Washington, D.C. September, 2005 Melanie Morgan, who organized the event, is Co-Chair of Move America Forward. She is also a radio talk show host on San Francisco’s KSFO AM560 Lee Rodgers Show. She initiated the recall of Gov. Gray Davis in California, pushed the ecological issue of banning MTBE in the gas there, and has earned her place in America’s heart as a…

• RNC 2004

Unlike in Boston, where the Democrats stifled free speech by dissenters, keeping them within barbed wire enclosures, in New York City, the First Amendment was enabled to an extraordinary degree. Approximately 100,000 people marched right past Madison Square Garden, the home of the Republican Convention. A crowd of 100,000 left-leaners contains a lot of different types of characters. Many appear to be relatively…

• Stuck on Stupid

Nov. 2, 2005 Union Square, New York yet another anti Bush hate-fest theme: DRIVE OUT THE BUSH REGIME! RESIST OR DIE

• Coffin Walk

A sunny day in Washington Square Park, January, 2006 Veterans for Peace led a symbolic “coffin walk” from the park to the closest recruiting center. The cardboard coffins are extremely lightweight; that’s not why these people are miserable. They’re just miserable, period. A group of counter-protesters preceded them to the recruiting center and stymied the lefties their efforts to demoralize the Army recruiters.

• U.S.A.! U.S.A.!

Move America Forward and various other groups at “Support our Troops and thier Mission weekend”, Washington, D.C. September 23-25, 2005 Protest Warrior, Move America Forward, Free Republic, Defend the White House, Military Families Voice of Victory, Marine Moms, and others gathered in D.C. to counter the radical left anti-American rally. Iraq, another country free courtesy of the United States of America. Pledge of…

• D.C. ANSWER rally

September, 2005  — an anti-war march in Washington, D.C. Click on thumbnails or use arrow keys to advance.


The first, very long chapter of the Ward Churchill saga ended this afternoon as just about everybody — including Churchill — had predicted: He was fired from his job as ethnic studies professor at the University of Colorado. WARD’S STUDENT POSSE “We’re his students, and we’re here for solidarity.” They brought all of the protest signs, and chained smoked while they waited for…