Showdown in Searchlight

By El Marco

Sarah Palin Pals around with Patriots in the Nevada Desert.

March 28th, 2010, Las Vegas, NV  –  by El Marco

Conservatives from across America gathered near Harry Reid’s hometown of Searchlight, Nevada, on Saturday, to send a message to Washington. Reid and other corruptocrats are facing the political fight of their lives this November in elections that promise to transform the political landscape.

If this administration continues, we are all going to be in barrels. Get the radicals out of office and let’s take back our country.

We arrived at 6 a.m., and it’s a good thing we did. Thousands were already seated in their own folding chairs in orderly rows in front of the stage. Sarah Palin was not scheduled to speak until noon. It was very cold and windy but it didn’t faze grandpa one bit as he posed radiantly in his barrel of dissent. Many were engaged in animated conversations about politics with the people around them. They were excited to be at, what was for most of them, their first Tea Party, and to be in a situation where they could talk politics with strangers. Liberals feel they have carte blanche to go around saying to anyone and everyone that Bush is Hitler, but conservatives are learning to become more outspoken (but within their civil and polite tradition) as they see their country’s founding principals being trashed by radical Democrat liberals.

This event was organized as the first stop of the Tea Party Express III tour of 43 cities. They will arrive in Washington, D.C.  at the Capitol on April 15th, for the gigantic tax day Tea Party rally.

This long-haired Chihuahua in his Harley Davidson outfit belongs to a big conservative biker hombre. The message here seems to be that conservatives would rather vote for a tiny yellow Mexican dog than any liberal democrat or RINO republican.

Here’s one candidate you can be sure won’t alienate our friends and encourage our enemies.

The Obama Administration reaches out to some of the world’s worst regimes in the name of their engagement policy. America and our allies watch as sanctions are eased on Cuba. Letters are written to Iran’s mullahs only to see that regime start killing protestors in the streets of Tehran. Envoys are sent to North Korea as they continue to defy the world’s demand to give up their nuclear weapons. The Burmese military junta’s representative is allowed to travel to our nation’s capital. The President’s envoy for Sudan talks about giving that genocidal regime “gold stars,” while the President shakes hands with Venezuela’s tyrannical leader. In the midst of all this embracing of enemies, where does the Obama Administration choose to escalate a minor incident into a major diplomatic confrontation? With Iran, Cuba, Sudan, North Korea or Burma? No. With our treasured ally, Israel.  Sarah Palin

I think we all know the answer to this question.

Thousands of Tea Party patriots arrived during the night in campers and early in the morning, like this fellow in his Lamborghini.

Right behind the Lamborghini was this vintage 1980’s rusty Yugo. After this car’s introduction to the American market, it became a symbol of the failure of the totalitarian communist central planning economic model.

Retired Deputy Sheriff Doug Rodrigues from northern Nevada. His father was Portuguese from Macao, and his mother is Chinese from Macao. He spoke of his parents knew what it was like for them to live under the threat of communist tyranny.

Hey Joe, this is a big BLEEPING deal!

There were lots of huge private luxury buses as well as humble campers parked among the desert Joshua trees. These people brought along potted plants and this Thunderbird. Maybe thats the owner standing on that desert rock in the distance.

Nathan is a big conservative, at 6’7″ tall. He arrived early in the morning, from Riverside, California. I thought he might be connected with the Tea Party Express, but he told me he was just another patriotic American supporting the cause.

These girls are supporting conservative Jeff Durbin, retired Air Force Master Sargeant, who is running in a local county election. The only way to stem the growth of government spending is to replace liberals with true conservatives at every level of government.

Conservative challengers to Nevada’s Senator Harry Reid & the state’s U.S. Representatives were invited to speak. It was made very clear by the M.C. that the Tea Party movement is non-partisan, and that none of the candidates were endorsed, they were just being given a platform to speak.

The Tea Party Express arrived just before noon, for the showdown.

Joe the Plumber arrived driving a pickup truck.

Sue Lowden is the front runner in a hotly contested primary to run against Harry Reid. She is polling to beat Harry Reid by a large margin. A number of candidates arrived in campaign busses.

Here’s another hardy right-winger who was not feeling the cold.

Singer songwriter Lloyd Marcus introduced himself by saying “My name is Lloyd Marcus and I am not an African-American. I am Lloyd Marcus: American.” He thrilled the crowd with The American Tea Party Anthem.

So when they call you a racist cause you disagree
It just another of their dirty tricks to silence you and me.
I believe in the Constitution and all it stands for.
Anyone who tramples it should be booted out the door.

Mr. Marcus also performed his song Twenty Ten to the tune of New York, New York.

Start spreadin the news, I’m tellin ya today
We’re takin back America, in twenty ten
This socialist nightmare, must come to an end
Cause we’re gonna vote them out, in twenty ten

I wanna wake up in an America, where I speak as I please
Without ACORN thugs, breaking my knees posters are always a favorite at any Teaparty.


When the wants & desires of the Royals outweigh the will of the people.

This masterpiece is the work of comrade Maksim, who has a new political humor and satire web site.

Here we see His Majesty the Obamessiah smoking a cigarette and holding a large screw representing OBAMACARE in his gloved hand. Around his neck dangles a greatly devalued Nobel Peace Prize which he won for just being HIM.  Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid look on in awe at their splendiforous leader, the ultimate Chicago Corruptocrat, his loftiness, BHO.

It is so good to be here for the showdown in Searchlight. So proud to be with all of you who are so proud to be Americans. God bless you. Hey, there’s no better place to kick off the Tea Party Express than Harry Reid’s hometown.

You know, in the coming days and months, Harry’s going to come home and he’s going to explain what he’s been up to in Washington. And Harry is going to hold campaign rallies and town halls and he’s going to try to explain away the big government takeover of health care and student loans, and try to explain the bailouts for banks and insurance companies and automakers. And he’s going to try to sell you on the leftist plans for a national energy tax, and for more spending and more bloat of our budgets and more steps towards insolvency.

Now, the Obama care vote last weekend, it certainly proved that we’re on the wrong track. It’s easy to understand why so many of us, so many Americans are shaking our heads and saying, what is going on in our country? What’s going on in D.C.? Washington has broken faith with the people that they are to be serving. That’s why here in Searchlight and across the country, we’re sending a message to Washington. It’s loud and it’s clear.

And in these upcoming elections, we are saying that the big government, big debt, Obama/Pelosi/Reid spending spree is over. You’re fired. You’re fired. Well, we’re doing folks, we’re rolling up our sleeves, we’re getting down to business and getting back to the common sense conservative principles that made this country the greatest country on Earth. And we’re not going to sit down and shut up. And thank you for standing up. We’re standing up and we’re speaking out and we’re fighting for solutions. We’re taking our country back and we’re starting right here today in Nevada.

(Did I mention it was really windy?)

Now when we talk about fighting for our country, let’s clear the air right now on what it is that we’re talking about. We’re not inciting violence. Don’t get sucked into the lame stream media’s lies about conservative America’s standing up for freedom as inciting violence. Violence isn’t the answer. It’s a bunch of bunk what the media is trying to feed you. Don’t let them divert attention from the debate.

Media, you guys ginning up an issue like that, making it sound like it’s a crowd like this of patriotic Americans who are inciting violence, it’s not true, it’s a bunch of bunk and we ask for some fair and some balanced reporting coming from you, please.

When we talk about fighting for our country, we are talking about our vote. Our vote is our arms. By the way, it’s within our own borders in the homeland where we should feel so safe and not condone any kind of violence. It’s within the homeland that we should feel safe and that makes me want to say in these volatile times when we are a nation at war, now more than ever is when we need a commander-in- chief, not a constitutional law professor lecturing us from a lectern.

OK look, guys, job number one. Job number one is to get our economy roaring back to life. Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and their friends in Congress. They think that we can tax and borrow our way and spend our way out of the problems. They put us on track to quadruple our deficit. They proposed a $3.8 mind boggling, record busting — $3.8 trillion federal budget, and they just passed that trillion dollar European-style health care scheme called Obama care.

Now something’s not quite right when Fidel Castro comes out and says he likes Obama care, but we don’t like Obama care. They keep borrowing and proposing big new programs with giant price tags and they dig us further into debt and stick our kids with the bill. And that makes us more beholden to other countries that. It makes us less secure. It makes us less free. And I don’t know about you, but that does tick me off because I care about our children and our children’s future.

Now, Harry Reid coming from these parts, you know he served on the state’s gaming commission. And what he’s doing now is gambling our future. And somebody needs to tell him, this isn’t a crap shoot. Just a lot of this is being crap though. Somebody’s got to tell Harry Reid, a lot of us have been telling Washington that we don’t like their plans. We told them in polls, protests and special elections, but they just don’t get it. They lecture us, and they apologize for us and they talk down to us. They keep telling us, especially the Tea Party Americans, they are saying, oh, we like their policies and programs if only we were smart enough to understand them.

Well, we’ve got news for them. We get it. We understand plenty, and we have a word for them. We still don’t like it. Because, folks, we do not have to work for government. Government is to work for us. We don’t need a bunch of elites in Washington making decisions for us. We are smart enough to make decision for ourselves, and that’s why we believe in expanding freedom and opportunities and not the overreaching arm of government. But the left in Washington, they don’t see it that way. What we have here is a difference of opinion, but that’s OK because that’s nothing that a good old fashioned election can’t fix. So the liberals in Washington had better start listening to the American people instead of lecturing us. And I’ve had the privilege of traveling around this country in this last year and meeting the good men and women who actually run this country, the small business owners. Those who grow our food and those who fight our wars for us and teach our children and run our factories. You know, a whole lot of us. Those who still cling to their guns and religion.

And when I talk to these good Americans, when I talk to them, you know, I’m not worried. I’m not worried about our future. I’m optimistic. Because if you know where to look, there are signs of real hope across this country. Every day Americans working so hard to get us back on track. And patriots who are standing up and speaking out. And neighbors who are helping one another get through these tough times. And entrepreneurs and small businesses who are working hard to grow our economy one job, one paycheck, one American dream at a time, in spite of what government is doing to our small businesses, they are still trying to rebuild. And a lot of common sense conservative candidates are putting it all on the line in 2010 in order to get our country back on the right track. VIDEO – h/t therightscoop

Twenty year old journalist Hannah Giles talked about how important it is for young conservatives to take action to preserve our constitutional freedoms. Giles and James O’Keefe got national attention by exposing ACORN in a series of undercover videos. They managed to take down one of the most corrupt politically powerful organizations to appear in this country in decades. Shortly thereafter, because of Giles’ work, Congress defunded ACORN and just last week the news was that the entire organization is on the verge of declaring bankruptcy and breaking up.

Andrew Breitbart spoke of how the Democrats and their lapdog MSM are following Alinsky rules to smear anyone who they perceive as a threat to their political machine. Just before he arrived onstage, he had an nasty run-in in downtown Searchlight (population 700) as he stopped by a pro-Harry Reid astroturf rally. He was verbally abused and called a racist when Reid’s party hacks recognized him as a journalist critical of Reid and the Democrat Party.

Breitbart said that this follows an ugly pattern which has been brewing since before Obama’s election and reached a new low last week when Congressional Black Caucus members were deliberately paraded through Teapartiers in Washington, D.C. trying to provoke a racial incident.

When of course no incident was provoked the democrats just went automatically to full smear mode and accused Teapartiers of all sorts of racist garbage. Jim Hoft at Andrew Breitbarts Big Government exposes the travesty here. Michelle Malkin covers the horror show that is the leftist smear machine here.

Brietbart announced that he will increase to 100,000 dollars the reward for anyone who can produce one shred of evidence that Teapartiers ever used racial language as the democrats are charging.

I was in Searchlight around 6 am and found Harry Rieds lackeys plastering the whole town with his campaign signs.



As well as some disgusting anti-Palin signs. The sexist anti-Palin signs were prominently displayed on a long stick attached to the truck of Rieds Democrat party workers. They can be seen in the background preparing this cordoned-off area for Ried’s AstroTurf rally and “hospitality tent”.

The intent of this sign is to poke fun at anyone that’s not from an urban center as well as smear Sarah Palin as a fascist. Since when were fascists for limited government and individual freedom?

Perpertual Dodo Award – Sarah “Failin'” Pailin – Failed Governor of Alaska – For self enrichment, for suppressing scientific reviews, living in the stone age, lack of knowledge, being a T&A [tits and ass] show, a pidgeon [sic] brain, a parrot, plain stupid and for being like a rock JUST DUMBER.

This is a shot of their bumper.

This is Harry Reid country. Downtown Searchlight. I swear, I’m not kidding! This is the main street. It is lined with impoverished homes and shuttered bussinesses.

Harry’s hometown. Harry has been living for years in the Ritz Carlton Hotel in D.C., which is the same place that royalty and billionaires from around the world use when they visit Washington. A few years ago at Christmas, Harry got caught illegally tipping the staff there 3,300 dollars from campaign funds instead of his own pocket. Not only corrupt but a cheapskate with his own money too!

Here’s how the Washington Post reported it:

Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) announced yesterday that he will amend four years of ethics reports to Congress to more fully explain a real estate transaction that allowed him to collect $1.1 million in 2004.
At the same time, he said he will personally reimburse his political campaign $3,300 that his campaign fund contributed for the Christmas bonuses of support staff at the Ritz-Carlton in Washington, where he lives.
Yes, Harry really did say that. A small indication of how at least one dem senator thinks when the he gets to close to America’s great unwashed, the hoi polloi when they visit DC. His comment caused a bit a stink at the time and this Nevada voter hasn’t forgotten.

Meanwhile, back at the rally, Joe the plumber was telling the crowd the three most important things to achieve politically to secure America’s future.

  1. Reduce the size of government.
  2. Return more power to the states as framed in the constitution.
  3. Reduce taxes.


Bill Jones is a Pastor from Bullhead City, AZ. I asked him what his top concern is. He said he wants to see the country return to the values of the America that he grew up in. I am guessing that he is in his mid sixties.

High on a rocky hilltop, these folks had balcony seats.

Nearby, these gentleman told me that they came 30 miles through the desert from Henderson. Talk about freedom!

This man came alone and planted his revolutionary flag. He estimated the crowd at peak to be 15,000.

The photo below is another shot of downtown Searchlight. Will Rogers’ most famous quote is, ” I never met a man I didn’t like.”

UPDATE: 04/07/10 – Below is another photo from downtown Searchlight. Two of the three structures in the photo appeared to be actively inhabited. On my 2200 mile round trip from CO for this post I did not see such dilapidated housing as these on the main drag through Searchlight. This is third world level housing that brings to mind images of poverty in America common during the early 20th century. Even this billboard in Searchlight can’t get a job. Maybe a contest to see who has the best idea for a hilarious political billboard would be a good idea.

ALSO: I spotted one lone incoherent lefty wandering around the Tea Party site early in the morning. Her sign shows a masked man throwing a molotov cocktail. I heard her say “Love not war” and watched as she exited the area passing hundreds of people without incedent. She was totally and completely ignored by all and left without any response and barely a glance from anyone. Contrast her experience to that of journalist Brietbart when he stopped by at Ried’s “hospitality tent” in Searchlight. The seething anger that the dems and their MSM are constantly referring to is something I have never witnessed at any Tea Party I have photographed. They project the ugliest parts of their own personalities onto those that they hate.

………………..MORE  PHOTO ESSAYS  by  EL MARCO………………….



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