• Barack’s Big Day, Part I
Euphoria at Mile High Stadium.
Hope and faith plus zero substance combined to create a blissful atmosphere at Mile High Stadium in Denver. A wonderful opportunity to photograph the freest, luckiest, healthiest, happiest people in the world. I’ve decided on a Norman Rockwell approach to this event. America on Cloud Nine.
Entrepreneurial small business Gold Rush. Every small T-shirt printer has come out with his own designs as well as buttons, and even an Obama Mini-Me action figure for $19.95.
The Barack Obama Experience: All along the Watchtower? NOT! Purple Haze? Probably. Electric Ladyland: where’s Hillary? ARE YOU EXPERIENCED? Are you kidding??? Astro Man…back to the moon??? Crash Landing = how the campaign will end.
No place for the bald-headed. A three hour wait in line. Some people didn’t make it to the stadium. MEDIC!!!
Campaign buttons were selling for $3 each downtown and around Invesco Field. This guy was in for a surprise about an hour farther down the line. At the Secret Service security checkpoint all metal buttons had to be removed to pass through the metal detector.
This group is from Illinois. Some more casually dressed Illinoisians donned T-shirts saying “Barack is my homie.”
It was hard for some elderly folks. This lady rests in the shade, with her cane, after two and a half hours in the sun. Only about half an hour to go before getting to the security tent. Line’s total length = maybe two miles, I don’t know.
It was great to see all of these happy Americans, after so much anger and craziness around the Civic Center during the rest of the week. This was the lone visible kook. His cape says GROPE POPE on the back, a Nazi swastika on his pope hat, and he has a naked boy mannequin on his shoulders. First class hate speech.
This guy was suffering from the heat. He has an Obama mini-towel on his head. His shirt shows a stylized Democrat donkey, topped with a 1970’s afro style hairdo and an orange afro-pic comb.
A lot of people had red, white and blue buttons which they themselves wrote on. This young man’s says Destroy the Government, Communist Revolt + Marxism.
This button with the Kennedys says In the Tradition of Camelot OBAMA ’08
There was a sort of rock star euphoria, but Obama is a rock star that people have a personal emotional involvement with.
This couple flew in from San Francisco. The gentleman is from Cameroun, not yet a U.S. citizen but an Obama fan.
She’s not clinging to religion.
Hanging from the yellow strap you can see the bizarre “community credential” which everyone was required to have to gain entry. On planet earth this is called a ticket. Note the infamous upside down flag. This is a 4″ x 6″ hologram type vinyl card which says CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN on top, and on the bottom line it says “community credential” The hologram thingie, when tilted away from the viewer shows the flag upside down with a text box on the right; when tilted forward, towards you, all that’s visible is Obama’s head with the stars becoming his shirt, the flowing red and white stripes behind him and CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN in the upper right corner. Quite a contraption. We had to drive 60 miles round trip from our home to pick these up. We had to show our drivers license/picture ID, after waiting in line just like at the DMV. But don’t dare mention photo ID for voting – that would make you a *#$@%ing racist.
She’s from Albany, New York
This gentleman is from Atlanta, Georgia. He says his two favorite cities are Atlanta and Denver. He had a big smile, but I missed that shot. He did appear to be in quite a bit of pain. At this point we are through the security tent and ready to enter the stadium.
These ladies are from Veracruz, Mexico and reside in Denver. Obama es el hombre.
Hippy chicks said “Look at my buttons! They’re hippy buttons, just like in the 1960’s!”
The button with the sun shining off it says Deadheads for Obama
The GET SOME ASS T-shirt on the left says it all. These guys are here to see Springsteen and get some… Stevie Wonder, Michael McDonald and Sheryl Crow performed before Obama’s speech. Springsteen and Bon Jovi after. Obama? Biden? who??
The wives of two Georgia State Representatives
Even the Republicans who got community credentials were sharing in the happy moment.
I love this couple! Same vibes as my neighbors in California. I ran into him later for another shot loaded down with hotdogs and drinks and the same big smile.
[…] For more great photo-journalism compliments og Looking At The Left go here>> […]
it seems to be a fundamental question of our time: how could so many people, people who are otherwise intelligent, insightful, healthy and normal; how could they be so completely unaware of the corruption, false information and dangerous associations of this man?
my guess is it’s a combination of media saturation with individual’s predispositions.
myself, as a life long liberal/lefty until just a few years back, understand that it took several types of experiences for me to shift conservatively.
first it was the shock of the bombings in israel around 01,02 and noticing how my liberal/lefty friends in the arts and black community sympathized with the bombers and said negative things about israel. this led me to finally read ‘from time immemorial’ by joan peters which was quite the wake up call. i also began listening regularly to dennis prager on the way to work. since 01,02 i have listened regularly to several radio hosts which shifted my perceptions. i also was around an orthodox rabbi in a situaiton that made me see life very differently.
this is just me and my story. i wonder what it would take for a larger number of people to shift as well. i normally do alot of research, read alot etc…and even as a liberal i did so too.
so what does it take? are all these liberal/lefties still unaffected by 9/11 or the events in israel (homicide bombers, expulsion from gaza, lebanon war, iran’s desire to nuke israel etc).
someone mentioned that the essential element is fear: liberals are afraid to look the evil aspects of the world for what they are and the requirement to fight them. they want to think that if you just talk to people you can work it all out.
unfortunately, the liberal part of america in the democratic party has taken a hard lefty looney marxist turn. hopefully, mccain palin will be victorious as a ‘just say no’ to marxist anti american/israel propaganda!
[…] Look at the similarities between modern Western civilization and Rome. Rome grew greatest in its period of freedom – as a republic. But all that changed with the growth of government controls (a welfare state coined "bread and circuses"). The growth of taxation and government control destroyed the economy of Rome which allowed the barbarians to take over. The same thing is happening now. CHANGE!Looking at the left covered Barack's really big day here: […]
These pictures are fantastic. They absolutely capture the mania that Obama’s candidacy has stirred up for so many Americans.
If Obama fails to win the Presidency a lot of these folks are going to need therapy.
Keep up the good work!
Excellent photos from inside the line and inside the stadium! That first black-and-white one with the flags is an instant classic! I’m jealous: not being a Colorado resident or a Delegate, I couldn’t get a ticket, so was relegated to prowling around outside.
I too saw that nut with the naked boy mannequin on his shoulders, but couldn’t get a good picture of him. Glad you captured the scene!
Wow Man…Cosmic!…
El Marco has some photos from Oback Barama's appearance at Mile High Stadium (NO, I will NOT call it "Invesco Field at Mile High") the other night. This particular one immediately caught my eye. What are these people smoking?
Your guess…
[…] those of us who didn’t make it to Denver pictures are the next best thing. El Marco has a ton of […]