Center Mosque on 96th Street and 3rd Avenue in Manhattan’s Upper East Side, miles from ground zero. What is significant about this 1980s mosque is that it was created by the father of the man who is spearheading the Ground Zero mosque project.
Doctor Mohammed Abdul Rauf (1917-2004) was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was formed in Egypt in 1928 and has over 70 branches including Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and Hezbollah. The Muslim Brotherhood is classified as a terrorist organization and banned in Egypt as well as the United States.
All is quiet at this site with the main Friday prayers not set to begin until 1:00pm. So, I headed down to Ground Zero. I have not been there since September 11th, 2006.
What I found was heartening. After years of squabbling and delays, construction is finally underway on the vast One World Trade Center Plaza and tower. Looking from the West side of ground zero, I focused on St. Paul’s church, which can be seen nestled amongst the trees of the ancient graveyard. It is the oldest continuously occupied building in New York City and it remained undamaged as the Twin Towers collapsed just feet from the graveyard’s wrought iron gate. General George Washington attended this church during the Revolutionary War, and later, when he was sworn in as President, New York being America’s capital at the time.
The base of the new One World Trade Center tower can be seen here on the left. It is also known as the Freedom Tower. St. Paul’s can be seen in the background.
I walked to the south side of “the pit,” and visited FDNY Ladder 10. The firehouse was directly across the street from the Twin Towers and was badly battered by debris when they were knocked down. They lost seven of their crew that day. My conversation with their dispatcher was cut short by an alarm, and the scene shifted into high gear.
Both engines were out in little more than a minute.
Next I went looking for 45 Park Place, the address of the proposed 13 story mosque and Islamic center.
Amazingly, it’s right beside a long established saloon the Dakota Roadhouse. This was an odd place to choose for a mosque. The only criterion I could see for this choice of location was proximity to Ground Zero. With the recession, there is plenty of cut-rate real estate in the city, but none so close to Ground Zero. The lady tending bar in The Dakota said she knew little about the activities behind the Greco-Roman columns, but she did say that 9/11 victims’ family members come in often, asking the same questions as I. The three balloons tied to the rail were printed with the words, “Stand with Israel.”
Having arrived much too early for Friday prayer, I had time to explore. Across the street, I met Mamoud, who is from Bangladesh.
He has been in the United States for 13 years and has worked all those years in this rustic news kiosk. On 9/11 his partner, who has since died, was working and had to flee as part of the landing gear of one of the crashed planes passed over the kiosk and smashed through the roof of the Burlington Coat Factory. We had a long conversation about Bangladesh’s problems, and how so many poor families have a member sending money from the West. He asked about immigration laws in Canada. He reminded me of my Muslim friends and business associates in Indonesia when he told me he had to leave and attend Friday prayers in the mosque. That also reminded me that I should get back to taking pictures.
Worshippers were arriving for Friday prayer.
Street vendors from many countries parked their inventory.
I noticed men performing ablutions by the curb.
From gallon jugs they washed their feet, faces, and nostrils, as is commanded by Sharia law. Over the next half hour, hundreds of men entered the mosque, where there is ongoing construction inside.
I only saw five women enter, and they were required to use a side entrance.
After a few latecomers scurried into the building, I knew Friday prayers had begun.
I went around the corner and photographed these angels, which I had first noticed in November 2001. They’re on front of the Federal Building exactly adjacent to Ground Zero. Their art deco design suggests that the building was built between the first and second World Wars. They are just above the heads of pedestrians and are very large. They were coated with soot and blood and bone fragments on 9/11 and the debris was many feet thick on the ground in this area.
Bret Stevens wrote in the WSJ:
Opponents … argue that building the center so close to Ground Zero is an insult to the memory of the victims of 9/11. Germany has spent six decades in conspicuous and mainly sincere atonement for Nazi crimes. But it surely has no plans to showcase the tolerant society it has become by building a cultural center down the road from Auschwitz. Japan is no doubt equally disinclined to finance a Shinto shrine in the vicinity of the Pearl Harbor memorial.
The SIOA website states:
People need to know history in order to understand Islam and what they are really out to achieve. At its height, the Islamic Empire covered more of the earth than the Roman Empire. The Ottoman Empire ended in 1924 and the Muslim Brotherhood came about only four years later. This is no coincidence; it was established to bring back the world domination that Islam once had. Aside from Islam conquering a huge part of the world, Islam also conquered most of Spain in the year 711 from Tariq ibn Zayid’s invasion and held it through 1248; it controlled parts of Spain until its full liberation in 1492. Spain was renamed Andalusia. So why is this of importance?
The name of the organization planning the mosque is the “Cordoba Initiative,” and this name itself is a full affront to Americans. Cordoba was the seat of the Islamic Caliphate that ruled Spain and the name is often used today by Islamic militants when recalling the glory of the Islamic Empire from the years when they occupied Spain.
The great mosque of Cordoba is built over Visigothic Spain’s grandest Cathedral. Resistnet explains:
As a manifestation of Islamic domination and expansionism, mosques have frequently been placed on the sites of the holy places of other religions. The Al-Aqsa Mosque, built on top of the Temple of the Jewish people, which is located in Jerusalem, is the most famous example. Many famous churches have been turned into mosques, including the Aya Sofya Mosque in Istanbul, which until the Islamic conquest of Constantinople of 1453 was the grandest church in Christendom. The Umayyad Mosque in Damascus was, before the Islamic conquest, the Church of St. John the Baptist. Historian Sita Ram Goel has estimated that over two thousand mosques in India were built on the sites of Hindu temples.
This photograph shows the wailing wall and the Dome of the rock Mosque atop the site where the Jewish temple stood until the Romans destroyed it in AD 70. Often over the years, after Friday prayers, Muslims have rushed out to hurl large stones down upon the Jewish worshipers.
Bernard Lewis is the world’s leading scholar of Islamic history. Here is what he wrote about the Al-aqsa Mosque: “The choice is significant. Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Qur’an. Even the name “Jerusalem” does not figure in early Muslim writings.
The site was the Temple Mount, the scene of major events in both Jewish and Christian sacred history. The actual spot was the rock on which, according to rabbinic tradition, Abraham had prepared to sacrifice his son, and on which in later times the Ark of the Temple had rested.
The polemical purpose of the shrine is reinforced by the choice of Qur’anic verses and other inscriptions that decorate the interior. One verse occurs again and again: “God is one, without partner, without companion.” The rejection of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity is clear, and is made explicit in other inscriptions:
Praise be to God, who begets no son, and has no partner in [his] dominion: nor [needs] he any to protect him from humiliation: yes, magnify him for his greatness and glory!
Another repeated inscription is the famous Sura 112 in its entirety: “he is God, one, eternal. He does not beget, nor is he begotten, and he has no peer.” Another quotation addresses an explicit warning to the recipients of previous revelation (Qur’an 4:171):
O people of the book! Commit no excesses in your religion: and say nothing of God but the truth. Jesus Christ, the son of Mary, was indeed an apostle of God … Therefore believe in God and his apostles, and do not say “Three”. Desist, and it will be better for you, for indeed God is one God, exalted above having a son…
Yet another inscription emphasizes the warning to the Jews and Christians of the error of their ways (Qur’an 3:18-19)
God bears witness that there is no God but he, and so too the angels, those who possess knowledge, and stand firm in justice. There is no God but he, the omnipotent, the omniscient. God’s religion is Islam … Let whoever disbelieves in the signs of God beware, for God is swift in reckoning.”
In this photograph we see Ground Zero ceremonies underway on Sept. 11 2006.
The flags of all the nations of those killed are on the ramp that family members only were allowed to descend that day. They prayed and laid flowers on a small pool of water (lower left). President George Bush and his wife, Laura, were also in attendance on that day, the fifth anniversary of 9/11.
The Cordoba Initiative plans to spend 100,000,000 dollars to finish the mega-mosque, which they will dedicate on September 11, 2011, the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attack.
After prayers ended, hundreds of men from all over the moslem world left to resume their daily activities.
Andrew C. McCarthy who prosecuted the “blind sheik”, mastermind of the first terror attack on the World Trade Center, wrote in his authoritative new book, The Grand Jihad:
Just as the collapse has been a boon for the left, the ferocity and overreach of Muslim terrorists has been a dual boon for Islamism. So atrocious has been the bloodbath wrought by Al Queda, its affiliates, and its imitators that it has enabled more methodical Muslim extremists to operate under the radar. Repeated terror strikes, culminating in the death of nearly three thousand innocents and the surreal demolition of the seemingly impregnable Twin Towers, shocked Americans and their government into a myopic determination to prevent additional mass murder attacks. In this climate of fear, the calculating but apparently non-violent Islamist compares favorably with the uncompromising, blood-soaked Islamist terrorist. He is thus regarded as cause for hope– indeed, as a moderate– by government and opinion elites. This, despite the fact that his agenda is essentially the same as the terrorist’s: Only their methods differ, and even those differences are shades of gray.
“In common parlance, someone is a “radical” Muslim only if he is a practitioner of jihadist terrorism, as if it were perfectly normal to want exactly the sharia state the terrorist wants as long as one refrains from terrorist methods in seeking it. The U.S. government, as well as our states and municipalities, clings to this connotation. At all levels– administrations of both political parties, intelligence agencies, law-enforcement, members of Congress, the federal bench, state and local authorities– officials would rather stick pins in their eyes than grapple with the incontrovertible nexus between Islamic doctrine and the savagery committed by Muslims throughout the world for decades. We are lead to believe that the only real “radicals” are the terrorists. Any other Muslim, no matter how supportive of terrorist goals, is deemed a “moderate” so long as he doesn’t seem, right this minute, to be plotting the next Armageddon.
This is sheer lunacy. Of Islam’s approximately 1.4 billion adherents worldwide, there are, to estimate very modestly, hundreds of thousands of Muslims in the United States, and tens of millions globally, who desire the adoption of policies sensible people would find quite radical. The moderate masquerade enables them to make common cause with the radical Left in one big, “progressive” campaign for “social justice.” ” – Andrew C. McCarthy
“By denominating the challenge “Islamism,” we reserve the mantel of islam for the millions who reject intolerance. Of course we must do so with our eyes open. We must recognize that the Islamists are faithful Muslims, that they are hostile to our civilization, and that they may substantially outnumber our potential allies in the umma. Our primary objectives must be to defeat militant Islamists who attack us at home and abroad, and to shield ourselves from other Islamists who seek to undermine our freedoms in more sophisticated ways. We should reserve the designation “Islam” in the hope that tolerant voices can redeem it, but our defense must never be hostage to that hope, which may, after all, be futile.
Defending ourselves will require flushing out the Islamists: identifying them and imposing on them the burden of defending their totalitarian ideology against the positive case for liberty and human reason. Doing so will undeniably burden true moderate Muslims as well: Give the prevalence of anti-Constitutional beliefs in Islam, foreign Muslims should not be permitted to reside in America unless they can demonstrate their acceptance of American constitutional principles. But those who satisfy this burden should be welcomed, encouraged, and given the space necessary to seek reform.” – Andrew C. McCarthy
Very simply, the purpose of jihad is not violence for its own sake. It is to pave the way for the imposition of sharia, the Muslim legal code and the necessary precondition for erecting an Islamic state and society. That is a peril we simply don’t want to deal with. Doing so would require confronting the brute fact that such a state wold be antithetical to American democracy. If we wanted to safeguard American democracy. If we wanted to safeguard American democracy and the principles–the individual liberties– it stands for, we would need to fight not only terrorists but Islamists. We would need to reject not only terrorists but Islamists. We would need to reject not only savagery but sharia. For that, we appear to have no stomach.
Thus, we avert our eyes from our enemies’ goal and fail to recognize both who our enemies are and why the accommodations they demand, some of which seems harmless enough on the surface, must be opposed. – Andrew C. McCarthy
Most Americans who have some passing acquaintance with the term “Salafist” assume it is a label for terrorists. Therefore, in the public mind, Salafists (and Wahhabists) are the real bad guys, to be sharply distinguished from the ubiquitous Muslim “moderates”– who are “moderate” because they allegedly “reject terrorism,” not because their views are actually benign.
This is a hopelessly ill-conceived way of looking at the world, but leftists– who dominate policy circles, the academy, and the media– are delighted to have us see it that way. With Americans in the dark, Islamists freely pass themselves off as moderates. That makes it politically palatable for the left to collaborate with them in undermining the American establishment. There’s no reason, however, why the rest of us should abide an arrangement, steeped in fiction, that progressively (pardon the pun) eroding our liberty and security. – Andrew C. McCarthy
To be clear: Salafism, the original inspiration of the Muslim Brotherhood, is the guiding ideology of all Islamists, the Islamist terrorists as well as those Islamists who purport to reject terrorism. Both types of Islamists want the same thing, the Islamization of society. Both reject Western rationalism and the Christian unity of faith and reason. Both favor sharia determinism. Both support the development of fundamentalist Muslim enclaves and the ultimate supplanting of American constitutional democracy by Islamic law. Non-terrorist Islamists want to overthrow the United States government every bit as much as the terrorists do. They are not moderates. Their difference with the terrorists are over means and methods, not goals. – Andrew C. McCarthy
Reporters from Italy and France wrap covered this Fridays prayers also. There was no other media presence. I left and walked around the corner to Ground Zero.
I headed east towards Saint Pauls Church thinking about how the Mega-mosque will be built to 12 stories and will dwarf the old church.
I entered the graveyard where revolutionary war heros are buried. Tourists and New Yorkers cooled off in the shade and toured the church. The Freedom Tower rises from the carnage across the street. I saw a young woman weeping as she walked by.
[…] Al Aqsa in Jerusalem, deliberately placed. (Source: […]
Read their QUR’AN be informedon this so cslled Religion of Peace….heed the message
A well written piece on Islam. We must keep the pressure on this mega Mosque for what it is; it is for them not us ever-keep posting what this messanger of Peace
really states in plain view in their Qur’an 4:171… & be informed People…
Excellent photos and commentary. Thanks for the link today.
[…] etc. I will update with their extraordinary work and photojournalism. If you missed El Marco's stunning coverage of the mosque protest, please go here. (JW): They started showing up long before the rally began at noon today. They came from […]
Chae – the 9/11 attackers chose 9/11/2001 in reference to koran 9:111 which says: “Lo! Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain. It is a promise which is binding on Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’an. Who fulfilleth His covenant better than Allah ? Rejoice then in your bargain that ye have made, for that is the supreme triumph.”
The moslims need to read OUR History. For the time is coming soon that WE will play Cowboys and moslims. I would rather “die on my feet, than live on my knees”. Guess who first said that, and about whom.
[…] building, even in ruins, is now an active mosque with 400 to 500 men attending worship services on Fridays. Imam Rauf will not say where the funding will come from and has refused to rule out Saudi or […]
[…] building, even in ruins, is now an active mosque with 400 to 500 men attending worship services on Fridays. Imam Rauf will not say where the funding will come from and has refused to rule out Saudi or […]
[…] Spencer holds a photo of airplane parts that crashed through the roof of the Burlington Coat Factory (site of the controversial mosque) on 9/11. The fact that the building had to be abandoned due to […]
Obama didnt know that it might cost him the election to comment on the controversial issue ? I dont think so. He is so intent on pleasing Muslims he doesnt care any more. He is in power to do as much for his Muslim brothers as he can before he loses his position. By the time he leaves office. Muslims will have more say more, autonomy and more leverage in the US, Israel and in the Musilim world. That is one of his most important agenda as President of the US.
Stop lying about Pres. Obama and his faith! I know, I know….1 of 5 thinks he is a Muslim. That 1 in the 5 is a retard!! Pres. Obama knows that Muslims are as much of the American fabric and are non-Muslims and just as much U.S. citizens as any other U.S. citizen. If he did not speak up for them, he would be alienating them and making a mockery of the U.S. Constitution in the process.
Muslims need more say. Are you complaining about the Jewish community having an inordinate amount of power in the U.S.
Pres. Obama has no “Muslim agenda” and you invalidate yourself as one to taken seriously.
Have I mentioned Obama’s faith? Put the bong down and learn to read.
“Defending ourselves will require flushing out the Islamists: identifying them and imposing on them the burden of defending their totalitarian ideology against the positive case for liberty and human reason. Doing so will undeniably burden true moderate Muslims as well: Give the prevalence of anti-Constitutional beliefs in Islam, foreign Muslims should not be permitted to reside in America unless they can demonstrate their acceptance of American constitutional principles. But those who satisfy this burden should be welcomed, encouraged, and given the space necessary to seek reform.”
Jessie ….. He has also helped Odinga get Sharia law legalized in the Kenyan constitution. He spent 20 million pushing that over there. Just amazing. And you are right, like a true narcissist he doesn’t care. Those who don’t praise him he puts in the enemy dept. and will try to destroy not engage. He will never compromise only lie and demonize the opposition..
This is the most comprehensive, and informative summation of the real issue regarding the “Cordoba Initiative” I have seen. I have read numerous articles from muslim websites, and the resulting feedback, both of which constantly fall back upon calling any who disagree with them as racist and bigotted. Funny, they sound much like our home grown leftist radicals. Wonder why?
Shouldn’t you hold the ground zero Mosque plan until we meet with Abraham in the family gatherings?
Mr. Zakaria’s reaction to it was too hasty to be a rational without reviewing the risk fact as German authorities did to close the Hamburg Mosque frequented by 9/11 Attackers as now frequented by the same radicals
9 11 massive attacks against the U.S. targets were the richly financed smart plan, nothing but hate based as a reflection of the constant culture conflicts – devalued Allah’s moral contentions. In a sense, it was an action for their own version of Freedom of Religion.
These hate based attacks have the most chilling effects upon every day American life lingering on since then.
Recently the quality of their cruelty revealed again in the massacres of the 10 medical missionary workers for the poor underclass of that dark Muslim society of Afghanistan – definitely against the will of Allah.
These victims lost their lives for the mission as they tried to serve God at their best in life by serving their needy brothers and sisters in Christ as well as in Allah.
America’s freedom of religion is realized in the very humanistic sacrifices.
The frequent massacres among the different sects of Muslims demonstrate the quality of their fragmented faith – bankrupt Muslim morality.
The pros and cons on whether or not to allow the construction of the mosque on the ground zero should not be determined on the basis of the idea of freedom of religion, but their moral quality of the unfaithful cruelty which is dangerous to them as well as to the bystanders. Thus, there is no reason for anyone including them to believe that the ground zero plan based upon a universally accepted value system of the brotherhood of mankind.
Thus, the ground zero plan should be postponed until the time Moslems and Christians have the family gatherings before our ancestor Abraham.
Remember the facts that our airports, subways, railroads or large building or the city streets are now under the seize of the Moslem terrorists; they are now scanning even into our private parts, anyone wants their loved ones go through the terrorist’s scanning humiliation.
If their plan allowed to advance as some idealists dream,
many Muslims could have golden chance to sneak into America in groups as students, visitors or religious workers under the ground zero mosque sponsorship or their faithful.
Then, they could easily establish the planning center for the second 9 11 – fatal to the sinking American civilization
As you all know, at any emergency, we call “9 11” for police help. The smart attackers choose “September 11” to warn America to call 9 11. Now we are under their seize as they warned America always to call “9 11” on that fateful day. Their warning is still on.
Why the Moslem brothers in America can’t initiate a mission work for their hatemongering Muslims and Taliban brothers, denouncing 9 11 attack, prior to the ground zero plan? Then we can see a light in the tunnel.
Who needs freedom of religion if one should lose one’s life in the name of the adversary’s freedom of religion?
Mr. Obama’s vision seems to have missed the 9 11 attackers’ faith based hatreds.
Chae S. Sone
Americans are an accommodating people. We have been more than patient with the scum that accuse us of every evil that they themselves perpetrate. The so-called elites have had their run pounding us with the stick of multiculturalism and tolerance while we die by the thousands and watch our way of life being eroded by mass immigration of people who refuse to assimilate and expect us to accommodate their cultures and support them on welfare. While we are being taxed to death to support them, we are losing jobs to them and watching incomes decline due to competition for jobs.
Hold the ground zero Mosque plan
until we meet with Abraham:
9 11 massive attacks against the U.S. targets were smartly planned with richly financed – smart plan but hate based as a reflection of the constant culture conflict – devalued Allah’s moral contentions.
These hate based attacks have the most chilling effects lingering upon every day’s American life since. The quality of cruelty revealed again in the atrocities of the 10 medical missionary workers for the poor underclass of that dark society of Afghanistan. These victims lost their lives for the mission as they tried to serve God at their best in life by serving their needy brothers and sisters in Christ as well as the children of Allah.
The frequent massacres among the different sects of Muslims demonstrate the quality of their fragmented faith – bankrupt Muslim morality.
The pros and cons on whether or not to allow the construction of the mosque on the ground zero should not be determined on the basis of the idea of freedom of religion, but their moral quality of the unfaithful cruelty which is dangerous for them as well as for the bystanders. Thus, there is no reason for anyone including themselves to believe that the ground zero plan based upon a universally accepted value system.
Thus the ground zero plan should be postponed until the time Moslems and Christians has the family gatherings before our ancestor Abraham.
Remember the facts that our airports, subways, railroads or large building or the city streets are under the siege now of the Moslem terrorists; even they are now scanning into our lady’s private parts, anyone wants their loved ones go through the terrorist’s scanning under siege.
Muslims could have chance to sneak into America in groups as students, visitors or religious workers under the ground zero mosque sponsorship if their plan allowed to stand as some idealists dream. Then, they could establish the planning center for the second 9 11 – fatal to the sinking American civilization
As you all know, at any emergency we call “9 11” for police help. The smart attackers choose “September 11” to warn America. Now there we are under their siege as they warned America to call “9 11”…
[…] things. Phenomenal perspective big media will never provide. All images and descriptions via Looking at the Left, who has much […]
Never forget. Fight back. It WILL NOT BE BUILT, know this. Be American and stand up for what we believe in, both in our hearts and what is right in our minds. Do not allow the sheeple of the American media to “go along to get along” as that is the beginning of the end.
America is better than this and our dead deserve more respect than these spineless politicians cannot bring themselves to do.
No mosque at ground zero!
There must be NO MOSQUE allowed at Ground Zero. This is holy ground — holy to all Americans
I just want to say America is so politically correct about everything, that its going to be our downfall. Why does this thing need to be so close to Ground Zero. There is a reason. The fact that the opening ceremony for the Mosque is 9/11 is very telling about the true intentions of this Islamic Organization. If we all unite, we can stop this thing. WE MUST!
I’m sorry to say this, but Americans had it coming.
I am from Bosnia and Herzegovina, where civil war was led only 20 short years ago – a civil war between Serbs (orthodox Christians) and Muslims.
Serbs tried to fend the Muslims off their land that was claimed by these Islamic fanatics.
Sadly, they failed thanks to USA and their pro-islamic intervention in the Balkans (also in Kosovo, after Bosnia).
Now, Muslims are cheering in celebrating their “victory” over the infidel Serbs. USA bombed their old allies Serbs to please the Muslims, for whatever reason (one of them is powerful Islamic lobby in US) and now the same thing is happening to you.
How bitter the irony is…and the sad part is – Americans and Serbs were once friends. Talk about stabbing friends in the back…
STOP THE ISLAMISATION OF AMERICA AND THE WORLD. PEOPLE OF AMERICA, ESPECIALLY MAYOR BLOOMBERG….WHAT are you thinking. Will the SAUDI`s allow you to build a CHURCH in MECCA. Do you know that entrance to MECCA has a signboard that states “NO INFIDELS ALLOWED”.
Please , Dear Brothers seek truth, peace in mind and heart , Islam have 73 sect . Only 1 is the truth, Seek Sufi and Tasauf and you will be kind in heart
There is only satan and human , No race or citizenship. All of us grandchild of Adam
Wake American people to the fact that the muslim religion seeks to change our free way of life into a life filled with obedience to sharia law. There is no seperation of religion and the government. It is one.
[…] […]
Many believed that it was intolerant to demonize Nazi Germany, even after FDR had drug us into that nasty war across the pond that we had no business getting in to. Wake up, America, the Islamic Revolution, which officially began in 1978 in Iran, declared war on the West with the taking of the American Embassy in 1979. This war has been escalating ever since, yet we continue to stick our heads in the proverbial hole leaving our tolerant rear ends unprotected. If we can not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.
[…] Robert Spencer holds a photo of airplane parts that crashed through the roof of the Burlington Coat Factory […]
This situation is distastful & incomprehensible. A Mosque absolutely does not
belong at ground zero. What an insult to all who died in vain.This is shocking & unacceptable.Is our Mayor Bloomberg
going for this?Please take notice to what I wrote. This is very serious.This can’t get thru the cracks. This is truly taking advantage of NYC. Who is in crisis due to our Economy along with the rest of the country. People don’t have
time to keep abreast of the news they’re just struggling to survive.
We are being taken advantage of!
This is an absolute disgrace to the memory of our loved ones! We as Americans need to unite and not worry about “offending” these Islamics. Did they worry about “offending” us when they killed all of our innocents?!
Any American who is part of allowing this to occur should seriously think about what they are allowing, as they lay their head on their pillow, each night! We are becoming “prisoners” in OUR country! These outsiders need to be in their OWN COUNTRIES! Yes, we can forgive, but never forget! We should not allow ourselves to continue to be “victims”; we should not allow these people to slowly invade. What next?
Totally in accord with stopping this affront to America’s optimism and welcoming human nature.
I’m very angry. Why the hell all this folks came here? They do not belong to this country. Let them go home and pray as long as they want surrounded by friendly Muslim.
I think all the presence of these folks is a crime against America.
P.S today I’ve met 2 ‘black death’ ladies strolling along 27 street toward 7th avenue.
We must unite and organize, we must repel this evil from our country now.
What a great job you have done with this article, you have the support of many, please continue the struggle.
Thank you for this post and the pictures. I just do not understand how these people are getting away with this. The 3 ballons were a special treat!
[…] etc. I will update with their extraordinary work and photojournalism. If you missed El Marco’s stunning coverage of the mosque yesterday, please go here.The mosque would become “Dawah Central” at Ground Zero. It must be stopped!Great […]
Islam teaches through the writings in the “Holy Kuran” first degree murder as a legitimate Islamic religious activity. Surah 9.5 which commands Muslims to “slay the idolaters wherever they are found” is but one example of literally hundreds to be found in the “Holy Kuran.” Millions of Muslims around the world actually celebrated and cheered as thousands of American people were brutally murdered on 9-11–and no American should ever forget that.
The FACT that Islam actually teaches committing first degree murder as a legitimate component of Islamic doctrine is grounds for outlawing it on US territory! Islam should not be permitted in America, should not be in New York–nor should there be any mosques in America, much less any mosques being built at the site of Ground Zero!
Can anyone name for me an Islamic country where Muslims do not persecute and/or murder non-Muslims on a regular basis? I didn’t think so.
Wow! This was an eyeopener for me! I learned things about Islam I never knew. Thank you for doing this. I cannot believe my Pastor hasn’t said a thing about Islam. This is war against Christianity and is talked about in the Bible – its called the Great Tribulation. If you want to know how its all going to end, read the Book of Revelation! Praise God!
Thank you for this excellent, informative post. I will share this with others.
7 June 2010
In 2002 I lived in el Obied, Sudan (roughly south-central) as part of an international peace monitoring effort in the Nuba Mountains.
El Obied is either the second or third larges city in Sudan after Khartoum. The Catholic Church in El Obied is beautiful and was built by the Comboni Order, in 1961.
In the 1990s immediately across the street from this Church, Saudi money funded the building of a mosque. My interpreter/translator told me how all the residents knew that the mosque was placed specifically in that position as a counter to, of course, the Church. The mosque was known as the “Church Mosque” because everyone knew of the Church there well before.
And, oh yes, lest there be any doubt, the mosque minarets were taller than the Church bell steeple. The significance of what the Saudis were declaring was not lost on anyone.
As to the mosque at Ground Zero, there can be no doubt that this is an effort to claim supremacy over that land. It must be stopped. If completed what they will be saying is, “Islamic warriors destroyed the World Trade Center ‘temple’ of your capitalism. We have built our ‘temple’ (a mosque) on top of those ashes. We are stronger than you. Submit.” Or as Osama Been Laden said in December 2003, “What are we calling you to? We are calling you to complete submission to his will, complete submission to Sharia Law.” This is no different than the Temple Mount.
We may not be waging a religious war; but that they are, there can be no doubt.
Take good care,
[…] Prayer Time at the Ground Zero Mosque • Looking at the Left […]
[…] etc. I will update with their extraordinary work and photojournalism. If you missed El Marco's stunning coverage of the mosque yesterday, please go here. Robert's reportage is […]
Very nice post. And love the pix. I’m still astonished that the towers are not there any longer. It simply boggles my mind. It’s a hole in the fabric of that landscape that can never be filled by anything, and should never be. It’s a place that is meant to be a war memorial. It’s sacred, hallowed ground. That mosque simply CANNOT be built there. Those who want to build that monstrosity have greatly under-estimated the American people, who have only begun to rise up over this issue. They wanna fight? I say, bring it.
[…] to their superiority as their due? Certainly, the blatant pro-jihadist propaganda project of towering 13-story mosque at Ground Zero, provocatively named “Cordoba House”, has engendered enough apologetic rationalizations […]
thanks for your very fine piece.
you speak the truth plainly.
Thank you for this post.
Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos. I hope that maybe I can one day visit Ground Zero…and that no Mega Mosque will block the view of St Pauls.
Means and Methods and Goals…
Andrew C. McCarthy –
“Non-terrorist Islamists want to overthrow the United States government every bit as much as the terrorists do. They are not moderates. Their difference with the terrorists are over means and methods, not goals.”
Who Islamists “are” does not determine what Islamists “do” to achieve their Islamist goals. Some Islamists attack people (kafirs and apostates)… some Islamists attack law (with the help of dhimmi politicians). Imposition of shariah is the goal.
Thank you for your coverage. This is a very important service in the education of America. Will be linking at Bread upon the Waters.
[…] the mosque site. It is fascinating for those of us who have not been to see with our own eyes. The link to the post is here. I grabbed this photo, but go see all the others. Eye opening. "After a few latecomers […]
[…] El Marco (excellent post; that’s what the real journalism should look like). Robert […]
Yes, I agree, it is extremely distasteful for somebody to build a mosque near ground zero and especially to dedicate it on the tenth anniversary of the terror strikes.
[…] Prayer Time at the Ground Zero Mosque […]
[…] C. McCarthy. By denominating the challenge Islamism, we reserve the mantel of islam for …Continue Reading var a2a_config = a2a_config || {}; a2a_localize = { Share: "Share", Save: "Save", Subscribe: […]
Wow! Thanks for the beautiful pictures and thoughtful commentary. This situation is incomprehensible. Why build a mosque at Ground Zero? The insensitivity is mind-boggling! Bloomberg and the NY City Council members who voted yes and abstained are foolish dhimmis. The vote approving the mosque was just advisory. It’s not a done deal, so people, join in the protest! Send letters to Bloomberg, sign petitions…
Too bad Giuliani isn’t still mayor – doubt if he’d be so deferential.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Nika Boris, El Marco. El Marco said: new El Marco photo essay Prayer Time at the Ground Zero Mo… […]