• Barack’s Big Day, Part I

Euphoria at Mile High Stadium. Hope and faith plus zero substance combined to create a blissful atmosphere at Mile High Stadium in Denver. A wonderful opportunity to photograph the freest, luckiest, healthiest, happiest people in the world. I’ve decided on a Norman Rockwell approach to this event. America on Cloud Nine.    Entrepreneurial small business Gold Rush. Every small T-shirt printer has come…

• Al-Jazeera welcomed by liberals, protested by conservatives

Al Jazeera English broadcast today from the Buffalo Rose, an Old West biker bar in downtown Golden, a small city near Denver.  Golden is a charming place. Clear Creek runs through it, and supplies the gigantic Coors Brewery with the water it turns into Colorado’s most famous beer. Golden is also known as the home of the Colorado School of Mines. Their athletic teams’ symbol…

• Shaking the Freedom Cage

After the Michelle Malkin – Alex Jones incident, I was eager for some peace and quiet. So I decided to check out the Denver Free Speech Cage with my friend, Red from the Peoples Cube. It was set up by Mayor Hinkenlooper after months of tortured debate in the halls of government, the courts, the media and the public forum. I was curious…

• Seen at the DNC, Monday, Aug. 25

Between the temple of Iranian bliss and the Shaking of the Mint where Michelle Malkin was mobbed, here are some other scenes I ran into today. A young girl with Tear It Down.org, a mock Guantanamo cell in Cuernavaca Park. Amnesty International was involved with this display as well. Oddly there were no mock gallows or chopping blocks to call for justice for…

• Iranian Potemkin Village at DNC

At Denver Civic Center, an exhibit called PICTURES OF YOU, a veritable Potemkin Village of how wonderful life is in Iran. Views from inside and outside Iranian propaganda tent.     View of mullah semi-transparent screen with Colorado State Capitol in background.   The Stop War On Iran Campaign headquarters shares its headquarters address and phone number with Workers World Party, International Action Center, A.N.S.W.E.R.…

• Michelle Malkin Stalked and Threatened by 9/11 Truther, Mobbed by Media

Michelle Malkin  gets the same treatment as other Fox News reporters got on Sunday. The people who are taking to the streets of Denver are NOT about to allow people with views they don’t agree with to walk around in peace. Mark Cohen of Recreate 68 leads the Shake Your Mint event. “It’s time to redistribute the wealth. (We’ll) use our collective power to…

• DNC, 2008 Denver End the Occupation March and Reclaim the Streets Party

The banner behind the speakers at the Recreate 68 End the Occupation event. Cindy Sheehan, Ward Churchill, Cynthia McKinney, and other sordid characters spoke in front of this banner on Sunday morning before the march left the Capital for the Pepsi Center at noon. When Recreate 68 whined because they didn’t get the park they wanted in the permit lottery process, the Colorado…

• American Victory Coalition Rally at DNC, Denver

On Sunday, Aug. 24th. during the anti-war rally at the DNC, across the street about 100 patriots assembled in support of our troops and their mission.  Families United for Our Troops and Their Mission, and Vets for Freedom participated in the event. The anti-war protest across the street fizzled. They said 50,000 would be there: all reports counted under one thousand.      Third from the left, in…

• Sudan Freedom Walk

Yahya Osman, left, is a native of Darfur, and a member of the Darfur Rehabilitation Project. The Newark, N.J.-based nonprofit organization is dedicated to spreading information about Darfur and to promoting its eventual reconstruction and revitalization. Yahya traveled last year to the Darfurian refugee camps to document their conditions. Organized by Simon Deng, the Walk, from the U.N. to Washington, D.C. March 15…

• Hisbolla Supporters Gather in Brooklyn

Sep. 30, 2006 Intifada fizzles in Brooklyn: a coalition of 24 radical groups draws only 70 protestors (and 3 counter-protestors) on 6th anniversary of the al-Aqsa Intifada, a.k.a. Arafat’s War, or the Oslo War. This is a young Dutchman wearing a t-shirt with the famous Danish cartoon and U.S. flag draped around his shoulders. He caused quite a commotion when he appeared with…