Prayer Time at the Ground Zero Mosque

Just Another Monument to the Triumph of Islam New York City, Saturday, June 5, 2010, – by El Marco I arrived early at the Islamic Center of New York. I came to the city to photograph the rally of Stop Islamization of America (SOIA) on Sunday, June 6th, which is dedicated to stopping the construction…

CARTOONS TO DIE FOR – Everybody Draw Mohammed Day

Humor-challenged “Religion of Peace” is out for blood. Today is “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day”. If you don’t know what that is I will try to explain. It all started on September 30, 2005, when the Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, published twelve drawings of Islam’s founder, Mohammed. The cultural editor of the paper commissioned the twelve drawings after…


Killer Unicorns and Marxists March for Revolution Denver, Colorado, May 1, 2010 – by El Marco The International Workers’ Day march in Denver brought some colorful characters to Colorado’s Capital Building Saturday. A diverse group of Anarchists, Marxists, and Revolutionary Zapatistas joined forces to protest Arizona’s new immigration law. White skinned people dressed up as…


Dissent is the New Racism in Obama’s Post-Racial America It’s been two weeks since the strange goings-on when Sarah Palin appeared at Boston’s Tea Party Express mega-rally. With liberals now branding entire states RACIST, what happened in Boston can provide insight about those on the left who love to hurl that charge. On April 14th,…

TAX DAY REVOLT- Washington DC 2010

Washington DC, Thursday,April 15 – by El Marco The Tea Party Express, which started its journey in Senator Harry Reid’s hometown – Searchlight, Nevada – finished its tour of 43 cities today. Thousands from across the country gathered at 10 a.m. to hear speakers and musicians, and to show their displeasure with big corrupted government.…

The Teaparty Movement, The Democrat Party, Racism and Incitement!

How about “Redistributing” common sense and brotherly love? After a massive kickoff rally in Searchlight, Nevada, the Tea Party Express III is winding its way across America. They are received by large rallies of Tea Party patriots in city after city along the way. The three bus, 43 city tour arrives in Washington DC this…

Showdown in Searchlight

Sarah Palin Pals around with Patriots in the Nevada Desert. March 28th, 2010, Las Vegas, NV  –  by El Marco Conservatives from across America gathered near Harry Reid’s hometown of Searchlight, Nevada, on Saturday, to send a message to Washington. Reid and other corruptocrats are facing the political fight of their lives this November in…

Obama Wants to Exploit Physicians not Listen to Them

Doctors Treated to Abuse at White House and by Democrats in Congress. By El Marco,  3/10/2010 – Americans recall how Obama amazed the nation with his straw-man characterizations of doctors who perform unnecessary amputations and tonsillectomies out of greed. What people don’t know is how doctors have been mistreated behind closed doors by the White…


Happy Birthday to the Party of HELL NO! February 2010  –  by EL MARCO In 2009 big things happened in America. Some were good and some were not. One of the good big things was the birth of the Tea Party Movement. It is made up of angry Americans of every socioeconomic, ethnic, and racial…