• Shaking the Freedom Cage

After the Michelle Malkin – Alex Jones incident, I was eager for some peace and quiet. So I decided to check out the Denver Free Speech Cage with my friend, Red from the Peoples Cube. It was set up by Mayor Hinkenlooper after months of tortured debate in the halls of government, the courts, the media and the public forum. I was curious and hoping for some action, but not too much. What I found there was this solitary philosopher (above). Red suggested we shake the free speech cage.
Incredibly, there was a taxpayer funded live mic with speakers that resonate throughout the surrounding area. Red made his first point about the Democrats’ plan to implement the Fairness Doctrine, and apply it only to AM radio conservative opposition.
His next point had something to do with Obama and CHANGE.
- Support of America’s enemies is NOT patriotic
- Sabotage of national defense is NOT patriotic
- Spreading lies about US troops in wartime is NOT patriotic
- Lying about your country to the world is NOT patriotic
- Appeasing terrorists and dictators is NOT patriotic
- Depriving America of energy resources is NOT patriotic
- Voter fraud is NOT patriotic
- Fooling voters to obtain power is NOT patriotic
- Balkanization of American society is NOT patriotic
- Dumbing down education is NOT patriotic
- Historical revisionism is NOT patriotic
- Hating America and its people is NOT patriotic
- Let’s face it: Dissent is only patriotic when the dissenter is a patriot.
- Otherwise it’s plain old treason.

Using the taxpayer funded live mic, he performed Elvis Presley’s song It’s Now or Never (excellent impersonation)
Then he cited Winston Churchill “Never Give In”
Finally, he thanked law enforcement officers for keeping moonbats at bay and securing peace and justice for the citizens of Denver and the world…
…Since they were the only people within earshot (even with the powerful amplification system,) we could say they were a captive audience.
Red, upon leaving the Freedom Cage, had a feeling he was being followed.
For a moment, it didn’t look good. But upon discovering Red’s true identity as a guy from Peoples Cube, things changed.
Hi Mom! New friends in Denver.
A few steps further on, and we re-entered occupied Moonbat territory. Hasn’t she heard that tobacco companies conspired to keep the dangers of tobacco secret from the American public?
9/11 Conspiracy cultists had gathered for their scheduled permitted snake dance confrontation with police.
After taking two photos, I heard “There’s that guy! He was with Michelle Malkin yesterday!” and moonbats started to swarm me the same way as they swarmed Michelle.
And then here he was, the king of the conspiracy cultists, Alex Jones. The playground bully was coming at me full steam.
I turned, and shot this photo over my shoulder. I walked directly to a group of bicycle riot cops and explained that the moonbats were after me. Two bike cops escorted me to my vehicle, and Red and I returned to Denver Civic Center. I’m not as tough as Michelle Malkin.

This next subject is a kid from Denver. The day lions become vegetarians is the day I’ll believe in the hope Obama is selling.
I met Dick Morris exiting a car near the Convention Center. I’m a big fan of the political consulting work he’s doing in the Ukraine and other countries, and told him so. He was more than happy to hold a sign produced by thePeoplesCube.com
An empty free speech cage with lone philosopher, priceless!
Thanks for the great pictures.
[…] Haven’t seen these angles elsewhere. Follow http://www.LookingattheLeft.com around the DNC “Shaking The Freedom Cage” Free Speech, The great Denver Police and “Red” from The Peoples Cube Red from Peoples […]
awesome stuff. I think Malkin has a good criminal case to make against that windbag, and a civil one. I hope she pursues it (and Jones loses his voice box)
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