• Americans Are Not “Little Eichmanns”

WARD CHURCHILL, HITLER, AL-HUSSEINI, ARAFAT and the Terrorists of September 11  As Ward Churchill’s lawsuit against the University of Colorado ends its second week, followers of Churchill gear up for a rally of support. El Marco takes a look at Churchill’s supporters, and at the followers of Adolf Eichmann who attacked America on 9/11. Yes, there is a huge, unreported, Adolf Eichmann connection…

• Ward Churchill Trial in Denver – Education is the Motor Force of Revolution

“Professor” Ward Churchill is suing The University of Colorado, accusing the school of violating his free speech rights. The jury trial began today in Denver. His argument is that he is being persecuted for his political beliefs. In 2007 the University of Colorado’s Governing Board found that he plagiarized, lied, falsified historical data and generally abused history, period. Lonely Churchill supporter at 9:30…

• Colorado Says No To Obama’s Package of Pork

Denver Feb. 17 2009  –  by El Marco As Obama arrived at Denver International Airport, hundreds of citizens gathered on the steps of the Colorado State Capital to let their disagreement with Obama’s economic policies be known. “FDR’s Treasury secretary and close friend, Henry Morganthau, conceded this fact to Congressional Democrats in May 1939: “We have tried spending money. We are spending more…

• Red State Gone Blue. Colorado

EL MARCO takes his camera on a tour of the new blue state of Colorado. Psychedelic cops, One World Cafe, Obamamania, Stoners for Obama, and Radical Colorado  

• Islam Clouds Bali’s Horizon

Recently I returned to Indonesia to visit Balinese friends, with whom I worked for much of the 1990’s. I found a land and a people painfully changed in the aftermath of the 2002 and 2005 terrorist bombings. Jimbaran Beach, Bali, one of the targets of the second Bali bombings on October 1, 2005.  Twenty people were killed, and 129 were injured. The murderers were…

• Dissent Against Radical Leftist Obama is Patriotic

I met longtime Bill Clinton advisor Dick Morris in Denver. He is doing political consulting work in the Ukraine and other countries that are struggling to build democracy. He understands what tyranny is, and was more than happy to hold a sign produced by thePeoplesCube.com. Before you vote, read Morris’ book Fleeced: How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Liberals Who Want to Kill Talk Radio, the…

• Festival of Obama, October 26, 2008

Nine days before the 2008 Presidential election, the Obama campaign held a rally in Denver, a “blue” city in the important swing state of Colorado. Behind me, looking east towards the State Capitol, there were tens of thousands of people.   Civic Center Park: facing west, towards the stage.   Not only were there a lot more people than at the McCain rally…

• The Stop Obama Tour

It’s two weeks until the election! Both sides are doing what they can to drum up support. I caught up in Pueblo, Colorado with the Stop Obama Tour, organized by the  Our Country Deserves Better PAC.   Deborah Johns, mother of Marine Sgt. William Johns, is on board the bus, traveling from her home in California across to Washington, D.C. because she feels that Obama…

• Barack’s Big Day, Part II

For the first time in American history a candidate for President ascended to the nomination in a Greek temple setting surrounded by 80,000 of the Obamboozled. The Party’s official button shows a RED STAR radiantly crowning OBAMA.  I WAS THERE   Looking cool with “Radiant Obama” T- shirt.   Wow…or I should say Ooh La La. She’s from France, and speaks with a…